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  • #10261


    tsv mode is extremely useful, but please make it possible to:

    1) change the order of the columns by drag and drop (like in EXCEL)
    2) sort the lines according to a specific column (like in EXCEL)
    3) filter/extract/bookmark lines that contain specific values in one column (like autofilter in EXCEL)
    4) easily copy online one column (ALT doesnt work always conveniently)



    1) can be done, albeit with some manipulation using “Sticky vertical mode”;
    2) Is already implemented: right click on the vertical ruler at a particular column and choose “sort …”
    3) EmEditor is NOT excel. A TSV can be directly loaded to any Excel, no “conversion” necessary!
    4) Is also implemented. Again, use “Sticky vertical mode”;

    I resent making any application a “catch all” one. Do you want EE to also be a Musical notes editor? I want EE to be lightning fast loaded, lightning fast execution, code editor. I don’t want it even to be a word processor! Please do dot burden it down with too many “features”!


    ok, I know that EmEditor is not MS EXCEL, but manipulating tsv/csv text files, is something that imo should be part of EmEditor!

    MS EXCEL is not about csv/tsv text files only!


    is there anywhere documentation about “Sticky vertical mode”?

    I need to know what it does exactly



    The cut/past of columns and rows in tsv mode seems very reasonable. That does seem like something EmEdit should handle correctly.

    There is already the Alt selection (for rectangular selection) and also the “Select Column” option. I made a small table and tried to cut/paste columns and just couldn’t get it do work well.

    Am I missing the knack/technique of something here? Is this a defect/oversight that can be addressed?

    Yutaka Emura


    Can you please make sure the last line terminated with a new line? If so, you should have any problems with copying and pasting a column. Thank you!

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