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EmEditor v19.4 beta 5 (19.3.95) released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v19.4 beta 5 (19.3.95).

Please see EmEditor v19.4 New Features for details and screenshots.

Updates from v19.4 beta 4 (19.3.94) include:

  • Fixed bugs reported by customers (1, 2, 3).

Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. In order to update automatically to future beta versions, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas.

Newest beta versions can be downloaded at Previous and new beta versions.

These files will be no longer accessible when official release versions become available. The official releases can be downloaded at the Download page.

Please post any questions or comments at Beta Forums.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor Logo

EmEditor v19.4 beta 4 (19.3.94) released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v19.4 beta 4 (19.3.94).

Please see EmEditor v19.4 New Features for details and screenshots.

Updates from v19.4 beta 3 (19.3.93) include:

  • Added the Export and Import commands to the context menu displayed when right-clicked in the list box in the CSV page of the Customize dialog box and other dialog boxes.
  • Fixed bugs reported by customers (1, 2, 3).

Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. In order to update automatically to future beta versions, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas.

Newest beta versions can be downloaded at Previous and new beta versions.

These files will be no longer accessible when official release versions become available. The official releases can be downloaded at the Download page.

Please post any questions or comments at Beta Forums.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor Logo

EmEditor v19.4 beta 3 (19.3.93) released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v19.4 beta 3 (19.3.93).

Please see EmEditor v19.4 New Features for details and screenshots.

Moreover, these issues were addressed:

  • Fixed a bug in editing very large files.

Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. In order to update automatically to future beta versions, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas.

Newest beta versions can be downloaded at Previous and new beta versions.

These files will be no longer accessible when official release versions become available. The official releases can be downloaded at the Download page.

Please post any questions or comments at Beta Forums.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor Logo

EmEditor v19.4 beta 2 (19.3.92) released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v19.4 beta 2 (19.3.92).

Please see EmEditor v19.4 New Features for details and screenshots.

New Options

  • Added the Drag selection border to extend/shrink selection, and Enable AutoRepeat handle in non-Cell Selection Mode check boxes to the Mouse page of the Customize dialog box.

Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. In order to update automatically to future beta versions, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas.

Newest beta versions can be downloaded at Previous and new beta versions.

These files will be no longer accessible when official release versions become available. The official releases can be downloaded at the Download page.

Please post any questions or comments at Beta Forums.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor Logo

EmEditor v19.4 beta 1 (19.3.91) released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v19.4 beta 1 (19.3.91).

Please see EmEditor v19.4 New Features for details and screenshots.

Moreover, these issues were addressed:

  • Fixed bugs reported by customers (1).

Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. In order to update automatically to future beta versions, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas.

Newest beta versions can be downloaded at Previous and new beta versions.

These files will be no longer accessible when official release versions become available. The official releases can be downloaded at the Download page.

Please post any questions or comments at Beta Forums.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor Logo

EmEditor v19.3 beta 3 (19.2.93) released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v19.3 beta 3 (19.2.93).

Please see EmEditor v19.3 New Features for details and screenshots.

Moreover, these issues were addressed:

  • Fixed a bug in beta 2 where user-defined strings set in the Highlight (1) page of configuration properties might not have been correctly highlighted.

Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. In order to update automatically to future beta versions, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas.

To Download

These files will be no longer accessible when official release versions become available. The official releases can be downloaded at the Download page.

Please post any questions or comments at Beta Forums.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor Logo

EmEditor v19.3 beta 2 (19.2.92) released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v19.3 beta 2 (19.2.92).

Please see EmEditor v19.3 New Features for details and screenshots.

Moreover, these issues were addressed:

  • Fixed a bug where Find in Files (using system default encoding files in double-byte code system) might fail to find all matches.

Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. In order to update automatically to future beta versions, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas.

To Download

These files will be no longer accessible when official release versions become available. The official releases can be downloaded at the Download page.

Please post any questions or comments at Beta Forums.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor Logo

EmEditor v19.3 beta 1 (19.2.91) released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v19.3 beta 1 (19.2.91).

Please see EmEditor v19.3 New Features for details and screenshots.

Moreover, these issues were addressed:

  • Fixed bugs reported by customers (1, 2, 3).

Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. In order to update automatically to future beta versions, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas.

To Download

These files will be no longer accessible when official release versions become available. The official releases can be downloaded at the Download page.

Please post any questions or comments at Beta Forums.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor Logo

EmEditor v19.2 beta 3 (19.1.93) released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v19.2 beta 3 (19.1.93).

Please see EmEditor v19.2 New Features for details and screenshots.

Updates from beta 2 (19.1.92) include:

  • Fixed a bug where launching EmEditor was very slow on beta 2.
  • Improved the speed of Find in Files and Replace in Files, and improved the progress dialog.

Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. In order to update automatically to future beta versions, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas.

To Download

These files will be no longer accessible when official release versions become available. The official releases can be downloaded at the Download page.

Please post any questions or comments at Beta Forums.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor Logo

EmEditor v19.2 beta 2 (19.1.92) released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v19.2 beta 2 (19.1.92).

Please see EmEditor v19.2 New Features for details and screenshots.

Updates from beta 1 (19.1.91) include:

  • Added the Maximum bytes to detect UTF-8 text box to the File page of the Customize dialog box.
  • Improved the speed of Find in Files and Replace in Files.

Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. In order to update automatically to future beta versions, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas.

To Download

These files will be no longer accessible when official release versions become available. The official releases can be downloaded at the Download page.

Please post any questions or comments at Beta Forums.

Thank you for using EmEditor!