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- April 17, 2013 at 2:40 pm #10952
For my scripts I always have the wish to be able
to create better dialogs then alert and input ;-)One way could be to utilize http protocol to show
a web page and get back the inserted results and clicked options.I have seen that this works well with another application.
(XYplorer file manager, credits to Donald)Here is how it goes, maybe that would be a nifty idea for EmEditor too?
The key trick here is the EmEditor own ‘EEM:’ protocol:
May 15, 2013 at 5:26 am #11044Stefan
ParticipantHi Yutaka,
have you think about a way to implement
such GUI-features to the macro language?Mostly I need the possibility to show
a dialog with a few check boxes, radio buttons
and input/edit fields. Maybe drop-down list too.Then I want to get back what the user has entered/selected
and work on that information to further execute my code.I have seen that possibility in some ways already
and if you need some ideas/inspirations please let my know.But please be more communicative and talk with your usership
to let them know what you think and if the suggestion have
a change to get implemented or not.It’s not that nice to have monologues mostly ;-)
Join the chat.
Thank You
StefanMay 15, 2013 at 10:34 pm #11045Yutaka Emura
I am very sorry for late responses.
I don’t want to add too many features because they might make EmEditor bloated, and it will become harder to maintain in the future.
I heard you can add dialog boxes using COM object such as SeraphyScriptDialog http://sourceforge.jp/projects/seraphyscrtools/ There might be other similar COM objects.
However, I will think about adding more GUI interfaces.
May 16, 2013 at 5:40 pm #11048Stefan
ParticipantYutaka wrote:
Hello,I am very sorry for late responses.
Thanks for feedback.
Yutaka wrote:
I heard you can add dialog boxes using COM object
such as SeraphyScriptDialogThat functions are exactly what I have searched for for years.
Many thanks for that link.
I have never found something like that.Unfortunately it seams some parts are hard coded in japanisch language ( see browse folder button and the path delimiter Y )
Also since I have to register the com object it is not fully portable. But I guess that de-/registering can be done by a script too.
Only it is not that nifty to share script with others if they have to register a dll first. Also they need admin rights.
And I have not found any help in english language till now.
I have to experiment a bit with that.
Thank you much!
May 21, 2013 at 3:01 pm #11057Stefan
ParticipantBasically it works!
#language = "VBScript"
set obj = CreateObject("SeraphyScriptDialog")
set frm = obj.CreateForm()
frm.FormTitle = "Modify Lines"
i1 = frm.DefineLabel("For every line")
i2 = frm.DefineEdit("Prefix Lines: ")
i4 = frm.DefineEdit("Append Lines: ")
i12 = frm.DefineButton("OK;CANCEL")
'OK= return code 3
'Cancel = return code 4
ret = 0
ret = frm.ExecuteForm()
loop while(ret = 0)
if(ret=3) Then
'//Insert in front of selected lines
Leader = frm.Value(i2)
document.selection.Replace "^",Leader, eeReplaceSelOnly or eeReplaceAll or eeFindReplaceRegExp
'//Insert to the end of selected lines
Trailer = frm.Value(i4)
document.selection.Replace "$",Trailer, eeReplaceSelOnly or eeReplaceAll or eeFindReplaceRegExp
end ifNote:
have to be reistered as COM before.Works on Win7 64-bit for me.
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