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  • #6417


    I am using Emeditor7 and I am missing a simple “RightClick Menu + ReloadFile” file function. I know that EmEditor has an automatic detection for changed files, but I have to turn it of.

    To reload a file I use “File -> Reload > Same Encoding”. I need it quite often, so it is kind of annoying. Another alternativ is to use a shortcut key like “F5”, which means a reload in most brosers.

    If this possibility already exists, I would be very thankful for a hint. Keep up the good work… I am looking foreward to the large file controller in EE8!

    Yutaka Emura

    Richard wrote:

    I am using Emeditor7 and I am missing a simple “RightClick Menu + ReloadFile” file function. I know that EmEditor has an automatic detection for changed files, but I have to turn it of.

    To reload a file I use “File -> Reload > Same Encoding”. I need it quite often, so it is kind of annoying. Another alternativ is to use a shortcut key like “F5”, which means a reload in most brosers.

    If this possibility already exists, I would be very thankful for a hint. Keep up the good work… I am looking foreward to the large file controller in EE8!

    How about double-clicking the Status Bar where you see the current encoding?

    Also, you can customize the right-click menu (Context Menu) to however you would like. To customize menus, select Customize Menus on the Tools menu.


    Yes yes yes! Thank you… the double-click on encoding function is great!
    Thank you for the quick answer. (Another proof that buying 10 licences for our comapny was worth every penny!).

    Wish you a good day!

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