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  • in reply to: Paste from multiple selection overwrites text #28267
    Yutaka Emura

    I might be misunderstanding your question. Can you please write a procedure to reproduce the issue here with a simplified sample? Please include your expected result vs current result.

    in reply to: Paste from multiple selection overwrites text #28264
    Yutaka Emura

    I can now see your video. However, I believe this is an expected behavior. The strings below (3 of them) are NOT overwritten. New strings are inserted before the existing strings.

    in reply to: EmEditor v21.8 beta (21.7.901-) #28257
    Yutaka Emura

    Hi hihihlo,
    I will fix this issue on v21.7.914.
    Thanks for your report.

    in reply to: Paste from multiple selection overwrites text #28256
    Yutaka Emura

    No, the link does not work from my environment.

    Yutaka Emura

    I’ve reproduced this issue, and it will be fixed on the next version. Thank you.

    Yutaka Emura

    Which version of EmEditor are you using? The latest version is v21.7.911.
    If the Search All Documents in the Group option is set in the Find dialog box, please clear it.

    in reply to: Manipulating cells in tab separated mode #28241
    Yutaka Emura

    You can drag and drop selected cells if you drag the border of the selection.
    If you would like to use a macro, please see:

    in reply to: Manipulating cells in tab separated mode #28235
    Yutaka Emura

    There are commands called “Insert Line Before”, “Insert Line After”, “Insert Column Left”, and “Insert Column Right” commands.

    in reply to: Remove leading, trailing, multiple spaces #28234
    Yutaka Emura

    You can record these commands to macros, and combine them to one macro. These commands remove two or more spaces.

    in reply to: Multi-copy and paste workflow #28230
    Yutaka Emura

    Did you select any item in the menu to paste the selected item and all above items?

    in reply to: Multi-copy and paste workflow #28226
    Yutaka Emura

    As for the delimiter in the macro, you can change the delimiter at the first line of the macro.

    in reply to: Paste from multiple selection overwrites text #28225
    Yutaka Emura

    Can you please write an example to explain the issue?

    in reply to: Go to top/bottom buttons in Macros Menu #28224
    Yutaka Emura


    You can right-click on the list box to show the menu that includes “Top” and “Bottom”.

    in reply to: Multi-copy and paste workflow #28219
    Yutaka Emura

    You can write a macro to do this:

    sDelimiter = "|";  // delimiter to separate clipboard items
    menu = CreatePopupMenu();
    i = 0;
    do {
        str = clipboardData.getData("text", i);
        if( str.length == 0 ) break;
        str = str.substr( 0, 40 )
        menu.Add( str, i + 100 );
    } while( 1 );
    result = menu.Track( 0 );
    if( result != 0 ) {
        iMax = result - 100;
        str = "";
        for( i = 0; i <= iMax; ++i ) {
            if( str.length != 0 ) {
                str += sDelimiter;
            str += clipboardData.getData("text", i);
        document.write( str );

    Please see getData Method of ClipboardData:

    in reply to: How to process multiple selections? #28214
    Yutaka Emura

    If the Auto-Complete Brackets/Quotation Marks option is set, you can simply type [.

    However, I know you want to write a macro to process multiple selection scenarios. Here is an example:

    sInsertBefore = "[";
    sInsertAfter = "]";
    var axT = [];
    var ayT = [];
    var axB = [];
    var ayB = [];
    Redraw = false;
    CombineHistory = true;
    nCount = document.selection.Count;   // retrieves the number of selections
    for( i = 1; i <= nCount; ++i ) {     // loop through multiple selections
    	x = document.selection.GetTopPointX( eePosLogical, i );  // retrieve x of the left side of each selection
    	axT.push( x );
    	y = document.selection.GetTopPointY( eePosLogical, i );  // retrieve y of the left side of each selection
    	ayT.push( y );
    	x = document.selection.GetBottomPointX( eePosLogical, i );  // retrieve x of the right side of each selection
    	axB.push( x );
    	y = document.selection.GetBottomPointY( eePosLogical, i );  // retrieve y of the right side of each selection
    	ayB.push( y );
    for( i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
    	document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, axB[i], ayB[i] );   // set the cursor to the right side of each selection
    	document.selection.Text = sInsertAfter;    // insert ']'
    	document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, axT[i], ayT[i] );   // set the cursor to the left side of each selection
    	document.selection.Text = sInsertBefore;   // insert '['
    in reply to: JSON Lines document type #28212
    Yutaka Emura

    I asked the developer of CSS HTML Validator. He wrote the next update of CSS HTML Validator (not Lite version included within EmEditor) will include support for JSON Lines syntax checking. If you haven’t already, you can buy a license with the discount here:

    in reply to: “Compare” problem #28210
    Yutaka Emura

    I’ve reproduced this issue, and it will be fixed on v21.7.910.
    Thank you.

    Yutaka Emura


    I couldn’t reproduce the issue. Please try the latest beta version. If the issue still persists, how did you change the case?

    Please try:

    1. Download the latest beta portable version at

    2. Try the same procedure to see if it still crashes.

    3. If it didn’t crash, try changing the settings so that you can reproduce the crash. If it crashes again, please let me know what settings you’ve changed.

    Alternatively, you can export the current settings from the currently installed EmEditor, select Reset All Settings on the Tools menu, and see if you can still reproduce the issue. Restore your settings gradually to see which settings are related to the crash.

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Spell check multiple languages #28205
    Yutaka Emura


    I might think about this in the future, but I believe it is easy to work around. Dictionary files are plain text files. If you look at en_US.dic in the Dictionaries folder of the EmEditor install path, you will see the list of words. You can simply combine two dictionaries to create a new language. You will also need .aff file. I believe you can use the same file for two languages.

    Another workaround is you can append either one dictionary to “UserDic.bin” file located in %appdata%\Emurasoft\EmEditor\Spell. “UserDic.bin” is a user dictionary. When you open “UserDic.bin“, you will need to specify UTF-16LE without signature.

    in reply to: “Compare” problem #28204
    Yutaka Emura


    I couldn’t reproduce the crash.

    Please try:

    1. Download the latest beta portable version at

    2. Try the same procedure to see if it still crashes.

    3. If it didn’t crash, try changing the settings so that you can reproduce the crash. If it crashes again, please let me know what settings you’ve changed.

    Alternatively, you can export the current settings from the currently installed EmEditor, select Reset All Settings on the Tools menu, and see if you can still reproduce the issue. Restore your settings gradually to see which settings are related to the crash.

    Thank you,

    Yutaka Emura

    If you don’t like the current behavior, go to Properties for All Configurations (Tools menu), select Keyboard page, select Edit category, select Tab or Increase Line Indent command, select Tab form the Current Keys list, and click Delete button.

    Yutaka Emura

    This is the correct behavior. When you press TAB when multiple lines are selected, the behavior becomes Indent.

    in reply to: Batch/Bulk replace import improvement suggestion #28185
    Yutaka Emura

    This is due to the Windows design, and I’ve already tried improving this speed, but I won’t be able to optimize it furthermore. Instead, please create a link by dragging and drop a linked file to the batch list, or clicking “Add to Batch” button and then selecting “Add a Linked File“.

    See our videos to find how to create a link.
    How to search (filter) a large text file for many (millions of) strings
    How to replace many (millions of) strings in a large text file

    in reply to: Simple “real lines”-export for the compare tool #28181
    Yutaka Emura

    I’ve fixed the crash bug on v21.7.904.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: JSON Lines document type #28176
    Yutaka Emura

    Is this a question about the Syntax check feature of EmEditor in the JSON configuration? If so, the syntax check is performed by the CSS HTML Validator engine, and I will forward your message to the developer of the engine.

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