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  • #6930

    I am really excited about your editor. It is well thought out with excellent features.
    I have a question in regard to word complete,

    In my situation I want only the words bracketed in the document to pop up.
    So I only want to see things like [myvar] [firstsw] etc…

    I know about the custom word and first and last char but that causes it to be included but does not create an exclusive list of bracketed items.

    Is there a way of this happening?

    Also, is there a setting in the editor to change the brackets to another color?


    Yutaka Emura

    shx wrote:
    I am really excited about your editor. It is well thought out with excellent features.
    I have a question in regard to word complete,

    In my situation I want only the words bracketed in the document to pop up.
    So I only want to see things like [myvar] [firstsw] etc…

    I know about the custom word and first and last char but that causes it to be included but does not create an exclusive list of bracketed items.

    Is there a way of this happening?

    Also, is there a setting in the editor to change the brackets to another color?


    Unfortunately, I don’t think there is any way to create the list of bracketed items exclusively. If this is critical to your work, can you please describe why you need this feature, and I might add this feature in future versions.

    To highlight [ and ], please go to the Highlight (1) tab of the configuration Properties, and add [ and ] to the list.


    In the language that I code in the variables (symbolics) are bracketed. For example

    SetVar “[myVariable]” “Hello”

    Keyword followed by parameters.

    So the variable will be both quoted and bracketed.

    As for my second question I am looking for a way to change the brackets itself to a different color. This is a generic thing. Not a specific word.


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