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  • in reply to: Obsolete versions of installer files are not deleted #30180
    Yutaka Emura

    The latest version (24.9.902) automatically deletes older installers from the downloads folder during updates, with no option to keep them.

    While I advise always using the latest version, if you need to download older versions, you can copy a link from this page ( and try modifying the version number in the URL.

    in reply to: Obsolete versions of installer files are not deleted #30172
    Yutaka Emura

    It sometimes becomes useful to keep old installers. As I wrote in our FAQ ( – No. 6.), if the error message that says “The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.” appears while trying to update or install EmEditor, first locate the installer of the previous version. The installer of the previous version can be found in one of the C:\ProgramData\Emurasoft\EmEditor\updates\update… folders.

    However, if you are sure you don’t need old versions, you can safely remove those files. I could add an option to remove old versions of installers in future versions.

    in reply to: Macros dont work after Windows 11 Update to version 24H2 #30138
    Yutaka Emura

    The JScript problem with the updated Windows 11 should be resolved in the latest version of EmEditor. I highly recommend updating to this version. Alternatively, you can download a portable version to see if it solves the issue.

    in reply to: Insert Date Time Formating #30135
    Yutaka Emura

    You can easily do this with a macro. First, create a macro similar to the one below (based on Patrick C’s work) and save it under a name like “WriteDateTime.jsee”.

    Go to the Macros menu, select “Customize,” and navigate to the “My Macros” page. Make sure the macro you just saved appears in the “My Macros” list. If it doesn’t, click the “Add” button to include it. Once added, select the macro, click on “Runs at Events,” and then click the “Events” button. In the “Select Events” dialog, ensure that “File Opened” is enabled.

    // Inspired by & resources
    //  +  jsref_getmonth.asp  + jsref_getdate.asp
    function return_date_long_time() {
      var date = new Date();
      // var n = d.toLocaleDateString();   // old approach - unreliable
      // Date assembly
      var dd   = date.getDate();           // returns the day of the month (from 1 to 31)
      if( dd < 10 )  dd = "0" + dd;
      var MM   = date.getMonth() + 1;      // returns the month (from 0 to 11)!
      if( MM < 10 )  MM = "0" + MM;
      var yyyy = date.getFullYear();       // Returns the year (4 digits)
      // time assembly
      var hh = date.getHours();            // Returns the hour (from 0-23)
      if( hh < 10 )  hh = "0" + hh;
      var mm = date.getMinutes();          // Returns the minutes (from 0-59)
      if( mm < 10 )  mm = "0" + mm;
      var ss = date.getSeconds();          // Returns the seconds (from 0-59)
      if( ss < 10 )  ss = "0" + ss;
      // “Output”
      return( yyyy + "-" + MM + "-" + dd + " " + hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss );
    if( document.GetLine( 1 ) == ".LOG" ) {
        document.writeln( "" );
        document.writeln( return_date_long_time() );
    in reply to: Insert Date Time Formating #30095
    Yutaka Emura

    How about the Notepad-Compatible Diary option (File page of configuration properties)?

    in reply to: EmEditor v24.4 preview (24.3.901-) #30092
    Yutaka Emura

    You can install EmEditor without needing an internet connection, even if you’re doing a silent installation. However, if you need to register the product during installation, an internet connection is usually required. But don’t worry, we offer an offline registration option. For more details, please visit:

    in reply to: A issue regarding “Replace in Files” on V24.4 #30082
    Yutaka Emura

    1) the Find in Files regex search will fall back to an escape sequence search when the search term does not contain at least one regular expression token
    2) escaped regular expression tokens as in \{ , are no longer identified as regular expression tokens, with Find in Files then performing an escape sequence type search.

    These are indeed correct. Thank you for sharing your insightful observations.

    Yutaka Emura

    To turn off CSV “read only in column headings” in a macro, you can run this macro.

    nID = 3900;
    nStatus = editor.QueryStatusByID( nID );
    if( nStatus & eeStatusEnabled ) {
        bAlreadyOn = ( nStatus & eeStatusLatched );
        // turn off the Read Only in Column Headings
        if( bAlreadyOn ) {
        // turn on the Read Only in Column Headings
        //if( !bAlreadyOn ) {
        //    editor.ExecuteCommandByID(nID);

    To turn it on, please uncomment the last 3 lines.

    in reply to: Markdown previewer #29934
    Yutaka Emura

    EmEditor v24.4 preview (24.3.901-) introduced a Markdown design view that offers a near-WYSIWYG experience for editing Markdown files.

    in reply to: want to indent block by one column #29869
    Yutaka Emura

    As I wrote on February 25, 2009, please write like this:

    cfg = Document.Config;
    cfg.Indent.IndentColumns = 1;

    Your example should be:

    cfg = Document.Config;
    var oldIC = cfg.Indent.IndentColumns;
    var oldTC = cfg.Indent.TabColumns;
    var oldMr = cfg.General.MarginNormal;
    cfg.Indent.IndentColumns = 1;
    cfg.Indent.TabColumns = 1;
    cfg.General.MarginNormal = oldMr - 8;
    alert("Indent size changed from " + oldIC + " to " + cfg.Indent.IndentColumns +
          ", tab size changed from " + oldTC + " to " + cfg.Indent.TabColumns +
          ", margin changed from " + oldMr + " to " + cfg.General.MarginNormal + ", and config saved.");
    cfg.General.MarginNormal = oldMr;
    cfg.Indent.IndentColumns = oldIC;
    cfg.Indent.TabColumns = oldTC;
    in reply to: want to indent block by one column #29865
    Yutaka Emura


    Could you please summarize your issue as if you were writing about it for the first time? Provide an example to clarify the problem. Include both the current behavior and the expected behavior. You may also post or send screenshots to help explain the issue. Please include only the relevant information. Thank you.

    in reply to: Problems installing latest version #29826
    Yutaka Emura

    Hello harryray,

    EmEditor v24.2 ends support for per-computer installations. Please uninstall the current version (per-computer) before installing the new version (per-user installation).

    After you uninstall the old version, if you need to change the installation folder, please see FAQ: How do I change the install folder?

    Alternatively, using the portable version can also help avoid problems. By default, the portable version creates INI files in the same folder as emeditor.exe to save settings. In the new version, settings can be saved to other folders by editing the eeUseIni.ini file located in the same folder as emeditor.exe. For example, if you change the eeUseIni.ini file as follows and save it in UTF-16LE (with BOM), the settings will be saved in the folder C:\Users\(username)\EmEditorSettings.


    This method allows all users to share the app while having their own settings, similar to installing EmEditor per computer.

    I wrote about it in my blog:

    in reply to: Problems installing latest version #29825
    Yutaka Emura

    Hello Mark,

    When you uninstall, you will have an opportunity to save the current settings, where you can answer YES to save the current settings. After you install the new version (per-user installation), you will see your old settings. You don’t need to export and import the current settings before you uninstall. Nevertheless, I recommend that you export the current settings to the Registry just in case you need to restore them later.

    in reply to: Problems installing latest version #29822
    Yutaka Emura

    The performance difference between the desktop installer and portable versions is not significant. The difference primarily stems from reading and writing settings to the INI files versus the Registry. If you use many macros requiring settings changes, then the desktop installer might be better; otherwise, there is not much difference in performance. I would recommend using the INI files if the location of settings is important to you.

    How many searches do you want to save?

    in reply to: Problems installing latest version #29818
    Yutaka Emura

    You must uninstall the current version of EmEditor if it was installed per-computer. It could have been installed from another user, so please check Windows Settings – Installed Programs.

    However, if you are sure the current installation is per-user, please open **Registry Editor**, locate:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\EmSoft\EmEditor v3\Common

    and delete ModulePath in this key (or delete this whole key).

    The existence of this value determines if the current installation was per-computer.

    in reply to: Modifier key (ctrl alt shift) is / was pressed? #29805
    Yutaka Emura

    v24.1.901 added the GetKeyState method to the Shell object.

    For example,

    bCtrlDown = shell.GetKeyState( 0x11 ) < 0;
    if( bCtrlDown ) {
        alert( "Ctrl key is down" );
    else {
        alert( "Ctrl key is up" );
    in reply to: Modifier key (ctrl alt shift) is / was pressed? #29796
    Yutaka Emura

    I don’t think it is easy to find which keys are pressed at a certain time in macros. I will consider adding a new property or method to retrieve the keys pressed in macros in a future version.

    in reply to: How to use Output Bar Jump #29795
    Yutaka Emura

    Please go to the Edit page of the Customize dialog, check Specify Tag Format using Regular Expressions, and enter :

    ^([\w\\\- \:\.&\$%~!\(\)]*?): line (\d+), col (\d+).*

    I noticed there was a bug while highlighting and clicking the hyperlink if the file path or line number contains the column number. I will fix this issue on the next version. If the clicking hyperlink does not work, please press F10.

    in reply to: How to use Output Bar Jump #29790
    Yutaka Emura


    I am sorry for my late reply. Please select “Tag Links” on the View menu. If you can’t find this command, please go to Search Commands on the Help menu, and search for “Tag Links”.

    You can also press the F10 key to jump to the specified line even if tags are not hyperlinked.


    in reply to: Active String: Add control modifier #29774
    Yutaka Emura

    It might take some time, but I will think about this in the future. Meanwhile, you could write a macro to run on this event, and add a condition by the pressed key.

    in reply to: New Computer, transferring Emeditor settings #29720
    Yutaka Emura

    Please go to the Shortcut page of the Customize dialog, and check Add a shortcut to the Context Menu in Explorer.

    in reply to: New Computer, transferring Emeditor settings #29713
    Yutaka Emura

    I recommend not to change the install folder. However, if you need to change it, you must install it per computer.

    Please see 21. of the FAQ

    By default, the Installation Type dialog in the Installer is disabled, and you cannot select the Everybody (all users) option. We recommend accepting the default per-user install because it will be safer and easier to update in the future. However, if you really need to select the Everybody (all users) option while installing EmEditor, you must specify MSIINSTALLPERUSER=”” option in the command line. For instance, if the EmEditor installation file is emed64_21.1.0.msi, you will need to press Win(⊞)+R keys to bring up the Run dialog box, and enter the following command:

    msiexec /i "(...path...)emed64_21.1.0.msi" MSIINSTALLPERUSER=""
    in reply to: New Computer, transferring Emeditor settings #29709
    Yutaka Emura
    in reply to: Set a maximum width for CSV columns #29673
    Yutaka Emura

    This option was added on v23.1.902. Thank you!

    in reply to: Set a maximum width for CSV columns #29669
    Yutaka Emura

    I will consider adding this feature on the next preview version. Thank you!

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