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  • #23287

    Issue 1 (New):
    “Character Code at Cursor” block is very narrow.

    Issue 2:
    “Character Code at Cursor” block never shows tooltip.
    And the last (right-end) block seldom shows tooltip.

    Issue 3:
    Should always show tooltip for a block even if it is currently empty.

    Issue 4:
    Should the number of “Selected Lines” be 1 when the selection is only a word?

    Issue 5:
    The description of “Number of Lines” in CHM needs to be updated.

    Groups for Status items.
    One can add and manage (rename, etc.) several groups.
    And the groups can be selected from a menu.
    (Though a macro can do, time is needed…)

    Group examples:

    Group 1: (Name: ChrCode|Pos)
    Character Code at Cursor
    Cursor Position

    Group 2: (Name: Pos|Cfg|Enc)
    Cursor Position
    Current Configuration
    Current Encoding

    Group 3: (Name: ChrCode|Pos|C|W|L)
    Character Code at Cursor
    Cursor Position
    Number of Characters
    Number of Words
    Number of Lines

    Yutaka Emura


    We are fixing the Issue 1, 2, and 3 on the next beta (v17.7.93).

    I would like to clarify your questions.

    As for Issue 4, I see the status bar shows correctly. For instance, if the total number of lines is 10, and only a word is selected, the status bar shows “1/10 lines”. Can you explain more details?

    As for Issue 5, can you explain which page you are talking about, and how we should correct the page?



    > Issue 4:
    I thought it would be 0 if the selection contained no newline character.

    > Issue 5:
    Number of Lines: Displays the number of lines in the selection.
    + and the total number of lines.

    Yutaka Emura

    Currently, it is the number of newlines in the selection if the end of the selection is at the left edge of the editor (Col: 1 position), or it is that PLUS ONE if the end of the selection is Col: 2 or larger.
    We will fix the Help.


    Issue 1-2:
    “Character Code at Cursor” block is wider now, but is always blank. It’s only for clicking?

    By the way,
    Though it doesn’t matter, in the menus for the blocks, we usually want to see “…” if it’s a 2-step item, e.g.:
    Character Code Value…

    Issue A:
    “Show Execution Time” is checked.
    Run a macro like this one:
    document.selection.Find( str, eeFindNext | eeFindCount )
    Or this:
    status = str
    ** In the status bar, the text will be flushed away by the Execution Time.
    Is it possible to optimize such issues, rather than one has to add codes to disable “Show Execution Time” option in the macros?

    Yutaka Emura

    As for Issue 1-2, I am not sure why it’s blank, but I see a character code in this field in the status bar. A character code should appear when no selection exists or only one character is selected.


    Tests with default settings show that this block is not working for some encodings.

    BTW suggestion:
    I hope the encoding can be changed in a new empty tab.

    Makoto Emura

    LTT, encodings that the character code dialog have not implemented left the status bar character value blank. For example, UTF-7 is not implemented, so the character code value is blank. I have changed it so that if the encoding isn’t implemented yet, and the status bar would be blank, the Unicode value appears instead.

    When you first found that the character code value is blank inside the status bar, (link to comment) which encoding where you using? I may implement this encoding if it is well used.


    Hello Makoto,

    My default encoding is CP-936.
    Yes it is widely used.

    Another issue:
    The fields are using auto width.
    But when in UTF-8, the widened field often does not shrink for fewer codes.

    Makoto Emura

    CP936 is now implemented for the next build. The status bar field only expands, and resets size when changing documents. This is because when the field was resized every time the caret changed position, it was hard to read the values.


    I think, at least in the status bar, “0x” is not necessary.
    And I think “0x0D 0x0A” would be better than “0xD 0xA”.

    Makoto Emura

    Thank you for your input. There will be preceding 0’s for the character values in the next build.
    The “0x” is there to distinguish the character code values from the other numbers that appear on the status bar.

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