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EmEditor works well with Windows Server 2008

We have confirmed that EmEditor Professional 7 is compatible with Windows Server 2008.

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EmEditor Professional 7.00.4 has been released!

EmEditor Professional 7.00.4 has been released!

The updates include:

– HTMLBar is now fully customizable.
– 64-bit version can now integrate with IE (32-bit) as well as IE (64-bit) for View Source.
– View Source from IE can open HTML without Read Only mode. To do that, Run regedit.exe, add new DWORD value as “HTMLReadOnly” in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEmSoftEmEditor v3Common, and set this value to zero.
– bug fixes.

EmEditor Professional 7 is available free for all EmEditor Professional registered users.

Certified for Windows Vista

Compatible with Windows Vista SP1

Relax. We confirmed that EmEditor Professional 7 is compatible with Windows Vista SP1 (Service Pack 1)!

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EmEditor Professional 7.00.3 has been released!

EmEditor Professional 7.00.3 has been released!

The updates include:

– Snippets plug-in now supports multiple-line drag and drop.
– Snippets plug-in now supports parameters.
– Fixed a bug that a huge file may not always save changes after editing.
– Other bug fixes.

EmEditor Professional 7 is available free for all EmEditor Professional registered users.

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EmEditor Professional 7.00.2 has been released!

EmEditor Professional 7.00.2 has been released!

The updates include:

– OutlineText plug-in updated to fix flickering issue.
– WordComplete plug-in updated to fix selection issue.
– Highlighting corresponding brackets now works in comments and in quotes.
– Other bug fixes.

Certified for Windows Vista

EmEditor Notes 1.00 (Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget)

This gadget is similar to Notes, a built-in gadget in Windows Vista, but it also allows you to continue editing with EmEditor text editor when installed.

Download EmEditor Notes: http://gallery.live.com/LiveItemDetail.aspx?li=b91a3ce7-2029-42f5-86a6-a71c023f1816

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EmEditor Professional 7.00.1 released!

EmEditor Professional 7.00.1 has been released!

The feature includes:

– Further optimizations now allow you to open up to 248 GB or 2.1 billion line file. See screenshot.
– Bug fixes.

EmEditor Professional 7 is available free for all EmEditor Professional registered users.

Warning against unauthorized usage

It is prohibited for software users to possess unauthorized registration keys, obtaining from anyone or any websites providing illegal serial numbers through crackers or Keygen groups. We ask all EmEditor users to purchase valid registration keys.

See Warning against unauthorized usage – crack, keygen, serial, etc.

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EmEditor Professional 7.00 released!

EmEditor Professional 7.00 has been released!

This version is the biggest upgrade ever in EmEditor history!

Version 7 now allows you to open huge files (>4GB) fast easily, and optimized for the speed and reliability.

Version 7 can now record and play keystrokes and mouse operation against other applications, and includes new plug-ins including Projects and Word Complete, lots of new objects for macros, the Macros Toolbar, and portability options (such as USB drive setup), virtual space mode, wrap indent, smooth scroll, Theme feature for color settings, and crash auto-recovery.

EmEditor Professional 7 is available free for all EmEditor Professional registered users.

We would like to thank all of EmEditor users including beta testers for their valuable feedback!

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EmEditor Professional/Standard 6.00.4 released!

EmEditor Professional 6.00.4 and EmEditor Standard 6.00.4 have been released!

Fixed various issues since 6.00.3 release including:
– Fixed Windows Vista compatibility issues.
– Find in Files could crash when using Japanese or Korean (auto-detect).
– Installer did not always add “EmEditor” to Explorer context menu.
– Selection after Comment or Indent command adjusted.
– Outline plug-in could crash when Alt + Down/Up is pressed continuously.