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- April 10, 2014 at 12:31 pm in reply to: Move cursor to end when on last line and down cursor pressed #18186
ParticipantAn example of a text editor that has got this behaviour right IMO is HippoEdit:
1) Using Left/Right Cursor arrows or clicking with left mouse on editor area will set the horizontal insertion positon (eg. character 50). Inserting a character, pasting text or using up/down cursor keys does not change horiz insertion position.
2) Pressing Down cursor on last line moves cursor to end, but as per (1) does not change horiz insertion position. Pressing Up on first line moves cursor to start, but as per (1) does not change horiz insertion position. eg. If cursor is on first line and I press right cursor key the cursor and horiz insertion position changes to character 20. Pressing Up cursor moves cursor to start, but pressing down moves cursor to line 2 and horiz position 20 or end of line (whichever is less). Pressing Up cursor move curor back to first line and it’s also on horiz position 20.
Above behaviour (1) is useful for navigation so you don’t have to move fingers off cursor keys, and some laptops don’t include Home/End keys as well. Aboive behaviour (2) is useful as you sometimes want to inser different text at same horizontal position on different lines. It allows you to simply type/paste, move cursor up/down and type/paste again, repeat as many times as you need.
Once you have above behaviour, it makes it frustrating to use an editor without it.
Please consider implementing above behaviour in EmEditor.
I’m interested in what other people think as well.
April 8, 2014 at 7:03 am in reply to: Move cursor to end when on last line and down cursor pressed #18175Deipotent
ParticipantBut that forces me to move to another key. If I’m on the last line and press the down cursor key, it’s obvious I want to go to the end of the last line.
Several other text editors have the behaviour and it’s useful.
One caveat though, if on last line and down cursor key is pressed, the cursor should move to the end, but the current cursor X position should not be updated, so if I do Up cursor key again, it should move to the X position that it was on before it was moved to the end. For example, suppose I have two lines:
ABCDand the cursor is between B and C. Pressing down should move cursor to end (ie. after D), but pressing up cursor would move cursor to between 2 and 3. Only a left/right cursor should update the cursor X position.
March 26, 2014 at 10:30 am in reply to: Find bug – Incremental matches not un-highlighted when next keypress matches not #18139Deipotent
ParticipantNot fixed in 14.4.0 beta 1
ParticipantYes, it now says “Maintenance plan ends: -“.
ParticipantThe new licence from Customer Centre works fine now, but the e-mail which is sent contains the line:
Maintenance plan ends: January 01, 2013
For lifetime licences, shouldn’t this say “Maintenance plan ends: Never” or “Maintenance plan ends: Lifetime” ?
November 27, 2013 at 6:32 pm in reply to: EmEditor Professional v14 beta 1 (13.9.1) released! #17515Deipotent
ParticipantI have lifetime licence, but after entering new v14 key, the About dialog says my Maintenance plan ends 31/12/2014
ParticipantHi Yutaka,
Your solution would work in a round-about way, but I would still like my suggestion to be implemented as it has some advantages:
1) It’s a 1 step operation (ie. open find/replace, with Incremental Search and Use Output Bar enabled, and start typing your find/replace expression). Yes, automating with a macro would help with this issue, and I like the way that EmEditor can be scripted, but it doesn’t feel as intuitive for what I’m trying to do.
2) Most importantly – You get immediate, real-time/incremental feedback on the results via the Output Bar. This is a killer feature.
Plus, as I’ve mentioned before, EmEditor already has most of the required functionality built-in, so I can’t believe it would be that difficult to add this feature. Essentially, it needs one main thing – a “Use Output Bar” option for the Find/Replace dialogs which, when enabled, will output all Find matches (if on the Find dialog), or all the Replacement matches (if on the Replace dialog).
If “Incremental Search” is enabled the Output bar is updated in real-time with the results, and if “Incremental Search” is disabled the results will only appear in the Output Bar if Find All button is pressed (NOTE: you can add a Find All button to the Replace dialog which causes all Replacement matches to appear in the Output Bar).
The one other thing you caould add to both dialogs would be an “Extract All” button which would create a new document containing all find results, one per line.
You could take this feature quite a bit further than this, but I would be happy with the above features for starters.
ParticipantI think you still mis-understand me slightly. Although I gave the example URL as , the “123” and “321” parts are different with each URL. For example, a few URL’s might be (NOTE: the URL’s may be embedded within a load of other text, rather than them being one per line): I want to extract them as, I would use a find expression of:{3})/(d{3})
and use the following Replacement Expression to extract the text to a new line:
IF incremental searching was enabled along with Output Bar, all the results would appear in the Output bar (one result per line), updating as I type the find/replacement expressions. To create a new document with all matches, I would click the “Extract All” button on the Find dialog.
This would not be possible with multiple selection editing you mention.
Plus, I don’t particularly want to modify the original document/text, but instead just find all text matching a pattern and extract the replacement.
ParticipantThe feature is important because it allows EmEditor to be used for text extraction/data mining. Sure, EmEditor allows you to extract the entire lines where matches occur, but not just the matches themselves.
For example, suppose you have a document containing a load of URL’s interspersed with other text/HTML. The URL’s are in the format, but you actually need them in the format (ie. the folder components have been swapped). With the functionality I’m requesting, it would be easy to write a find and replacement expression, and then extract just the URL’s in the required format.
The real-time/incremental update of the Output Bar with the results helps when writing the find/replace expressions as you can get a visual indication of what is being matched, and what will be extracted/shown in the Output Bar.
EmEditor already has most of the functionality built-in (ie. regex, incremental matching etc.), it just needs to be hooked up so that the matches appear in real-time in the Output bar.
Let me know if you need me to explain further.
ParticipantHi Yutaka,
I didn’t hear back to you about my suugestion above, and that you understand what I’m asking for ?
Can you please implement this feature in EmEditor (if not for v13, then hopefully in a 13.x update) ?
ParticipantI’ve just had EmEditor crash after clicking on Associations… button on All Configuration Properties dialog under Association tab. Let me know if you can’t reproduce, as I have a crash report.
A related bug is that when EE is restarted, it says “EmEditor abnormally terminated in the previous session. Do you want to recover a previous unsaved workspace?”. If I click No, another dialog is displayed asking “Are you sure you want to erase the currect workspace?”. If I click No to this, EmEditor starts as normal.
However, when EmEditor is restarted again, I get the “EmEditor abnormally terminated…” dialog again. Even though I did’t erase the workspace, surely this abnormal termination dialog should not be displayed again, should it?
ParticipantIf I have several documents open and do an incremental search in all open documents, if the match appears in one of the non-active/visible documents, the document where the match occurs will briefly flicker into view while typing the f8ind expression in the Find Bar.
This looks ugly – it would be preferable if the other document did not flicker into view, even when matches occur.
ParticipantThe other suggestions from that thread related to Find In Files:
1) Option to leave Find/Replace in Files dialog open after pressing Find button (much like the new “Close when finished” checkbox on Find/Replace dialog).
2) Ability to exclude file name from search results (ie. the opposite of the “Display File Names Only” option). To achieve this, you could rename “Display File Names Only” to “Display File Names”, and add another checkbox option, “Display Matched Lines”. The file names checkbox would control whether the filename was inserted before the matched text/line. The matched lines checkbox would control whether the entire line where the match occurs is displayed, or only the matched text is displayed.
This would allow text extraction from files. :)
3) “Incremental Search Against Current Document” option on Find/Replace In Files. When enabled, it will perform incremental searching/highlighting against the currently active document. This would aid creation of Find Expression, since you can see what is being matched as you create the find expression, without the need to switch to normal Find/Replace windows. This would not cause the matches to appear in the Output Bar.
This would make it easier to construct the regex find expression, before actually performing the find/replace in files.
4) Related to (2), have an “Incremental Search” option for Find/Replace In Files (like normal Find/Replace option), which would actually do incremental matching against files. With this option enabled, matches would appear in the Output Bar as the find/replace expression is being modified.
ParticipantVery simple mockup, and not sure of best way to implement/word it, but when “Use Output Bar” is enabled, all matches appear in Output Bar. If Incremental Search is enabled, then the Output Bar is updated with matches as the user changes the Find/Replace expression. If Incremental Search is disabled, then matches only appear in Output Bar if Find/Replace All is clicked. If “Search All Open Documents” is enabled, then all matches from all documents appear in the Output Bar, with an optional header before each documents’ matches indicating the document name – eg.
–> Untitled*
match2–> MyDoc1.txt
match4When Replace is used, it’s the replaced expression that should appear in the Output Bar (see CrashNBurn suggestion below for more options), as this allows you to use regular expressions to find matching text, and then use back references to modify the matches that appear in the Output Bar.
NOTE: For Replace dialog, you also need to add “Count Matches” checkbox, along with the “Use Output Bar” checkbox to the dialog.
It would be useful if a gutter could be enabled in the Output Bar showing line numbers, similar to how it works in the normal editor area (I say gutter, as these numbers should not be included if text is selected in the Output Bar).
You could also add a new button to the Find/Replace dialog, “Extract to new document”, which when clicked would create a new document with the contents of the Output Bar.
The above should also be done for the Find/Replace Bar, so the extract option can be accessed without needing to open the Find/Replace dialog.
The above would be great for starters as it would allow text extraction from a single document using regex, with incremental feedback on what is matched.
As CrashNBurn suggested, for Replace, it would be useful it the user could choose what the Output Bar showed:
– All found text
– All replaced text (this should be the default IMO)
– Both found and replaced text (have found text and matching replaced text on each line, with a tab or few spaces in between.)Deipotent
Participantthanksgod – it’s the number of matches shown in the status bar.
ParticipantWhile replying to your post in the previous beta topic about my extract text option, I noticed that when doing a find, the latest beta indicates there is one more match then there actually is. Using my example from my other reply – given a document with:
jksahoiehwIf I do a simple find using “bcd”, EmEditor 13 beta 5 incorrectly indicates 4 matches, instead of 3.
ParticipantYutaka wrote:
Deipotent wrote:
Glad to see a new version of EmEditor with some useful new features. Bit disappointed though that my suggestion for text extraction has still not made it in though, particularly given that EmEditor already has a lot of the functionality needed to implement this feature:
I am not exactly sure what you would like to see in future versions. If you want to extract searched lines, you can “bookmark” searched lines (by pressing the “Bookmark All” button in the Find dialog), and then use the “Extract Bookmarked Lines to New File” command. You can also write a macro to automate this process.
I only want to extract text that matches the find expression, and not the whole line where the match occurs. The link I gave to the original suggestion topic explains in detail what I’m after, but a very simple example would be – Suppose I have the following lines:
jksahoiehwIf I do a simple match (ie. not regular expression) of “bcd”, all occurrences of “bcd” would be highlighted in EmEditor (as is currently the case when incremental search is enabled), and the output bar would have the following (as the first 3 lines contain this search expression):
bcdEach match goes on a separate line. This would allow text to be extracted that matches a search expression. This is only a really simple example – see the linked topic for more detail.
It should update the output bar in real-time with the matches (ie. as the find expression is being modified), if incremental searching is enabled. It should obviously support regular expressions, with back-references.
EmEditor already has most of the funxctionality in-place to make implementing this feature relatively straight-forward:
– Regular expression support for Find/Replace
– Incremental search with all occurrences being highlighted1) As CrashNBurn mentioned in the other topic, Find and Replace dialogs should allow output to Output bar
There are various other related features/options regarding this suggestion (eg. extract to a new document) that are mentioned in the other topic, so please read the other topic for more info.
With this functionality, EmEditor can be used as a text-extraction/mining tool, with real-time feedback on what is being matched (which helps with constructing the correct regex).
Let me know if there is anything that is not clear and I’ll do my best to explain it further.
ParticipantCan you add a new command for multi-selection feature to select all occurrences within scope. For example, in C/C++ scope is defined as first ‘{‘ before first selected word and matching ‘}’ (NOTE: not neccessarily the first) after the selected word. Command could be “Select All Occurrences Within Scope”.
This would allow quick refactoring of eg. variables, where you often only want to change within same scope.
ParticipantGlad to see a new version of EmEditor with some useful new features. Bit disappointed though that my suggestion for text extraction has still not made it in though, particularly given that EmEditor already has a lot of the functionality needed to implement this feature:
September 10, 2012 at 7:10 pm in reply to: Head-start version: EmEditor Professional v11.1.11 beta #10544Deipotent
ParticipantYes, it’s enabled. However, if I manually move a tab, I would expect the tab to stay where I moved it.
September 10, 2012 at 5:16 pm in reply to: Head-start version: EmEditor Professional v11.1.11 beta #10542Deipotent
ParticipantI have button style tabs enabled and if I move a button tab and then do a save, the tab moves back to it’s original position (in alpha order I believe), rather than staying in the position I moved it to.
July 12, 2012 at 2:30 am in reply to: Find/Replace dialogs: Don't put word under cursor in Find box unless selected #10438Deipotent
ParticipantThere appears to be a bug with Find/Replace In Files where the Find is always set to Selected Text, even after you change it and save as default.
July 3, 2012 at 6:56 pm in reply to: Find/Replace dialogs: Don't put word under cursor in Find box unless selected #10431Deipotent
ParticipantDoh! I had seen those options before, but didn’t check. :oops:
April 24, 2012 at 4:43 pm in reply to: Head-start version: EmEditor Professional v11.1.6 beta #10288Deipotent
ParticipantI also like the bookmark improvements, including extraction of bookmarked lines. However, I’m hoping that this bookmark extraction isn’t a substitute for the improved text extraction capability that I suggested here (ie. incremental matching/output in Output Bar, find/replace regex (so the extracted text can be manipulated through a replacement regex), output to new document etc.)
This is my number one most hoped for addition to EmEditor!
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