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  • #9589

    Hello everyone
    Sorry about my poor English..

    I already enabled “Regular Expressions Match New Line Characters” checkbox
    but I still cannot find out the string contains a new line that with the regular expression



    the version is 10.1.1


    You also need to change the option below the “Regular Expressions Match New Line Characters” checkbox, “Additional Lines to Search for Regular Expressions”, from 0 to the maximum number of lines a tag could span. For example, if your tag is:

    <td>first line
    second line</td>

    you need to set it to 1, as the tag is one line later than the

    tag. the higher the number you set it, the slower the regex engine will work, as it will be looking at more lines.

    You could try setting to 100 or 1000 and see how performance is.


    It works!!
    Thank You so much!


    There could be an warning dialog after clicking [OK]
    IF “Regular Expressions Match New Line Characters” is checked
    AND “Additional Lines to Search for Regular Expressions” is set to ‘0’

    “You have chosen to use RegEx in multi line mode.
    Please note that you have to set the roughly expected “Additional Lines” option too.”

    Or an better idea:
    That two options could be somehow “grouped” by an thin frame line,
    and the “Additional Lines” option could be greyed-out
    while “Match New Line” is disabled,
    to make the relationship better visible.

    “[X] Regular Expressions Match New Line Characters”
              “Multi Line mode search max. for [ 0 ] additional lines.”

    – – –

    Or maybe these option could be set to an higher amount as ‘0’ by default.
    Would be an amount of, lets say, ’30’ really that slow?


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