EmEditor v14.9.2 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.9.2.

Updates from v14.9.1 include:

New General Features

  • When adjusting the font size by rotating the mouse wheel while pressing the CTRL key, only the font size when the CTRL key was released is now recorded in the history.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug where right-click on the outside area shows the ruler context menu.
  • Fixed the bug where the Look in Subfolders check box in the Find in Files dialog box might have been cleared sometimes.
  • Fixed the bug where right-click on the Tray Icon could run the assigned command twice.
  • Fixed a certain bug of the WordComplete plug-in.

Please see EmEditor v14.9 New Features for details.

To update, you can select Check for Updates on the Help, or you can go to the download page to download the newest version.

This version is available free if you have a lifetime license or if your maintenance plan is valid as of March 10, 2015. Your registration keys might be found in the Resend Keys page of Emurasoft Customer Center.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor v14.9.1 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.9.1.

Updates from v14.9.0 include:

Bug Fixes

  • After updating an old version to v14.9.0, the first launch of EmEditor fails. If this happened, you can stop emeditor.exe in the Task Manager, or restart Windows. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Please see EmEditor v14.9 New Features for details.

To update, you can select Check for Updates on the Help, or you can go to the download page to download the newest version.

This version is available free if you have a lifetime license or if your maintenance plan is valid as of March 3, 2015. Your registration keys might be found in the Resend Keys page of Emurasoft Customer Center.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor v14.9.0 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.9.0.
This new version adds important features with big data analysis and database file editing in mind.

This version does not support Windows XP. If you still use Windows XP, please download v14.8.1 (32-bit), which is the last version that can work on Windows XP.

Updates from v14.8.1 include:

New General Features

  • The new Remove Embedded Newlines in CSV command allows you to remove embedded newlines in CSV documents.
  • The new Add and Remove buttons in the Customize Plug-ins dialog box allow you to add a new plug-in from a different folder. The new version will not detect a new plug-in automatically. The Add button in this dialog box must be clicked to be included in the plug-in list if a user installs a new plug-in.
  • The Save Opened Potion As button was added to the Large File Controller, which allows you to save the opened portion as a different file.
  • The Bookmark button was added to the Delete Duplicate Lines dialog box, which allows you to set bookmarks in duplicate lines without deleting them.
  • This version will not work on Windows XP, and is optimized for Windows Vista or later.
  • The Boost library was updated to Version 1.57.

New Options

  • The new Match Only Embedded Newlines in CSV command was added to the menu item appeared when the > button is clicked in the Find/Replace dialog box.
  • The new Match Only Embedded Newlines in CSV button was added to the Find toolbar.
  • The new Fixed Value option was added to the menu item appeared when the > button is clicked in the Find/Replace/Find in Files/Replace in Files dialog box. Also Custom was renamed to Last Used Value. Save as Default was renamed to Auto Save, and allows you to toggle the enable/disable status.
  • The Use in Find in Files Filter check box was added to the Configuration Associations dialog box.

New Commands

  • Remove Embedded Newlines in CSV
  • Match Only Embedded Newlines in CSV (Find toolbar)

Macro New Features

  • The eeFindReplaceEmbeddedNL flag was added to the Find and Replace methods of the Selection object.

Plug-in API New Features

  • The FLAG_FIND_EMBEDDED_NL flag was added to the Editor_FindA, Editor_FindW inline functions and the EE_FINDA and EE_FINDW messages.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug where newlines embedded at the last line of a CSV document were not properly restored when switching to the normal model.
  • Fixed a certain bug in the Snippets plug-in.
  • Fixed the Windows bug where the Open dialog box might have displayed a prompt message “This files doesn’t exist. Create the new file?” when you enter a file name and click another folder.

Please see EmEditor v14.9 New Features for details.

To update, you can select Check for Updates on the Help, or you can go to the download page to download the newest version.

This version is available free if you have a lifetime license or if your maintenance plan is valid as of March 3, 2015. Your registration keys might be found in the Resend Keys page of Emurasoft Customer Center.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 6 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 6.

Updates from v14.9.0 beta 5 include:

Macro New Features

  • The eeFindReplaceEmbeddedNL flag was added to the Find and Replace methods of the Selection object.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.9.0 beta 6 released!.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 5 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 5.

Updates from v14.9.0 beta 4 include:

New General Features

  • The In the Selection Only by Default command added to the menu item appeared when the > button is clicked in the Find/Replace dialog box was reversed.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.9.0 beta 5 released!.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 4 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 4.

Updates from v14.9.0 beta 3 include:

New General Features

  • The Save Opened Potion As button was added to the Large File Controller, which allows you to save the opened portion as a different file.
  • The Bookmark button was added to the Delete Duplicate Lines dialog box, which allows you to set bookmarks in duplicate lines without deleting them.
  • The In the Selection Only by Default command was added to the menu item appeared when the > button is clicked in the Find/Replace dialog box.


  • Fixed the Windows bug where the Open dialog box might have displayed a prompt message “This files doesn’t exist. Create the new file?” when you enter a file name and click another folder.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.9.0 beta 4 released!.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 3 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 3.

Updates from v14.9.0 beta 2 include:


  • Fixed certain issues with plug-ins.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.9.0 beta 3 released!.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 2 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 2.

Updates from v14.9.0 beta 1 include:

New General Features

  • The Match Embedded Newlines in CSV check box was removed, and the new Match Embedded Newlines in CSV command was added to the menu item appeared when the > button is clicked in the Find/Replace dialog box.
  • The new Fixed Value command was added to the menu item appeared when the > button is clicked in the Find/Replace/Find in Files/Replace in Files dialog box. Also Custom was renamed to Last Used Value. Save as Default was renamed to Auto Save, and allows you to toggle the enable/disable status.
  • The Use in Find in Files Filter check box was added to the Configuration Associations dialog box. The file extensions set here will be used for the Find in Files file types.
  • The Add and Remove buttons were added to the Customize Plug-ins dialog box, which now allows you to add a new plug-in from a different folder. The Folder text box was deprecated. The new version will not detect a new plug-in automatically. The Add button in this dialog box must be clicked to be included in the plug-in list if a user installs a new plug-in.
  • The Set Word to Find command, and the Use Regular Expressions check box in the Find/Replace dialog boxes will not be cleared in the Find dialog box.
  • This version will not work on Windows XP, and is optimized for Windows Vista or later.
  • The Boost library was updated to Version 1.57.


  • A certain Snippets plug-in bug was fixed.
  • A certain CSV file bug related to embedded newlines was fixed.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.9.0 beta 2 released!.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 1 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.9.0 beta 1.

Updates from v14.8.1 include:

New General Features

  • The new Match Embedded Newlines in CSV check box was added to the Find and Replace dialog boxes, which allows you to find, replace, and remove newlines.
  • The Remove Embedded Newlines in CSV command was added.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.9.0 beta 1 released!.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor v14.8.1 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.8.1.
This new version adds important features with big data analysis and database file editing in mind.

Updates from v14.8.0 include:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug where new lines in cells were not correctly embedded after 1,000 lines.
  • Fixed the bug where the Tag Jump command did not work correctly in the Output bar when the file path was wrapped.
  • Fixed the bug where Sort commands became disabled when the Tabs were disabled.
  • Fixed a certain Snippets plug-in bug.
  • Fixed the bug where a folder named AI_RecycleBin might have been created in a network drive after the install and uninstall.

Please see EmEditor v14.8 New Features for details.

To update, you can select Check for Updates on the Help, or you can go to the download page to download the newest version.

This version is available free if you have a lifetime license or if your maintenance plan is valid as of February 4, 2015. Your registration keys might be found in the Resend Keys page of Emurasoft Customer Center.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.