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ParticipantFix confirmed in 904:
“Extract Bookmarked Lines to New File” works now from both compare panels for my setup too.
Thank you.Stefan
ParticipantAh, I wanted to add for the Crash :
– tested with files with 5 lines only, as shown in my first post
– Win 10.0.19044.1706 , 64-bit , 16GB RAM with 60% free at that moment.– – –
And, FYI:
on my test I missed a “swap files” option in the Compare menu (somehow as like in the “Compare with Options…” -dialog)
Maybe this would be also an idea to add..
ParticipantHello Yutaka-san,
thank you for your advice and I want to ask to apologize my late response.
After I have found out what you are telling me (see below), I could see that it works somehow,
not nice for daily work, but at least there is one way. Maybe I can build a macro with that tips.Maybe this could also be considered as feature wish:
>> “compare two files for differences, not line-by-line wise as the compare tool does,
but whole files-wise, (compare each line of file A with each line of file B)”– Extract lines which are in first file only
– Extract lines which are in second file only
– Extract lines that are in both files common
– Link to “remove duplicate lines” -command– – –
Please note:
“Extract Bookmarked Lines to New File” works for me from the left-side document only.
If I try that from the right doc, I get a Crash (v21.7.0 , portable , with new “comparison results in one vertically split window” feature)
– – –Here is what I have done as you told me to this way:
– You could select Bookmark Changes on the Macros menu to set bookmarks on changed lines.
(Tools > All Commands… > Compare > Bookmark Changes)
– Then, select the Invert Bookmarks command to set bookmarks on unchanged lines.
(Tools > All Commands… > Edit > Bookmarks > Invert Bookmarks)
– You can then extract bookmarked lines.
(Tools > All Commands… > Edit > Bookmarks > Extract Bookmarked Lines to New File)
– This way might not distinguish between changes and added/delete lines, but might help.Thank you for making EmEditor
May 17, 2022 at 7:25 am in reply to: How to end Compare tool, restore window size and move file back? #28178Stefan
ParticipantHello Yutaka.
Thank you very much for your reply and the solution. (sorry for the late response of mine)Even thank you more for this new feature below :D
New in Version 21.7 (May 11, 2022)
New General Features
The new version displays file comparison results in one vertically split window by default
when you select the Compare or Compare with Options command.
The previously used tiled window display is still possible by setting options..
March 17, 2022 at 7:15 am in reply to: How to: Layouts – use EmEditor with minimal toolbars as text editor in TotalCmd #28100Stefan
ParticipantSwitching between layouts doesn’t remember open Plug-ins on the left (at least for me, I am on 21.5.2).
After switching back to a layout with before open Snippets-plugin the pane is closed and I have to re-open it.Maybe you can add a checkbox “[_]Remember open Plugin” to “Customize > Layouts – Options” ?
Just an hint ;-)
Participantspiros mentions that he have to escape the backslash \ in the regex replacement by doubling it to \\
Find: $
Replace: [\google]
(o) Regular Expressionmust be
Replace: [\\google]
(o) Regular Expression.
January 18, 2019 at 5:36 am in reply to: Replace text in multimple files ONLY in a specific XML tag #24195Stefan
ParticipantYou mean:
Search for .: T11:30:00</active
Replace with: T14:00:00</activePlain text search, no regex search.
+1(123) 456-7890 or maybe any variant of punctuation and spaces.
+1(123)456-7890, 123-456-7890, 123.456.7890
1123 4567890 or maybe any variant of punctuation and spaces
11234567890 1234567890 1234567890
Find: [(),.+-]
[x]Use RegEx
[Replace All]– – –
Depending on your work, you can also include the space to the list of sings to become removed, like: [(),. +-]
.July 24, 2018 at 6:39 am in reply to: Add a way to search for a command in Keyboard configuration #23561Stefan
ParticipantMay I suggest to try “Quick Launch” Str+Q
1. open Quick Launch
2. search for part string(s) of a command name
3. click on found command
4. click in menu on > Keyboard Properties.
Participant>>> as for example “de_DE@(.+?);” would much on too many places: <<<
I meant >>>> “match”
ParticipantSo now you come with information!
If you have the same pattern on other places too, it is normal that they are deleted there too.
And your statement (((search “de_DE@(.+?);”, it works correctly))) is not true,
as this removes the pattern on other place too as well with the normal Search&Replace dialog.– – –
So conclusion, you can’t utilize RegEx here,
as for example “de_DE@(.+?);” would much on too many places:de_DE@Produktkatalog;
de_DE@Stromversorgung;Better search for the complete unwanted strings:
ru_RU@Источники итания;
es_ES@Alimentación de corriente;
….And next time, please provide better information at first place ;-)
ParticipantDavid, best is to post how the text looks like after your test, so we can see what you see.
P_ARTICLE_DEPTH=”125″ P_ARTICLE_SPACING_FRONT=”0″ P_ARTICLE_SPACING_REAR=”0″ P_ARTICLE_DESCR1=”de_DE@Stromversorgung;en_US@Power supply unit;ru_RU@Источники питания;pl_PL@Zasilacz;zh_CN@电源;es_ES@Alimentación de corriente;fr_FR@Alimentation;it_IT@Alimentatore;nl_NL@Voeding;tr_TR@Güç kaynağı;hu_HU@Tápellátás;da_DK@Strømforsyning;cs_CZ@Zdroj napájení;pt_PT@Fonte de alimentação;sv_SE@Strömförsörjning;ko_KR@전원 공급 장치;no_NO@Strømforsyning;” P_ARTICLE_DISCONTINUED=”0″ P_ARTICLE_DISCOUNT=”0″TO:—————-
document.selection.Replace(“(de_DE|en|EN|fr_FR|ru_RU|pl_PL|zh_CN|es_ES|it_IT|nl_NL|tr_TR|hu_HU|da_DK|cs_CZ|pt_PT|sv_SE|ko_KR|no_NO)@.+?;” , “” , eeReplaceAll | eeFindReplaceRegExp,0);HTH? ;-)
February 8, 2018 at 1:05 am in reply to: [Ask for Help] Macro for replace the number located at the beginning of a row #22843Stefan
ParticipantYou have to add the zero’s padding yourself.
For example (a fix-two-digits result):
redraw = false; if( document.selection.IsEmpty ) { document.selection.StartOfDocument(); var iCount = prompt("Type the Start Number please:", "1"); var strFind = "^\\d+"; while(document.selection.Replace(strFind, iCount, eeFindReplaceRegExp | eeFindNext)) { iCount++; iCount = ("0"+iCount).slice(-2); } }
-or, more flexible (type in ‘1’, or ’01’, or ‘001’, or ‘0001’, …. to set the wanted amount of zeros:
redraw = false; if( document.selection.IsEmpty ) { document.selection.StartOfDocument(); var iCount = prompt("Start Number (incl. leading zero(s):", "1"); var iCountLen = iCount.toString().length; var strFind = "^\\d+"; while(document.selection.Replace(strFind, iCount, eeFindReplaceRegExp | eeFindNext)) { iCount++; iCount = ("00000000"+iCount).slice(-iCountLen); } }
June 9, 2017 at 6:28 am in reply to: Jump / go to / move to next empty line between paragraphs #21920Stefan
Participant“Yang Yang” wrote on June 8, 2017 at 9:21 pm
Continuous blank lines are not treated as a block, and the caret cannot be moved to TOF/EOF as advertised. Both are easy to customize, though.Here is a better code
//JumpToNextBlankLineBelow.jsee (Ctrl+Shift+Arrow-Down) Redraw = false; document.selection.Find("(\\w|\\.)$",eeFindNext | eeFindReplaceRegExp); if(document.selection.Find("(^\\s*?$)", eeFindNext | eeFindReplaceRegExp)==0){ document.selection.EndOfDocument();} document.HighlightFind = false; //Redraw = true;
//JumpToNextBlankLineAbove.jsee (Ctrl+Shift+Arrow-Up) Redraw = false; document.selection.Find("(\\w|\\.)$",eeFindPrevious | eeFindReplaceRegExp); if(document.selection.Find("^[[:blank:]]*?$",eeFindPrevious | eeFindReplaceRegExp)== 0){ document.selection.StartOfDocument();} document.HighlightFind = false; //Redraw = true;
But unfortunately the visible view doesn’t follow the cursor, if the cursor jumps out of view.
That means:
If the macro finds a line, the cursor is set to that line.
But is that line position is above or below the current visible view,
the windows is not scrolled to that line.But that happens only with “Redraw = false;” active.
If I comment that command out, the scrolling works again, but the search highlighting is disturbing then.Tested here with 16.8.1, as 32-bit portable.
January 20, 2017 at 1:33 am in reply to: MyMacros: allow hierarchic Folder support -or- New AllMacros menu #21468Stefan
ParticipantAnother Idea is to have a macro directive like
#MenuPath “Search&Replace macros”
to add to all macro files we want to sort hierarchic in EmEditors Macros menu.
So some of my macro files would contain
#MenuPath “Search&Replace macros” as first line
#MenuPath “Formatting macros”
other ones
#MenuPath “Change case macros”
and so on, and EmEditor would create a menu for that hierarchic structure
and put the macros with that directive into the right sub menu.
AllMacros\Search&Replace macros
AllMacros\Formatting macros
AllMacros\Change case macrosStefan
ParticipantYutaka, I typed in ENTER
Yutaka San did not want you to TYPE the word “Enter” literal into the document,
but rather to press the Enter key on your keyboard
while the cursor is after the last sign on the last line..
Hope that makes sense.Stefan
ParticipantThe arrows you mention are probably the End-Of-Line (EOL) symbols for CRLF and LF respectively.
You can enable the visibility via “View > Marks > Returns” … and “CR and LF with different Marks”.
There should be only one type of that EOL-markers in one file: DOS/Windows (CRLF) -or- Unix (LF).
To change that EOL setting, utilizing “File > Save as…” and chose the wanted line endings from the drop-down menu in that dialog.
StefanDecember 8, 2016 at 3:01 am in reply to: [Ask for help] Question regarding replace string from Regular expression #21420Stefan
ParticipantThanks LTT, both of your solutions works! Well done. ( Double JS-and-RegEx escaping tricked me again ;-) )
December 3, 2016 at 2:21 am in reply to: [Ask for help] Question regarding replace string from Regular expression #21411Stefan
ParticipantSorry, but with “document.selection.Replace” I get a mess like you have experienced, even replace ‘a’ by ‘X’ didn’t work for the whole example text.
nLines = document.GetLines(); var count=1; for(L=1;L<nLines;L++){ document.selection.SelectLine(); //document.selection.Replace("\[1!#\d+\]","[1!#"+count+"]", eeReplaceSelOnly | eeReplaceAll | eeFindReplaceRegExp); document.selection.Replace("a","X", eeReplaceSelOnly | eeReplaceAll ); count++; document.selection.LineDown(); }
Highly probable there is a trick I don’t get. Oh, and I use 15.7.0./ 32-bit portable here.
December 2, 2016 at 10:11 am in reply to: [Ask for help] Question regarding replace string from Regular expression #21409Stefan
Participantthe string after equal sign(=). I have to modify them one by one to make them be consecutive.
assemblyposition count=[1!#4]
assemblyposition count=[1!#7]
Use for example:if( document.selection.IsEmpty ) {document.selection.SelectAll();} sSel = document.selection.text; //alert(sSel); aLines = sSel.split("\r\n"); aOut=""; iCount=1; for (var i=0,x=aLines.length;i<x;i++) { if (aLines[i].match(/=\[1!#\d+\]/)){ aOut += aLines[i].replace(/=\[1!#\d+\]/,'=[1!#'+iCount+']') + "\r\n"; iCount++; } else { aOut += aLines[i] + "\r\n"; } }; alert(aOut); //document.selection.text = aOut;
HTH? ;-)October 28, 2016 at 1:21 am in reply to: Filter lines – option to show lines before and after finded #21230Stefan
ParticipantEmEditor v16.2.0 beta 2 ; September 30, 2016
New General Features
The Find Extract … number of lines above and below the matched lines, and specify the separator.
The Extract All button was added to the Replace dialog box.Beta 2 shows a separator line between separated blocks after filtered,
EmEditor v16.2.0 released! ; October 5, 2016
New General Features
The Filter toolbar allows you to specify additional lines to display before and after matched lines.Thank you, great additions and works great, good work Yutaka.
I know I can use “Find” and “Extract” for that feature too, and that is totally fine,
but I think the “Filter toolbar” misses that separator feature(*) for the “Extract All” button?
(*) like the Extract button in the Find dialog.Thank you for making EmEditor.
Participantshow number of changed phrases
EmEditor shows that info at the status bar (menu ‘ View > Status Bar ‘ )
BTW, to customize what is shown at the status bar, see menu ‘ Tools > Customize… > [Status]’September 28, 2016 at 11:53 pm in reply to: Filter lines – option to show lines before and after finded #21090Stefan
ParticipantEmEditor v16.2.0 beta 1, September 26, 2016
New General Features
The Filter toolbar allows you to specify additional lines to display before and after matched lines.
The Number of Additional Visual Lines Above Matched Lines and Number of Additional Visual Lines Below Matched Lines drop-down list boxes were added to the Filter toolbar.Link to announcement page >>
Works fine here. Even is filtered line was at TOF or EOF
and so there were no additional lines to show as I had set in ‘Additional Visual Lines’
Idea: maybe you can add an option to insert a line delimiter between extracted line-blocks?Like:
Filter ‘error’ ; Additional lines before:1 ; Additional lines after: 2 ; Block Delimiter:[ ~~~ ]
Line error
Line error
Line error
September 19, 2016 at 12:33 am in reply to: Possible to set a "Marker" (Highlight Word) from within a macro? #21046Stefan
ParticipantThank you very much for the feedback.
That way works, but I miss a way to adjust the added marker, to highlight all spellings and ‘whole word only’.
Maybe I am better use the ‘Find’ command only, to highlight the ‘MySearchStr’ string.
-search code here to find lines containing ‘MySearchStr’-
-then I extract that lines incl. surrounding lines to another document:
document.selection.Find MySearchStr, eeFindPrevious
editor.ExecuteCommandByID 4560
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