EmEditor v14.6.0 beta 17 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.6.0 beta 17.

Updates from v14.6.0 beta 16 include:

  • The Prefer UTF-8 check box was added to the File tab of configuration properties. When this is checked and the Detect UTF-8 check box is also checked, UTF-8 takes precedence if the file can be interpreted both as UTF-8 and the selected encoding. For example, a file contains only ANSI characters (alphabets and numbers), it can be opened without any problems both as UTF-8 and Western European. In this situation, EmEditor opens the file as UTF-8. EmEditor also opens an empty file as UTF-8 if this is checked.
  • Stability improvements.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 17 released!.

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

New Filter Bar feature: (EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 11)

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 11.

Updates from v14.6.0 beta 8 include:

  • Added the new Filter Bar was added. The Filter Bar allows you to view only the lines that include a specified string.
  • The Toggle Filter Toolbar, Set Focus to Filter Toolbar, Close Filter Toolbar commands were added.
  • The Filter Toolbar button was added to the toolbar.
  • CTRL + SHIFT + D was assigned to the Set Focus to Filter Toolbar command by default.
  • Fixed other bugs.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 11 released! (New Feature: Filter Bar).

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 8 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 8.

Updates from v14.6.0 beta 4 include:

  • In the Selection Only check box was added to the Find dialog box in addition to the Replace dialog box. This allows you to search for a string within a certain column in a CSV file.
  • The Sort by Multiple Columns command was added.
  • Pressing CTRL + A twice selects the whole document. Pressing CTRL + HOME twice moves to the left edge on the top line.
  • Improved double/triple-clicking behavior on the ruler/headings.
  • Improved stability.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 8 released!.

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 4 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 4.

Updates from v14.6.0 beta 1 include:

  • The “Sort by Multiple Columns” command was added.
  • The “Drag separators only in headings and the ruler with the mouse” and “Read only in headings” check boxes were added to the CSV tab of the Customize dialog box.
  • The “Read Only in Headings” command was added to the Heading popup menu.
  • “Headings” was added to the list in the Display tab of configuration properties.
  • The Remove Unnecessary Double-Quotes command was added.
  • The Max lines to detect and Min delimiters to detect check boxes were added to the CSV tab of the Customize dialog box.
  • The Adjust Separator Position command was separated into the Adjust Separator Position (Whole Document) command and the Adjust Separator Position (Visible Lines Only) command.
  • Pressing CTRL + A twice selects the whole document. Pressing CTRL + HOME twice moves to the left edge on the top line.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 4 released!.

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 1

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 1.

We used to use terminology “Separated Values” or “CSV/DSV/TSV”, but we will start calling all separated values by any delimiters as “CSV”.

Updates from v14.5.4 include:

  • The CSV/Sort toolbar was added. Following commands can be executed against all documents in the current group by clicking the button while pressing the SHIFT key — Normal Mode, all “CSV” commands, all “Convert to” commands, Fixed Width Columns, all “Sort” commands, Delete Duplicate Lines, Heading 0 – 4, Adjust Separator Positions, Automatically Add Separators, and Remove All Separators.
  • The CSV tab was added to the Customize dialog box. You can add or edit CSV formats here. Currently you can define up to 8 CSV formats. As a delimiter, you can specify up to 39 character long string. The “Allow delimiters in double quotes” check box, the “Allow new lines in double quotes” check box and the Heading text box were added.
  • The CSV files to detect list box was added to the File tab of configuration properties.
  • The Extract All button was added to the Find dialog box. Pressing the “Extract All” button will extract lines containing the searched string to a new document.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.6.0 beta 1 released!.

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

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EmEditor v14.5.4 released!

In response to the hacking incident on the other day, we decided to disable the update checker until we can confirm the safety of our server and the Update Checker. We strongly recommend this update to all EmEditor users.

For safety of customers, we removed update configuration files in our server. Therefore the Update Checker on older versions of EmEditor will not be available anymore. If you try to check updates from older versions, you will see the prompt message: “Invalid or missing updates configuration file. …”. This is not a bug. Please download and update to the newest version of EmEditor by clicking here.

Updates from v14.5.3 include:

Features Removed

  • The Update Checker features were disabled. The Check for Updates and Customize Update Checker commands were removed or disabled.


Bug Fixes

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features.

Download EmEditor v14 Now.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

See also

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32-bit version of installer updated

32-bit version of installer updated

Today, we are replacing the 32-bit version of installer. There was an issue with Custom Install in the 32-bit installer for v14.5.x. The issue was that even if you selected “Custom” and then disabled “Program Shortcuts and Association” features (or any sub features in this folder), these features were actually installed. The new installer fixed this issue. The new file name for the new installer is “emed32_14.5.3a.exe”. The new installer can be downloaded at the Download page.

There are no changes with the 64-bit version of installer nor the portable version, and there are no changes with the actual EmEditor program files. Most customers do not need to update with this fix. However, if you already installed v14.5.x (32-bit) and wish to reinstall EmEditor without “Program Shortcuts and Association” options during install, you could do so by uninstalling existing EmEditor first, and then reinstall EmEditor by using the new installer.

I apologize for any inconveniences you might have experienced.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

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The Next version of EmEditor will enhance the CSV support!

The Next version of EmEditor (v14.6) will enhance the CSV support (including separated values such as TSV and DSV). We are glad to hear that more customers use EmEditor to analyze big data these days. We would like to hear what features should be included to make EmEditor more useful to edit very large CSV files.

If you have opinions or feature requests related to CSV support, please post a message to our forums or in the Contact Us Form.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor v14.5.3 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.5.3. Please always update EmEditor to the newest version.
Updates from v14.5.2 include:


  • The Find in Files feature now shows the Progress Bar.
    When starting Find in Files, EmEditor will first count the number of files in the specified folder (and the sub folders if specified), so it might look a several-second pause before searching. If you prefer the previous behavior, in the Registry key:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EmSoft\EmEditor v3\Common,
    you can create a new DWORD value called “GrepCountFiles” and set the value to 0.

Bug Fixes

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

Download EmEditor v14 Now.

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor v14.5.2 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.5.2. Please always update EmEditor to the newest version.
Updates from v14.5.1 include:

Bug Fixes

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

Download EmEditor v14 Now.

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.