Compare Desktop Installer, Desktop Portable, and Store App Versions

Desktop Installer versionsDesktop Portable versionsStore Apps
Save in protected folder
Associate with EmEditor
Add a shortcut to the Start Menu
Add a shortcut to the “Send To” menu
Display a tray icon when Windows Starts
EmEditor Quick Start
View Source by EmEditor on Internet Explorer
Context Menu on Explorer
Add EmEditor to Internet Explorer HTML editor list
Supports Windows 7 Jump List
Open Command Prompt
ChatAI and other plug-ins not included in the app package
Export settings into a registry
Import settings from a registry
Automatic updates
Other features
Pros and consAll of the EmEditor features are available. The launch and operation speed is the highest. You may encounter problems with other installed applications while installing or uninstalling the program.Installation is not necessary, because there is no read and write to the registry. It is safe to use as long as you save the data the INI file. But the launch and operating speed is slower than the Installer version.This version is a UWP (Universal Windows Platform) app, which means that it runs within its app container and does not make changes to the registry. The speed is the same to that of the installer version. This store app version can only be installed on Windows 10, and is downloaded from the Microsoft Store (64-bit or 32-bit).
Time to execute a test macro (for your information)17.6 seconds47.0 seconds18.9 seconds