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ParticipantAs I wrote, the AppData directory and EE workspace location are absolutely correct and always working. \%APPDATA\% points to “D:Documents and SettingsApplication Data”, EmEditor workspace storage is located in “D:Documents and SettingsLocal SettingsApplication DataEmurasoftEmEditorWorkspace”, it is saved when I call Save Workspace, and restored when I call Restore Workspace command.
But sometimes, for unknown reason and unknown purpose, at some unknown moment of time in the drive root an empty “D:EmurasoftEmEditorWorkspace” directory suddenly appears. I can remove it, then work for several days or even weeks without appearing of this directory, even though I use various EE functions (including saving/restoring workspaces and files). But some day it appears again.
ParticipantProperties for Current Configuration (for All Configurations) -> General -> Tab/Indent.
ParticipantAs I wrote, associations didn’t matter. I just opened the cmd.exe console and wrote something like:
"c:Program FilesEmEditorEmEditor.exe" "c:Program FilesEmEditortemplate.xml"
and it did not work.
But I found what the source of the problem was: the EmEditor instance that was running on my machine was elevated because I didn’t untick “Launch EmEditor” checkbox on the installer’s last page, and it ran EmEditor with the current installer’s privileges. Later when I was reproducing the issue, I started EmEditor from PowerPro. PowerPro itself is running elevated, but I set the “Run as normal user” checkbox in it. However, there seems to be a problem in PowerPro itself and this option does not work: EmEditor starts elevated despite of this option. I did not notice this at first, so I thought it was something wrong with EmEditor.
Now I tried starting EE directly from Explorer, and when it runs with normal privilages, opening files from outside works correctly.
Sorry for the false alarm.
ParticipantAfter installing RC1 I discovered the following issue:
1. Close all EmEditor instances if any.
2. Open EmEditor (empty “Untitled” document).
3. Double-click any text file in Explorer window – nothing happens, the file is not opened in EE.I also tried starting EmEditor from command line specifying a file to open, and dragging a file from Explorer into EmEditor window – both methods did not work. The only way to open a document from outside is to close this “Untitled” EE instance and then double-click the file.
My OS is Windows Vista Business 32-bit.
And one more issue. I’m using English interface on a Russian Windows, and I noticed that the “Customize Toolbar” window is localised: all the text labels and buttons are translated into Russian. I know this could happen if it were a standard Windows dialog “borrowed” by EmEditor from the system, but is it really such a dialog, or just a EE glitch with localisations?June 3, 2011 at 7:53 pm in reply to: HOW DO I: Associate file with no extension to a configuration? #9408CaptainFlint
ParticipantBoth customizations are not possible directly (AFAIK), but instead you can write a macro that will run automatically on each opened file, analyze its path, name and extension and switch the current configuration to anything you need.
October 8, 2010 at 9:56 am in reply to: Restore Workspace does not restore window maximized state #9040CaptainFlint
ParticipantIndeed, I tried Compare in EE and window dimensions did not work well. Worth separate report, maybe.
Hmmm looks like the Total Commander Flint…
Well, it should be since it’s me. :)
ParticipantWell, an option would be helpful, but I’d prefer the following implementation:
a) if user presses Ctrl+F3/Ctrl+Shift+F3, then EmEditor search the selected text exactly what it is, i.e. escape if necessary, no matter what options are set;
b) if user presses Ctrl+F to open the Find dialog, then the text automatically inserted there either as is, or escaped – that’s where the option comes in.It’s extremely hard for me to believe that there is at least one user who deliberately selects some text inside the file being edited, and presses Ctrl+F3 not to search for other occurences of exactly the same text he/she selected, but to use the selected block as a regular expression for immediate searching. What a file should that be that it contains both real text and regular expressions for searching this text, at the same time? :-o
That’s exactly why I used the word “internally” when talking about escaping. How the text appears in the Find dialog is one thing – and I completely agree that automatic escaping here should be optional. But internal implementation is not restricted by this rule, because user does not see what is being done, he/she just sees the final result, so it does not matter if the text was escaped inside EE or not.
ParticipantSorry, I did not notice that you were talking about selection that was only partially outside. In this case I agree that this behaviour requires attention.
On the second thought, though, it’s quite convenient way to append something to the end of several lines some of which are very long, and you don’t want to scroll so far (because first lines will become invisible and it will be hard to remember where to start).
ParticipantIt’s not a bug, it’s a feature! If you make a zero-width selection it automatically spreads to the ends of each line wherever these ends are located (to append text to each line easily). If you wish a vertical column beyond the text, make it non-zero width.
ParticipantI did not upgrade from v9, I’m using v10 for quite long time already. This upgrade was from 10 rc12 to 10 rc13, and the workspace was gone.
ParticipantDoes not EE store workspace in compatible way? I saved the workspace (via menu command Save Workspace), then updated from RC 12 to RC 13, and now Restore Workspace tells me that “No workspace or an older version of workspace was saved”. Quite a nasty thing, there were many documents opened… :(
ParticipantI hope it happened only once.
No, this happens every time I use auto-updater. I used it 4 or 5 times when updating to the newer EmEditor RC releases, and each time it took equally long time to update. This time, however, I was finally annoyed enough to overcome my laziness and report about it.
Maybe buffer sizes are not good enough?
And what is the exact URL location used for auto-updating? Maybe, this is just a different server which has a different route from/to my computer with some very slow node in between…CaptainFlint
ParticipantFor $60 a month how can they even afford a computer?
Old and outdated models, low-end components, second-hand reselling… There are ways.
BTW, there are already programs that have different prices. Mostly written by Russian programmers and companies. :) I suppose that’s just because they see for themselves what’s happening and understand that sometimes lowering the price gives higher profit because of increased number of purchases from those who could not afford buying at the high price. Unfortunately, there’s always the other side of the coin: users begin to cheat, buy the soft in the country where it costs less, complain that it is unfair for them to pay more while other countries pay less for the same program…
Well, I seem to go into offtop. Sorry for that.
Participant$39.99 is pretty close to free
Actually, it depends on the country the user lives in. For example, here in Russia (except in Moscow and St. Petersburg) many people earn as much as $60/month or even less. For them $40 is anything but “close to free”.
Unfortunately, it’s a big problem that most software is sold by the same price all over the world, irregarding that in different countries there are different price and salary levels.
May 11, 2010 at 8:29 am in reply to: EmEditor Professional v10 RC 3 (9.90.12) – v10 key required #8444CaptainFlint
ParticipantMy RC2 found a new version and suggested to update it automatically. I agreed, and while downloading was in progress I noticed a new absolutely empty “icon” in the system tray with tooltip “(N\%) Downloading Updates for EmEditor Professional”. Why is the icon empty?
May 6, 2010 at 8:57 am in reply to: EmEditor Professional v10 RC 2 (9.90.11) – v10 key required #8430CaptainFlint
ParticipantWhen I’m performing a rectangular selection, it looks as a dotted rectangle (that’s the style I set for it) with selected text inside it. However, as soon as I release the mouse button, it is transformed into set of lines each of which has its own bounding rectangle (drawn as a solid gray line). Is it intentional? If yes, how can I modify the style of this resultant selection? I failed to find the appropriate item in the list of color items.
ParticipantI gave it a try today and found a usability problem.
1. Open Configuration Properties dialog, Display tab.
2. Select any theme (e.g. “EmEditor Standard”), change anything -> new theme “EmEditor Standard (modified)” is created.
3. Select Rename from the “>” button menu, give some different name.
4. The original “EmEditor Standard” theme is also renamed.From the interface organization I expected, that a copy of the theme was created, and that I renamed it, but it seems that the theme is not changed, and that the new item in the list refers to the same theme (since it returns back when I select Save). I think, something should be done to make it more obvious that “… (modified)” is not the new theme.
ParticipantNow it happened again: D&D stopped working. It seems, indeed, that some application causes some conflict. I suspect Kaspersky Antivirus, ABBYY Lingvo, PowerPro, Sysinternals Process Explorer, because after I exited EE and these 4 applications, and restarted EE, D&D worked fine again (even after I started those 4 applications again). Next time I’ll do it step-by-step to determine which one causes the problem.
ParticipantStrange, today it works fine again on the same computer. :-?
ParticipantEscape sequences start with backslash, not with forward slash. :)
ParticipantI see, I’ll keep that in mind.
But even if the problem is in adjusting color palette, why simple repositioning of the transparent color fixes the problem completely? I don’t change the color itself, I don’t change colors of other pixels, I just move one color in the index table, and that’s all.
PS: Since I found how to eliminate the problem on the plugin’s side, it no longer bothers me as itself, but I’m concerned about possible bug in EmEditor which caused such strange behaviour.
ParticipantI installed EE 9.04 and the message does not appear anymore. :-? Maybe it was some temporary DLL mess in the system which disappeared after new installation, or maybe addition of EmEditor directory into \%PATH\% fixed this… Anyway, I’ll keep an eye on it in case the problem appears again.
ParticipantThanks, in beta 2 it works fine!
ParticipantI tried beta 1 and found that right click + wheel does not work. With clean install in a virtual machine it works only if I check the “Use Mouse Wheel to Select” checkbox.
OS: WinXP SP3.
ParticipantFor the second there are plugins, you can use them.
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