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  • #4161

    I notice that when I type quickly, text on other lines in the file tends to flicker. Not really that critical, just a little visually distracting. It appears that the entire buffer is being redrawn with each character or something like that. Does anyone else ever notice this issue?

    Yutaka Emura

    The next version (7) will improve how EmEditor displays text and prevent this flickering issue.


    FWIW, I just realized, based on another forum post, that the outline plugin causes this issue.


    There seem to be a few threads on this issue (some focused on the outline plugin) and some not. I thought I would add an additional entry since I still see this problem with the latest release (7.00.1). At some point during the version 7 beta process this problem went away… and then it resurfaced. What I have found is that when the outline plugin is not active, only the current line is affected (e.g. the text flickers when typing quickly). When the outline is enabled, other lines are affected. The easiest way to reproduce is to open a text file, type as fast as possible (e.g. aldskfja;dlkfjad;lkjdsa;lk) or hold down the delete key. It’s much more prevalent when the outline plugin is enabled.

    I don’t think it’s a hardware problem. I have seen this on multiple machines. Laptops, yes, but new Thinkpads (t60, t61) with fast processors and discreet, higher-end graphics.

    Please let me know if there is any information I can provide to help troubleshoot.

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