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Same OS here and portable EmEditor version with ini instead of registry.
I never have seen such folder in the root.
That folder belongs to your \%AppData\% folder in your profil folder.
For me (as portable) i have an AppData folder in my EmEditor folder.For an test:
what path do you get if you type \%appdata\% in the address bar of TC?Because you mentioned D as system drive you should see something like
“D:Documents and SettingsFlintApplication Data”
but in your languageand there should be the subfolder “EmurasoftEmEditorWorkspace”
ParticipantNo, an RegEx is an pattern matching system only.
There are very little comparing features.You will need to use an macro/script for that.
How that macro will work and what you will get as
result depends on your real current needs and how
the rest of the line looks a like: are that digits
and tabs the only signs in such an line?Here is an quick example code.
Be sure to use this always with copies of your importent documents.
Because i don’t have an impression what could get worse.
If anyone should improve this script for you we will need an
better example how the rest of such an line will look a like.Ahh, and this script will work only with tabs as delimiter
or it have to be adjusted as one needs.
////===== Description: ==================
//// Click into an line and execute this macro/script.
//// The line will split at tab stops
//// and if an part is detected as an number
//// the greatest number is stored as vBiggestNumber for your use.
//// ====== Setting: ====================
//// Split line at tab. Use your own delimiter if needed:
SplitAt = "t";
//// ====== Work: ======================
//// Get current line content:
CurrLine = document.selection.text;
//// Call function to split str and find biggest number:
vBiggestNumber = ReturnLargedNumber(CurrLine, SplitAt);
//// ====== End: =======================
//// Do something with the result:
alert('result: >' + vBiggestNumber + '<');
//document.selection.NewLine( );
document.selection.text = vBiggestNumber;
////======== Function =====================
function ReturnLargedNumber(str,delim)
Tokens = str.split(delim);
vMaxNumber = 0;
for (x = 0; x < Tokens.length; x++)
vCurrentNumb = Tokens[x];
if (!isNaN(vCurrentNumb))
if (Number(vCurrentNumb) > vMaxNumber)
vMaxNumber = vCurrentNumb;
return vMaxNumber;
HTH? :-D
ParticipantSome examples for
section: ////Delete start of line (Remove first sign/char):
redraw = false;
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, 1, Line );
str = document.GetLine( Line );
if (str != “”)
}////Delete end of line (Remove last sign/char):
redraw = false;
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, 1, Line );
str = document.GetLine( Line );
if (str != “”)
However, for just this task there
would be an easier solution then such an big script as shown above://Remove first sign from selected lines
redraw = false;
document.selection.Replace(“^.”,””, eeReplaceSelOnly | eeReplaceAll | eeFindReplaceRegExp);
document.HighlightFind = false;//Remove last sign from selected lines
redraw = false;
document.selection.Replace(“.$”,””, eeReplaceSelOnly | eeReplaceAll | eeFindReplaceRegExp);
document.HighlightFind = false;Stefan
ParticipantNo useful script. Just an little lesion.
Loop virtually through only the selected lines in file.
The cursor will not move!
We access each line by its number only.– – –
Best to learn is to do some lessons.
So i will show my steps creating an macro for others.I am not saying that this is the best way to do it,
it is just an start.If you have an better way to do it, or other
suggestions, just reply :-)
////Loop through Selection
////Object handling to save always typing of 'document.selection':
var d = document;
var s = d.selection;
////////Get the selected text to work on:
////////(Depends if already something is selected or not)
if (s.IsEmpty)
////If document.selection is empty:
vWasAnSelection = false;
////Alternative one
//alert("Nothing selected, script quits. Please select and start again.");
////Alternative two
alert("Nothing selected, script will select whole text for you.");
////If there was an selection already:
vWasAnSelection = true;
alert("Selected text to work on: n" + s.text);
////////Get start and end line of the selection:
///Returns the line number of the top of the selection.
FirstSelLine = s.GetTopPointY(eePosLogical);
///Returns the line number of the bottom of the selection.
LastSelLine = s.GetBottomPointY(eePosLogical);
////For Each Line In SelectedLineS Do:
for( Line = FirstSelLine; Line <= LastSelLine; Line++)
//// <<< Your code here >>>
//// Here an simple example:
ret = Confirm(d.GetLine(Line));
if (ret == false) {if (!vWasAnSelection){s.Collapse();} Quit();}
////If there was no selection do an UnSelectAll at the end:
if (!vWasAnSelection) s.Collapse();
Participant+1 Seams useful to me too :-)
October 18, 2011 at 6:12 pm in reply to: Example please for (?n:true_expression:false_expression) #9745Stefan
ParticipantThank you.
My understanding right now:
You have to set up the FIND RegEx with an alternation so that it has both a success and a failure point.
As the REPLACE have too possibilities too: (?n:true_expression:false_expression)Test:
I have:
Test Price 1000
Test Price 100
Test Price 800
Find: (.+) (.+) (d{3})(d)*
Repl: (?4: too expensive: affordable)
[X] Use RegEx
Test Price 1000 too expensive
Test Price 100 affordable
Test Price 800 affordableThanks again. I still have to do some test, but i think you showed me the way.
BTW, good idea :lol: of you:
Replace: (?4:too expensive:affordable)
–October 18, 2011 at 7:18 am in reply to: Example please for (?n:true_expression:false_expression) #9743Stefan
The character ‘?’ begins a conditional expression, the general form is:
where N is decimal digit.
If sub-expression N was matched, then true-expression is evaluated and sent to output,
otherwise false-expression is evaluated and sent to output.
You will normally need to surround a conditional-expression with parenthesis in order to prevent ambiguities.
For example, the format string “(?1foo:bar)” will replace each match found with “foo” if the sub-expression $1 was matched,
and with “bar” otherwise.
For sub-expressions with an index greater than 9, or for access to named sub-expressions use:
?{NAME}true-expression:false-expressionconditional expression ?Ntrue-expression:false-expression
In addition, conditional expressions of the following form are recognized:
where N is a decimal digit representing a sub-match.
If the corresponding sub-match participated in the full match, then the substitution is true-expression.
Otherwise, it is false-expression. In this mode, you can use parens () for grouping.
If you want a literal paren, you must escape it as (.Seams clear, but i have still problems using this.
Some tests:
conditional expression
'?Ntrue-expression:false-expression' test 1
I have:
Test Price 1000
Test Price 100
Test Price 800
Find: (.+) (.+) (d{3})(d)
Replace: (?4: too expensive: affordable)
[X] Use RegEx
Test Price 1000 too expensive
Test Price 100
Test Price 800
Test Price 1000 too expensive
Test Price 100 affordable
Test Price 800 affordable
If sub-expression No. 4 match THEN
use 'true-expression'
else 'false-expression'
conditional expression
'?Ntrue-expression:false-expression' test 2
I have:
Color 1 green
Color 2 blue
Color 3 red
The available colors are either green, blue or red.
Find: (Color d) (.+)
Replace: (?1:1 2-ich:1 -2-)
[X] Use RegEx
Color 1 green-ich
Color 2 blue-ich
Color 3 red-ich
The available colors are either green, blue or red.
Color 1 green-ich
Color 2 blue-ich
Color 3 red-ich
The available colors are either -green-, -blue- or -red-.
Only if sub-expression No. 1 will match THEN
use 'true-expression'
else 'false-expression'
OK, i will test some more.
October 18, 2011 at 5:46 am in reply to: Example please for (?n:true_expression:false_expression) #9742Stefan
ParticipantThanks John!
I see it, but i don’t understand it.
Will have an closer look and read the Boost help…Stefan
ParticipantHi Derek.
derekcohen wrote:
Is there an API reference anywhere?
I think EmEditor Help (F1) > Macro Reference
is what you search for.So here is my solution:
EmEditor Help > Macro Reference > Document Object > Properties: Name Property
clipboardData.setData(“Text”, document.Name );
There are also
and many more…October 14, 2011 at 8:01 am in reply to: Find/Replace: Multiple replaces needed when using Replace All #9733Stefan
Hi :-)
Me thinks that is how the regex engine works?
You search “,d,” on an string like “10,6,3,12”
The regex will match “,6,”
then it continuous at the very next sign from the rest of the string which is now “3,12”.As you see your search pattern will not match on “3,12” because there is no “,d,” anymore.
The trick is to not match the comas itself as you do but only take an look if they are present.
That can be fine done by using positive lookbehind and lookahead which EmEditor supports (thanks Yutaka).
For more info about that feature see e.g.:
search pattern: “oogl”
positive lookbehind if there is an “G” right before your search pattern: (?<=G)
positive lookahead if there is an “e” just after your search pattern: (?=e)So RegEx search for:
(?<=G)oogl(?=e)Will match:
FoogleExample for your issue with commas:
01HTH? :lol:
ParticipantRAM wrote:
taking a column of dates (100,000s rows) like:
20110905and separating the Y M and D using tabs, to result in:
2011 09 05Or use an RegEx search&replace like
Find: (d{4})(d{2})(d{2})
Replace with: $1t$2t$3
[X] Use Regular Expressions
BTW: that way you can even reorder the YMD sequence.
ParticipantDeipotent wrote:
I don’t mean strip it out of the edit box, I mean just strip it out of the regexYes, basically the very same.
I (the user) try to do smtg, and the app do smtg other in the back.
And i (the user) get the impression that i did it right, what is not the truth.I know that that is common (see IE which autom. add http:// in front of an URL, or how Win7 lies with UAC virtualizing)
but i did not want to see that more often.Stefan
ParticipantThere could be an warning dialog after clicking [OK]
IF “Regular Expressions Match New Line Characters” is checked
AND “Additional Lines to Search for Regular Expressions” is set to ‘0’Like:
“You have chosen to use RegEx in multi line mode.
Please note that you have to set the roughly expected “Additional Lines” option too.”–
Or an better idea:
That two options could be somehow “grouped” by an thin frame line,
and the “Additional Lines” option could be greyed-out
while “Match New Line” is disabled,
to make the relationship better visible.—————————————————
“[X] Regular Expressions Match New Line Characters”
“Multi Line mode search max. for [ 0 ] additional lines.”
—————————————————– – –
Or maybe these option could be set to an higher amount as ‘0’ by default.
Would be an amount of, lets say, ’30’ really that slow?.
I would like also to see both features implemented.Stefan
Participant> “it would be useful if EmEditor stripped out r from regexes”
I think that would be too smart and unexpected for many.
The user just have to learn how it works.
If not already, there should be an explanation incl. example in the help, that should be enough.Stefan
ParticipantYes, me too.
ParticipantHi Athan,
take an look if that will help you:
“I created a small program that can be used to open a CHM file with a keyword from EmEditor external tools”
ParticipantWOW Yutaka, thanks, works great.
I will test some more, but basically that’s how i had imagine it.
My experiences:
First i got an error
eehelptool.exe - Komponente nicht gefunden
This application has failed to start because MSVCR100.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
Die Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden, weil MSVCR100.dll nicht gefunden wurde. Neuinstallation der Anwendung könnte das Problem beheben.
That’s because i didn’t have the “Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package” installed.
I had only 2005 and 2008 installed.
Now i got interim the MSVCR100.dll and put them in the
same folder as the eehelptool.exe and it works fine.I have set up this tool as:
Titel: short description, e.g. VBScript help file
Command: path to eehelptool.exe, even relative to EmEditor folder, e.g. myDocuseehelptool.exe
Arguments: path to help file, even relative to EmEditor folder, e.g. myDocusSCRIPT56.CHM $(WordText)
Initial Dir:
Icon Path: path to icon resource, e.g. \%SystemRoot\%hh.exe for the default help file iconNote the ” $(WordText)” after the CHM which will search the CHM for just that selected keyword.
In fact, the keyword even have NOT to be selected, just the cursor right before the first char or after the last char is enough for “$(WordText)” to work. Great.Of course this “search for the keyword” feature will work only for CHM files which are compiled with an proper index. If not, or if you just want to open the CHM without jumping to the “selected” word, you don’t need to include this ” $(WordText)” part to your Arguments: definition.
– – –
I have found one improvement wish:
the keyword is found and selected in the index tab,
but i miss:
* pressing enter (so to say) to open the page in the preview pane for ease use
* having the focus in that preview pane to allow immediately scrollingMaybe that can be included too?
– – –
will this tool be part of the core package or even be included in the EmEditor.exe?
Maybe from interest for you:
other editors allow to have one syntax related help file (like SCRIPT56.CHM for *.VBS) per syntax language configuration, and all are accessible via the same shortcut (like Alt+F1).
Which CHM is opened depends on the currently active syntax configuration.
If i am on an VBS doc, the vbs.CHM is launched.
If i am on an HTML doc, my html.CHM is opened.So we didn’t need to have 5 tools / toolbar icons / shortcuts
just to open the syntax related help files. One would be enough.Just some ideas. Thanks for EmEditor. Great Tool. Well done.
Ah, thank CrashNBurn too. I have tried that before posting my question but found it not works
well with relative paths and all over all that is not that easy for the average user (beginners)Stefan
ParticipantAs an hint for others reading the above request, here is the solution.
To work with selected text have ${SelText} in your snippet.
Example 1:
For HTML; format bold
${SelText}Example 2:
For AutoHotkey; surround with \%-signs
\%${SelText}\%– – – – – –
To have your cursor at the right place after the snippet is inserted
simple add an placeholder like $7Example 1:
For VBScript
Dim $4 As StringResults in:
Dim | As StringExample 2:
For Dairy
${Date} ${Time} Log: “$1”Results in:
19.07.2011 17:37 Log: “|“Example 3:
For XYplorer script$$$1=1;
while($$$1 < 10){
msg $$$1,1;
//your code here> $2
* first, at the first $1, type the name of the loop var, e.g. ‘LoOp’
(This var name is copied to all places where the placeholder ‘$1’ is found else)
* second press TAB to jump behind ‘//your code here’Note:
the var name for XYplorer script have to be prefixed by an ‘$’
and since this $ has an special meaning for EmEditor snippet
we have to escape them by doubling this sign to ‘$$’Results in:
while($LoOp < 10){
msg $LoOp,1;
//your code here> |
ParticipantNo answer here the last three years?
Hello there,
I’m locking for the same:
how can i open an help file for an language
to lookup an keyword?I search a function
to put the cursor at an word and then press an shortcut
to open an defined help file (CHM),
just for the current used language,
which jumps to that word.How can i do this with EmEditor?
I searched the properties for the language configuration
and the tools configuration but found nothing.For example:
for *VBS files
i want to set the “.docsSCRIPT56.CHM” as language help file.
And then i want to put the cursor on the word “msgbox”, press an shortcut
and want EmEditor to open “.docsSCRIPT56.CHM::MsgBox.htm”
for me.July 12, 2011 at 8:34 pm in reply to: How to extract only one tag from the html file using regular expression? #9457Stefan
ParticipantI don’t know if i do it the elegant way, but at least it works:
RegEx used to match wanted line:
strSelectedText = document.selection.Text
If strSelectedText = "" Then
alert "Nothing selected. Script quits."
'alert strSelectedText
End If
'regex search pattern:
strREPattern = "<a href=.https.+/(en|us)/.+>"
'how many lines?
yPosStartSelection = document.selection.GetAnchorPointY( eePosLogical )
yPosEndSelection = document.selection.GetBottomPointY( eePosLogical )
LinesSelected = yPosEndSelection-yPosStartSelection
'For Each Line In LineS Do:
LinesArray = split(strSelectedText, vbCRLF)
funcRegExReturn =""
For LineNr = 0 to LinesSelected -1
currLine = LinesArray(LineNr)
'alert LineNr & ": " & currline & ": " & strREPattern
funcRegEx strREPattern, currLine
'alert funcRegExReturn
If funcRegExReturn = TRUE Then
OutArray = OutArray & Linenr+1 & ": " & currLine
If LineNr < LinesSelected -1 Then OutArray = OutArray & vbCRLF
End If
'alert OutArray
'Write OutArray to new document:
'if not editor.EnableTab then
' editor.EnableTab = True
'end if
document.write OutArray
Function funcRegEx(needle, haystack)
funcRegExReturn = false
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = needle
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
if regEx.Test(haystack) Then funcRegExReturn = TRUE
End Function
HTH? :-D
@EmuraBut i don’t understand why the function didn’t return something with the function name?
I think this should work:
call funcRegEx x y
If funcRegEx Then alert "OK"
Function funcRegEx(needle, haystack)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = needle
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
if regEx.Test(haystack) Then funcRegEx = TRUE
End Functionbut i have to use something like:
Dim funcRegExReturn
call funcRegEx x y
If funcRegExReturn Then alert "OK"
Function funcRegEx(needle, haystack)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = needle
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
if regEx.Test(haystack) Then funcRegExReturn = TRUE
End Function
10.1.0, 32-bit portable on XP 32 SP3
October 30, 2010 at 8:04 pm in reply to: Buy EmEditor from Emurasoft directly paying with Euros? #9077Stefan
ParticipantThanks for the responses.
Here are some facts, just for your information, in case you don’t know:Yes, i have removed all additional positions.
And the price of 31,81 Euro excl. VAT is still 44,36 Dollar.;to=USD;amt=31.81The rest till EUR 37.85 are german VAT.
So i have to pay EUR 37.85 which are $53,;to=USD;amt=37.85That’s why i asked if there are other possibilities to buy (pay for) EmEditor :-)
Is there an store in USA from where i can buy?
Or can i make perhaps an donation to get an license,
or can i send the money to your private PayPal account?Thanks…
Participant“Tools > Customize…” >> Search -Tab
>>> [x] RegEx match newline
>>> Additional Line [50], f.ex.Stefan
Participantsilverma wrote:
I feel very frustrated now and please help!
Hi Abe.
What’s on?… did it works now?Stefan
ParticipantO.K. Abe, here we go…
would you please test this feature with the EmEditor version who provide this feature?
see Professional 8 New Features
Vertical Selection Editing
The new vertical selection editing feature allows you to replace similar lines quickly without using regular expressions.Go to Download page
and download the last beta of the upcoming EmEditor version 8.Next Beta Version (Version 8.00 beta 12)
Download 32-bitThen please test again and tell us how it works.
stefan- AuthorPosts