License Price Update

We haven’t changed the price of an annual subscription since August 2022. However, due to rising costs, we need to adjust the price to sustain development and continue providing quality services to our customers. Therefore, starting August 28, 2024, we will increase the price of an annual subscription license from $40.00 to $48.00. Volume license prices will also be adjusted accordingly.

As previously announced, we will stop selling lifetime licenses on August 28, 2024. Additionally, the renewal price after the first year will increase from the current 50% of the first-year price to 75%, effective on August 28, 2024. If you plan to use EmEditor Professional long-term, you can save by purchasing lifetime licenses now. Alternatively, if you have subscription licenses, you can renew your subscription at the current price before August 28, 2024, without changing the expiration date.

Please also see how to calculate the number of licenses.

We will continue to develop EmEditor and provide support to our customers.

Thank you for using EmEditor!