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  • Yutaka Emura

    Hi LTT,
    This issue will be fixed on the next version. Thank you.

    in reply to: Breaking every line to the closest 80 characters #26461
    Yutaka Emura

    Hi jic,

    Is this different from the Word Wrap feature?
    Please try Wrap by 80 characters with the Word Wrap turned on (default), select all text, and select “Edit” menu – “Convert Selection” – “Insert Newline Characters” or “Split Lines”.

    Yutaka Emura

    >▲ Sorry I don’t get it. I don’t see any history/favorites item in it. How to save one into it? Do they have titles?

    I mean if I make search favorite features in the future, then I will add favorite items to the “>” menu. The feature has not been implemented yet. Sorry for confusion. Either way, I will think about favorite search features in the future.

    I am not sure why RSS doesn’t work, but it is a WordPress issue and beyond my responsibility.

    I am not sure about @ either.

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello David,

    As for the row numbers you want at the first column, if you reorder items in the list, do you also want numbers to be reordered (like serial numbers), or do you want numbers stay at the same place (like Line Numbers)?

    If they are serial numbers, then numbers and titles can be combined into one column, and you can just put a number at the left of each title.

    Yutaka Emura

    Thank you for checking. We will fix the English (U.K.) resource for the Rename command. I am sorry it was missing before.

    Yutaka Emura


    This is where the Rename command appears:

    Do you use EmEditor in the English (U.S.) UI? If not, which language do you select in the Language page of the Customize dialog box?

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello David,

    If you just want to combine files at disk, you can do that with the COPY command in Command Prompt, for instance:

    COPY file1.txt + file2.txt file3.txt


    COPY *.txt file3.txt

    What do you think?

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello LTT,

    I think search favorites should be saved in the [>] button menu.
    By the way, if you have suggestions for Markers, please let me know. I will probably enhance Markers in the future.

    Hello David,

    I need to clarify your comment. Do you want to show “row numbers” at the left of each column? Do you want descriptions appear in the second column, between the row numbers and Find terms?

    in reply to: Toolbar Issue Based On Install Type #26420
    Yutaka Emura

    Yes, newer versions use $(AppDir)\Macros\ for the macro paths to prevent from pointing different folders when installed folder was changed, but older versions didn’t use this $(AppDir) macro for paths. Thank you.

    in reply to: Customize Menus #26418
    Yutaka Emura

    The issue 2 was addressed on v19.4 beta 5 (19.3.95). Thank you!

    in reply to: Drag and drop: Active point #26417
    Yutaka Emura

    This issue was addressed on v19.4 beta 5 (19.3.95). Thank you!

    in reply to: 19.3.94 #26416
    Yutaka Emura

    This issue was addressed on v19.4 beta 5 (19.3.95). Thank you!

    in reply to: Toolbar Issue Based On Install Type #26409
    Yutaka Emura

    Thanks for info. I will try to reproduce the issue and if I can fix this issue. Thank you!

    in reply to: CSV #26404
    Yutaka Emura

    Unfortunately, 22527 is already taken. It was not written in plugin.h before, but it will be noted in the new version.
    Suggestion 3 and the new issue were address in v19.3.94.
    Thank you.

    in reply to: 19.3.93 #26403
    Yutaka Emura

    v19.3.94 fixed this issue. Thank you!

    in reply to: Toggle option in Incremental Search #26402
    Yutaka Emura

    v19.3.94 addresses this issue. Thank you,

    in reply to: Question of command “document.selection.Replace” #26400
    Yutaka Emura

    You will need to add the eeFindReplaceSelOnly flag. You can record the macro if you are not sure.

    in reply to: CSV #26382
    Yutaka Emura

    Suggestion 1 is not easy because of the compatibility issues with older version. I suggest you define a constant in your macros: such as:

    EEID_MODE_NORMAL = 4472;

    Suggestion 2: It is NOT actually a CSV format if a cell does NOT begin with a double quote. Allowing it will need a new option, and it will disable embedded newlines. I don’t want to make it too complicated.

    in reply to: CSV: SeparatedValues #26375
    Yutaka Emura

    I am glad that it works.

    >Besides the macro Remove method, add a “Remove” menu item for the format buttons.

    Exactly where are the format buttons?

    in reply to: CSV: SeparatedValues #26370
    Yutaka Emura

    v19.4.0 beta 1 (v19.3.91) enhances the macros related to CSV definitions.
    You can create a temporary CSV format like this:

    csvlist = editor.CsvList;
    count = csvlist.Count;
    if( count > 64 ) {
    	alert( "Too many CSV formats defined. Please remove one CSV format to continue." );
    csvlist.Add( "Temporary for macros", "," );  // add a temporary CSV to the list
    count = csvlist.Count;
    csv = csvlist.Item( count );  // retrieve the last (temporary) CSV
    csv.EnableTitle = true;  // set optional properties as needed
    csv.Title = "Temporary";
    csv.AllowDelimiter = false;
    csv.AllowNL = false;
    csv.Escape = true;
    csv.Heading = 3;
    csv.MaxDetectLines = 30;
    csv.MinDetectDelimiter = 2;
    csv.FirstDetectLine = 2;
    csv.LinesCell = 9000;
    editor.CsvList = csvlist;  // save the changes
    EEID_SV_MODE = 22528;
    editor.ExecuteCommandByID(EEID_SV_MODE + count - 1);   // temporary CSV mode
    // .... do something
    EEID_MODE_NORMAL = 4472;
    editor.ExecuteCommandByID(EEID_MODE_NORMAL);   // back to normal mode
    csvlist.Remove( count );  // remove the temporary CSV mode when finished using it
    editor.CsvList = csvlist;  // save the changes

    The number of CSV formats you can define was increased to 64 from 8, but only the first 8 CSV formats can be detected automatically when opening a document.

    I can still tweak macros if you let me know before the official release of v19.4, so please let me know if you have any comments.


    in reply to: Name document without saving #26342
    Yutaka Emura

    Hello jic and Deipotent,
    The next version of EmEditor will allow you to rename an untitled document without saving it.
    Thank you for reminding me!

    in reply to: Allow to rename tabs #26341
    Yutaka Emura

    Hello jic,

    The next version of EmEditor will allow you to rename an untitled document without saving it.
    Thank you for reminding me!

    in reply to: Question of Funtion "Grab Text" #26268
    Yutaka Emura

    If text box is NOT one of the Windows standard text controls, this feature doesn’t work. Since Chrome and a few other apps don’t use standard text controls, they don’t work as expected. I know Internet Explorer 11 and some other apps will work. If it doesn’t work on IE 11, can you make sure you set a keyboard shortcut (in your case Ctrl+Alt+Z) in the Shortcut Key to Grab Text with EmEditor text box of the Customize Tray Icon dialog box? It might not work on all sites. Please try a different site, for instance, this forum text box. The keyboard focus must be set within the text box when you press the shortcut key.


    in reply to: 19.3.1 x64 – Text shifting with arrow keys no longer works #26265
    Yutaka Emura

    These issues were fixed on v19.3.2.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: 19.3.1 x64 – Text shifting with arrow keys no longer works #26262
    Yutaka Emura

    Hi tuska,

    I am not sure what you mean by “If I move EmEditor to the systray with ESC and then open it with a double click, there is only 1 tab page left.”. By default, EmEditor will not minimize with the ESC key unless you change the default shortcut keys.

    In the Customize dialog box – Shortcut page, any of these options set?
    “Display a tray icon to the task bar”
    “EmEditor Quick Start”

    In the Customize dialog box – Workspace page, what is selected for the Automatic Workspace drop-down list box?

    Can you export your settings to registry (Tools menu, Import and Export, and select “Export all settings into a registry file”), and zip all the files including AppData subfolder, and email it to tech @ emurasoft?

    I am not sure how you can upload images in this forum, but you can paste a link to an image at an external website.

    Thank you,

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