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  • #23146

    Filter Toolbar:
    Turn on “Incremental Search”.
    ** Using “Abort” causes the filter string to be cleared. (Hence “Refresh” is disabled after aborted.)

    Yutaka Emura

    This is the specs. Since the Incremental Search option is turned on, the string in the Filter toolbar should be always filtered as you type in.


    But I mean the “Abort” command.

    When “Incremental” is OFF, “Abort” does NOT empty the filter string.
    This is nice. Thus I can switch the view with “Abort” and “Refresh” command conveniently. No need to pick up the string from the history again and again.

    The CHM description says: Aborts filtering and empties the filter string.
    But I think “Abort” should NOT empty the string in any case. It’s not necessary.

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