New in Version 12
Matching Tag Highlight
The new version automatically highlights inside a tag and the matching tag at the cursor in XHTML and XML documents. This new feature makes it easy to read documents and find matching tags. This feature will work only when a document is a well-formed XML document. The feature may not work if ending tags are missing from a document such as an old HTML document. In order for this feature to work, the Highlight Matching Tag check box in the Highlight (2) tab of configuration properties must be set.
Moreover, the Find Matching Tag and Matching Tag Extend commands were added to jump conveniently between a tag and the matching tag. By default, CTRL + . and CTRL + SHIFT + . are assigned as default shortcut keys.
Improved Bookmarks
The already existing bookmark features were improved even more. You can now bookmark searched lines or changes in comparison of two files, invert bookmarks in a document, delete bookmarked lines, or extract bookmarked lines to a new file.
Improved Markers
The existing Markers features were also improved. The new Add to/Remove from Markers command allows you to quickly add text to or remove text from the Markers toolbar. The Replace command was added to the right-click menu, which allows you to quickly replace the marked text.
The Auto Marker now optionally works only in alphabets and numbers. Moreover, a few more options were added to the Options tab of the Customize Markers dialog box.
Messaging (plug-in)
A simple intranet communication feature was added. After selecting short text, selecting the Send Selected Text plug-in on the Plug-ins toolbar or menu brings up the Send To dialog box to select computers to send to. Selecting computers or setting the Send to All Computers check box will send the selected text to the specified computer(s). EmEditor must be installed on the destination computer(s), and the EmEditor tray icon must be running in order to receive text. When receiving text, a balloon tip will appear. Clicking the balloon tip or right-clicking on the tray icon and selecting the Show Last Message command will open a new EmEditor window with the received text. There is a limit in the length of text to send. Please note that on Windows 8, a Toast will appear. The plug-in is available on the library. (32-bit, 64-bit)
Plug-in Updates
HTML Bar plug-in
- The HTML Bar now remembers its visibility even when the Automatically display the HTML Bar for Selected Configurations check box is not set.
Snippets plug-in
- Drag and drop on the Snippet tree while pressing the CTRL key now copies items.
- The title of a snippet is now automatically cut off at 79 characters long when text is imported by drag-and-drop from the text area or another application.
- The Cut (Ctrl+X), Copy (Ctrl+C), and Paste (Ctrl+V) commands were added to the Snippets plug-in. These commands can be used to copy or move snippets items easily around the snippet tree. ThePaste command can be also used to insert a simple text snippet to the snippet tree.
- The Snippets text is now displayed as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over an item on the Snippets tree (Context menu – View – Tooltip must be checked in order to enable this feature).
Projects plug-in
- The Refresh button was added to the Symbol List custom bar.
- The Symbol list now works for files not in a project. The Current File and All Open Files items were added to the Symbol drop-down list.
- Expand All and Collapse All commands were added to the Context menu.
- Replaced Ctags.exe with the latest version (Ctags v5.8).
When launching EmEditor, the new version doesn’t scan My Macro files for #icon and #title anymore. This allows much faster launching of EmEditor. If these #icon and #title lines are modified before EmEditor launches, you will have to select Refresh on the right-click menu of My Macros toolbar.
Windows 8 Support
This version is designed for and compatible with Windows 8. Touch Input and Flicks are supported including scroll, cut, copy, paste, delete, undo, redo, back, forward, print, save, and others when Touch Input is available. Menus appear left when right-handed Tablet PC settings are used. Moreover, Toast displays incoming messages on Windows 8 when EmEditor receives messages from another PC. This allows viewing incoming messages even when a Metro app is a foreground window.
EmEditor has earned the Windows 8 compatible logo by passing the Windows 8 certification test from Microsoft.
Other New Features
New features
- Explorer context menu is now supported on 64-bit Windows with 32-bit EmEditor.
- Pressing F3 or Shift + F3 while the Find dialog is open and focused now will function as same as pressing the Find Down or Find Up button.
- Several shortcut keys including the Replace All are now enabled even when the Find toolbar has the keyboard focus.
- The Batch Replace dialog can export as JavaScript or VBScript files now.
- onenote:// is hyperlinked now.
- The Character Code Value command now shows the Unicode surrogate values in addition to the Unicode value. For example, U+10000 now displays as:
U+D800 U+DC00 - Back and Forward toolbar buttons were added.
- The new search drop-down list box was added to the toolbar of the Keymap window.
- On the Keyboard tab of configuration properties, the new > and < buttons were added to jump to the currently assigned command and back to the previous commands in the history.
- When the Preserve CR/LF Returns on the Clipboard is checked, vertical selection paste from a CSV document will now preserve returns under a certain condition.
- The vertical selection paste behavior was changed when lines are wrapped.
- Toolbar positions are now remembered when you toggle off and on each toolbar, and screen flickering was reduced.
- Support for more application command buttons on certain mouse and keyboards, such as new, close, cut, copy, find, paste, delete, undo, redo, back, forward, print, save, search, help, spelling, and others.
New options
- The Right Click + Wheel to Switch Tab check box was added to the Mouse tab of the Customize dialog box.
- The Monitor the Clipboard copied on External Applications check box was added to the History tab of the Customize dialog box. By default, EmEditor will no longer monitor the Clipboard in order avoid conflict with certain other applications, such as Microsoft Excel.
New commands
- Invert Bookmarks in This Document
- Delete Bookmarked Lines in This Document
- Extract Bookmarked Lines in This Document to New File
- Add to/Remove from Markers
- Extract Bookmarked Lines in this Group to New File
- Bookmark Changes
- Clear All Bookmarks in This Group
- Invert Bookmarks in This Group
- Delete Bookmarked Lines in This Group
- Back
- Forward
- Show Last Message
- Find Matching Tag
- Matching Tag Extend
New Toolbar Buttons
Toggle Find Toolbar