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  • #24135

    Issue 1:
    Open Keyboard properties.
    Press a shortcut key.
    The “Currently Assigned to:” info shows.
    Now select a command that is for “(Cell Selection Mode Only)”.
    (Or select a common command when the last command is for “(Cell Selection Mode Only)”.)
    ** I think the “Currently Assigned to:” info should be refreshed instantly. (Or maybe a more conspicuous way is needed.)

    Issue 2:
    Long keyboard-character-without-space text (a1!@#$%^&()_-=+…) is never wrapped in the “Currently Assigned to:” info.

    Issue 3:
    Open KeyboardMap/QuickLaunch.
    Open the Properties of a command from the list.
    Assign a new shortcut key.
    Cancel the Properties window.
    Open the Properties window again.
    ** The new shortcut key is still there.

    Issue 4:
    In KeyboardMap/QuickLaunch window, the list often gives a flicker when the text in the search box is not selected and I press Ctrl+A in it.

    Yutaka Emura

    Issue 1 and 3 will be fixed on the next version.
    I am not sure if I understand Issue 4. I can’t reproduce the issue 4.


    > Issue 4:
    In KeyboardMap/QuickLaunch,
    Deselect the text in the search box.
    Ctrl+A in the search box.
    Repeat the 2 steps above.
    ** I often see a flicker in the list. (Selecting all in the list before doing the 2 steps might make the flicker more observable.)
    I think the flicker means the list is refreshed (unnecessarily).

    ** The flicker also occurs when I press Down key in the search box.

    Issue 5:
    In KeyboardMap/QuickLaunch,
    Deselect the text in the search box.
    Ctrl+A in the search box.
    Press Up key in the search box.
    ** The focus leaves the search box. (Only happens after these steps.)

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