EmEditor Professional 9.01 has been released!
EmEditor Professional 9.01 (full-version) is available for download.
Updates from 9.00 include:
– On certain machines, the “An error occurred while registering the key.” message might appear when trying to enter a registration key. This issue was fixed.
– The CTRL + R shortcut was removed from the default Snippets keyboard settings.
– “Check for Updates” and “Customize Update Checker” commands were added to the Help menu. These commands allow you to check for updates manually, and to set the frequency of the update checker from “Every day”, “Every year” to “Never”.
– On the first launch of EmEditor, the message “The software might connect to Emurasoft server via Internet to retrieve available newer version information of the software and to verify the legitimacy of the license. … Do you agree?” appears now. This sentence was included in the End User License Agreement during the Setup, but the sentence was also included as a prompt message for the first use of EmEditor in order to confirm the user agreement.
The current Trial version (v9.00) never connects to Emurasoft server to retrieve update information or to verify the legitimacy of the license.
<<< To Download >>>
v9 users who already registered to Emurasoft Customer Center can go to https://support.emeditor.com/ to login, and then go to “Available Downloads” to download the latest versions.
There are no update for the trial version.
If you have purchased older versions of EmEditor Professional (v4-8) before and if you have your registration key, you can upgrade to the latest version of EmEditor Professional for free by registering your product at Emurasoft Customer Center.
Thank you for using EmEditor Professional!