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In what version? I have been vaiting with my free trial version :-)Nufacik
MemberHi Yutaka.
Your advice looks as the right solutions, but have 1 issue…
If I write keyword, I press SPACE to complete word and selection from dialog. Aftewr this, keyword will change tu uppercase. Its fine, but I’m still on edn of the word. So I have tu pust one mor time space to move cursor about one char next… So, If I do this, aj write word and must pust 2 times space to continueing writing… this is only one “bug”… otherwise its look fine…Nufacik
MemberHi Yutaka.
Sorry if you dont understand me, may be it is becouse of my english… So, I try explain my question one more time and I will be more detailed. So, I want to use EmEditor for programming SQL codes (Oracle PLSQL). In this syntax people used to write keyword as uppercase. Like this example:
PROCEDURE showtime
SELECT table_name
FROM user_table;
nCounter NUMBER(6);
FOR recTab IN curTab LOOP
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(TO_CHAR(nCounter) || ‘ – table: ‘ || recTab.table_name);
END;So, as can you see, keyword is putted as UPPERCASE words. And here is my question…
How can I setup EmEditor for this functionality… I can switch on WordCoplete. OK… if I write keyword “begin”, word complete show me little dialog vith this words, which is in dialog as “BEGIN”. My cursor is still on end of the worg “begin”, in dialog is highlited word “BEGIN”. A can do 2 things.
1. I push enter. EmEditor aplicate word from dialog and transform word “begin” to “BEGIN”. This is nice, its OK. I can write next code… But, I must entered every keyword, if I want have keyword as uppercase.
2. I push space. EmEditor close word complete dialog, space is addet next “begin” and I continueing in progrmming.And I want to this:
I starting write “begin”… EmEditor show wordcomplete dialog to hinting pissibilities… If I dont choose noone, nothing happen. BUT, if I push space, EmEditr automaticaly transform “begin” to “BEGIN”. Because I have turn on checkbox To UpperCase in Highlight(1) option. Is is like after every keyword highlight this word and manualy change to uppercase function… What are you thinking about this functionality. It will be posiible add this to highlight option of SQL syntax???I pray for this in EmEditor… :-D
MemberHi Yutaka.
Of course, I have already setuped all keywords in Highlight (1) tab as uppercase. But, this working only if I write keyword, EmEditor show me autocomplete dialogbox with posibilitie words, I choose one and push enter. If I do this, keyword is changed tu uppercase. But this not working, if I write select, push space to continueing… dialog box will close, keyword select is still select and not SELECT. Is impossible confirming every word in autocomplete dialogbox… existing any others possibilities ??? May be this feature added in future. You can add this possibilitie into tab Highlight – where can user define keywords as underline, italic, bold – you can add UPPERCASE. EmEditor will change all keywords with this option tu uppercase.
What are you thinking about it?Nuf
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