EmEditor v24.3.2 released

v24.3.2 includes the following bug fixes. Please make sure to always update to the latest version for stable operations.

  • Fixed an issue where clicking on a tab could change the document order when multiple document tabs are present.
  • Fixed issues related to printing selected ranges and line wrapping.
  • Fixed a potential crash when aborting asynchronous JScript macros.
  • Fixed a potential crash when detecting HTML/Charset code pages during Find in Files.

If you use the Desktop Installer version, you can select Check for Updates on the Help to download the newest version. If this method fails, please download the newest version, and run the downloaded installer. If you use the Desktop portable version, you can go to the Download page to download the newest version. The Store App versions can be updated through Microsoft Store (64-bit or 32-bit) after a few days.