Notes on using EmEditor on Windows 10
1. On Windows 10, when the View Source by EmEditor on Internet Explorer option is enabled (it is enabled by default), selecting “View Source” from the right-click menu on Microsoft Edge might not actually display the source code. Moreover, right-clicking Microsoft Edge again might not bring up the menu, and the Microsoft Edge window might become unresponsive. This is considered a bug of Microsoft Edge or Windows 10.
To resolve this issue, go to Customize on the Tools menu of EmEditor, select the Shortcut tab, and clear the View Source by EmEditor on Internet Explorer check box. If you have installed the latest version of EmEditor (v15.2), EmEditor will automatically detect Windows 10 and prompt you to disable this option.
More information: This issue appears not only when using EmEditor, but any other text editors that replace Internet Explorer source viewer. To be more precise, if a path to a text editor exists as the default value of the registry:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name
under HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Microsoft Edge will not be able to display the source view in any windows and will become unresponsive.
2. When you run the “Record All Activities” command, Windows become unresponsive as soon as the macro recording starts. In this case, pressing CTRL + ESC or CTRL + ALT + DELETE will make Windows responsive again, but the macro recording will be aborted. On Windows 10, please use the “Record All Except Mouse/Keyboard Activities” command instead. The latest version of EmEditor (v15.2) will prompt whether you are sure to continue if you select the “Record All Activities” command.
More information: This issue appears when the SetWindowsHookEx function of Win32 API is called with the WH_JOURNALRECORD flag.
3. The following commands:
– The Cascade, Tile Horizontally, and Tile Vertically commands
– The Compare and Synchronize commands
might not work as expected if you use the new Task View feature of Windows 10 to create multiple virtual desktops, and multiple EmEditor group windows exist separately over different virtual desktops. EmEditor would behave as if all of EmEditor group windows existed in the same virtual desktop. For example, when there are two EmEditor group windows which exist at different virtual desktops, if you select the Tile Horizontally command, only one EmEditor group window appears on the upper half of the current virtual desktop while the other EmEditor group window appears on the lower half of the other virtual desktop.
This issue has been resolved on EmEditor v15.2. Please install and use the latest versions of EmEditor that more fully support Windows 10.

Previous versions of EmEditor do not consider the possibility where EmEditor windows exist at different virtual desktops on Windows 10.
For more details, please see EmEditor v15.2 New Features.
This post is based on the current version of Windows 10. Future updates of Windows 10 might behave differently and resolve these issues.
Thank you for using EmEditor!
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