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EmEditor Professional 8.05 has been released!

EmEditor Professional 8.05 has been released!

Updates from v8.04 include:
– Fixed the bug that regular expression replace in selection only might crash when virtual space is on.
– Matching Parenthesis/Bracket Extend command did not always work in the HTML configuration.
– Fixed the bug that the Indent Guide did not show correctly.
– Fixed the bug that GetProfileString method did not work when using INI files.
– Fixed the bug that uppercase/lowercase and half-width/full-width conversions did not always work on the last line when there was no return at the end of the document.
– Fixed the bug related vertical editing in one line selection.
– Fixed the selection range after box selection replace in virtual space mode.
– German edition with German installer added.

EmEditor Professional 8 is available free for all EmEditor Professional registered users.

Text Editor Speed Comparison

Recently, we conducted an experiment to determine and compare the speeds of some of the most popular text editors. Guess what? We found out that EmEditor Professional 8.02 is the fastest overall! In fact, EmEditor Professional 8.02 completed all tests in 30 seconds or less, every single time! For more details, please see our test results:

We tested for:

  • Time to Launch Program (no sidebars)
  • Time to Open a Medium File (141 MB)
  • Time to Open a Large File (809 MB)
  • Time to Complete Replace (case sensitive) *Replace “a” with “@@”.

We tested twelve of the most popular text editors. Please see the footnotes for more details regarding the test conditions.(*)


Time to Launch Program (no sidebars)

The fastest text editor was EmEditor Professional 8.02 at 00:00.196th of a second.


Time to Open a Medium File (141MB)

Almost half of the text editors were able to open the test file in less than 25 seconds. EmEditor Professional 8.02 opened the test file in 00:16.02 seconds. The test file was 1.75 million lines, ASCII text file (141MB).

Mouse Tab

Time to Open a Large File (809MB)

Although all of the text editors could open the medium file (141MB), not all of them could open the large file (809MB). In fact, only 1/3 of the text editors were able to open the large file (809MB). The fastest text editor was EmEditor Professional 8.02 at 00:28.39 seconds. The test file was 10 million lines, ASCII text file (809MB).

Time to Complete Replace (case sensitive)

Two text editors were unable to complete this test and a third took more than one minute to complete the test; however, all of the remaining text editors completed this test in less than twelve seconds. EmEditor Professional 8.02 was one of the fastest text editors at 00:001.41 seconds. The test file was 200,000 lines, ASCII text file (16MB).


Some text editors are optimized for speed and size, and others are not. There are text editors which include optimization options and others that simply operate quickly, and still others that just crash. For these tests, here are the overall best text editors.

The following text editor completed all four tests in less than 1 minute each, every time.

  • EmEditor Professional 8.02

The following text editors (quickly) completed all four tests.

  • EmEditor Professional 8.02
  • U 14.20
  • T1 5.2.0

These text editors completed 3/4 of the tests in less than 1 minute; however, they failed to complete the Time to Open a Large File (809MB) test.

  • N2 5.7b
  • H 7.10

If you would like to view the raw data, please see Text Editor Speed Test Results (PDF).

* Notes
– We tested the text editors on a clean Windows Vista SP1 (512MB RAM) on a Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. The host machine was a Dell Dimension C521 Athlon 64 X2 4600 2.40 GHz (3GB RAM), Windows Vista.
– All compared and reported results are the average of 5 tests.
– For each program we recorded six times for each test. The first time was always discarded, since this time tended to be much higher than the other test times.
– Then we calculated the average of the remaining 5 times—this is the reported time.
– For the first test—Time to Launch Program (no sidebars)—the times are reported in MM:SS.000.
– For the remaining three tests—Time to Open a Medium File (141 MB), Time to Open a Large File (809 MB), and Time to Complete Replace (case sensitive)—the times are reported in MM:SS.00.
– Any text editor that returned a test time higher than 10 minutes was tagged as too slow or error, as appropriate. These text editors were given a 00:00.00 test time for the tests they failed, and display gray results on the graphs.
– In the Time to Complete Replace (case sensitive) test, besides the Match Case option, we used all default settings. All undo information was kept.
– In the Time to Complete Replace (case sensitive) test, for H 7.10, we used the option “Go Faster”. Without this option, the replace would be too slow to be measured.
– In the Time to Complete Replace (case sensitive) test, for U 14.20 we used the option “Use temporary files for editing (normal operation)”. If we used the option “Open file without temp file but prompt for each file (CAUTION: Edits are permanent, decreases load time for large files)” the replace would be too fast to be measured.
– For the Time to Launch Program (no sidebars) test, we conducted the test with no sidebars, to optimize launching speeds.
– The programs, Notepad 6.0 and WordPad 6.0, are Microsoft programs included with the Windows Vista install.
– For the text editors other than EmEditor and the Microsoft programs, their names have been abbreviated for anonymity.
– For those commercial programs not included with the Windows Vista install, we used the available trial versions of the products.
– The Japanese text editor, H 7.10, included an English version, so we used the English version.
– We ran the Japanese text editor, T2 0.93, on the Regional and Language Administrative Options Japanese option.
– We used Application Launch Speed Measuring Program (Japanese) to measure program launch time.

EmEditor icon

EmEditor Professional 8.04 has been released!

EmEditor Professional 8.04 has been released!

Updates from v8.03 include:
– Fixed the bug that Shift-JIS files could be opened as UTF-8.
– A Korean installer is available now.

EmEditor Professional 8 is available free for all EmEditor Professional registered users.

EmEditor icon

EmEditor Professional 8.03 has been released!

EmEditor Professional 8.03 has been released!

Updates from v8.02 include:
– Fixed the bug that Western European files could be opened as UTF-8 on Windows XP or earlier.
– Fixed the bug that the sub-argument (f) did not return only the file name in the Projects plug-in.
– Fixed the bug that the Find/Replace dialog font did not always change even if the “Change Font only if Character Set of Selected Font is not System Default”.
– Fixed the bug that last sentence on the bottom of the first page could be printed in duplicate in the first sentence the second page.
– Fixed the bug that the installers of international editions (except English and Japanese) failed to register emedshl.dll so the EmEditor item did not appear in the Explorer context menu.
– Fixed the issue that the Save As dialog did not always initialize its path with the target folder.

EmEditor Professional 8 is available free for all EmEditor Professional registered users.

EmEditor icon

EmEditor Professional 8.02 has been released!

EmEditor Professional 8.02 has been released!

Updates from v8.01 include:
– Negative lookbehind regular expression bug fixed.
– Font size change with CTRL + Mouse Wheel can now be disabled by adding “WheelFont” value as REG_DWORD in KEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEmSoftEmEditor v3Common key using the Registry Editor (regedit.exe), and set to 0.
– Fixed crash when deleting many lines in a large file.
– Fixed potential crash when a file is drag and dropped to an EmEditor window depending on plug-ins used.
– Drag and drop the EmEditor icon on the left top corner of EmEditor window to the Desktop while pressing ALT key can create a link of the file now.
– French, Russian, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese installers are available now in addition to English and Japanese installers.
– Fixed the bug that macro buttons might not appear on toolbars when using INI files.
– Fixed the bug that RightAll and RightSide properties of HighlightItem may be altered after document.Config.Save() in a macro.
– Fixed the bug that “Out of Memory” error might appear when using the auto indent.

EmEditor Professional 8 is available free for all EmEditor Professional registered users.

Compatible with Windows 7

EmEditor Professional 8 works with Windows 7 beta!

We are excited to announce that EmEditor Professional 8 is compatible with Windows 7 beta. We recently tested EmEditor Professional with Windows 7 beta, and found no problems. However, please note that the “View Source” feature of Internet Explorer 8 in Windows 7 does not display source files with EmEditor. Internet Explorer 8 will display the source files with an Internet Explorer 8 window. We will do more research on this issue.

12 Reasons Why You Should Have EmEditor

There are a lot of text editors out there that just offer too many features, resulting in a bulky application, or not enough features, failing to meet even your basic needs. EmEditor, however, strikes a balance between these two extremes, providing you with the ability to customize the program with exactly the features you desire while maintaining functionality and productivity among other essential qualities. Here are the top 12 reasons you should be using EmEditor for text editing.

1. EmEditor capably opens very large files

EmEditor opens up to 248 GB or 2.1 billion lines with only a little memory. EmEditor skillfully handles files larger than 248 GB by opening a section of the file with the Large File Controller. The Large File Controller allows you to specify the begin point, end point, and range of the file to be opened. It also allows you to stop the opening process and monitor the real size of the file, monitor the size of the temporary disk space available, and adjust the section you are viewing.

2. Unicode Support: Including CJK Extension B Characters and Extended Katakana

EmEditor supports Unicode natively because the whole program is built as a Unicode application. You can open a file with any encoding supported in the Windows system, and easily convert from one encoding to another within EmEditor. You can open Unicode file names and search for Unicode characters. The ability to open and edit files as Unicode makes it the preferred encoding method for multiple language support because it can display multiple languages at the same time. EmEditor even supports Unicode characters outside of the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP); therefore it can display CJK Extension B characters (as long as a supporting font is available on the system) and Extended Katakana.

3. Small Footprint/Lightweight Design

EmEditor excels as a small, fast text editor of the highest quality and standard that performs reliably. The size of the core program “emeditor.exe” is only 620 KB. EmEditor’s light-weightedness is not affected by powerful macros. EmEditor does not use commercial libraries such as Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), making it well-optimized, particularly for startup times. Because of its small size, EmEditor’s startup time is less than 1 second in most environments. EmEditor Quick Start allows the EmEditor window to start even faster, and usually launches in less than 0.5 seconds. This is possible because a hidden EmEditor window launches at the same time as the EmEditor tray icon. When you start EmEditor, the hidden EmEditor window switches to the visible state, and EmEditor appears to launch quickly.

4. Powerful, Scriptable Macros

  • Write macros with popular script languages
  • Define macros to record keystrokes and mouse operations
  • Assign macros to keyboards and toolbar buttons

EmEditor macros are modules designed independently of EmEditor executable and implemented as a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file. To conserve system resources, the DLL is only loaded during macro execution. All defined My Macros are displayed in a macro toolbar. Macros are based on the Windows Scripting Host (WSH) engine; therefore all of the objects under the Windows Scripting Host are available to you. You can program macros with any ActiveScript language, as long as the script engines you want to use are installed on your system, such as JavaScriptVBScriptPerlScriptPythonPHPScript, and Ruby, among other ActiveScript languages. You can write a macro to do almost anything you want within EmEditor. You can define a macro to record keystrokes that you use and reference repeatedly. EmEditor can record and play keystrokes and mouse operations against other applications. You can even write your own macros to manipulate other applications, Windows-based files, or network functionality. This capability allows you to automate certain tasks on the Desktop, the browser, and your favorite applications. For developers, this ability can be used for testing applications. The Window Object includes properties that tell almost everything about the window, and the Windows Collection enumerates top-level windows or child windows for a certain window. The Shell Object sends keystroke and mouse activities and enumerates or finds top-level windows.

5. Plug-ins

The following plug-ins are installed by default with EmEditor Professional.

  • Diff Plug-in: This plug-in compares two opened documents.
  • Explorer Plug-in: This plug-in displays the folder tree and allows you to open a file from the folder tree.
  • FindBar Plug-in: This plug-in displays a toolbar, filled with the Find drop-down text box and several options, which helps you to find strings without accessing the Find dialog box.
  • HTMLBar Plug-in: This plug-in displays a toolbar, filled with buttons, which helps you insert frequently used HTML tags and elements.
  • Open Documents Plug-in: This plug-in displays the list of open documents, and allows you to activate, close, or save selected documents within the list.
  • Outline Plug-in: There are two major functions of this plug-in. The first function is outlining in the custom bar. A tree view appears when you click the on the Plug-ins bar. The second function is outlining as a guide. Outlining appears on the left side of the editor without the custom bar.
  • Projects Plug-in: This plug-in displays folder trees and allows you to open files from the folder trees.
  • Search Plug-in: This plug-in searches opened documents for a string.
  • Snippets Plug-in: This plug-in allows you to insert words and phrases quickly.
  • Web Preview Plug-in: This plug-in previews the current document with an embedded web browser.
  • Word Complete Plug-in: As you type in the document, this plug-in displays a list filled with previously used words and highlighted words defined in EmEditor, and lets you select a word from the list to complete your typing.
  • Word Count Plug-in: This plug-in counts words contained in the entire document and in a selection of text.

We keep EmEditor’s core feature set of plug-ins minimized, and maintain flexibility, so that you can add features as plug-ins to extend the EmEditor program. EmEditor exposes many APIs, to allow programmers to easily write the plug-ins that fit their needs. The core program remains minimal, but you still get to enjoy the features you want.

6. Regular Expressions: Search/Replace/Find in Files/Replace in Files

In EmEditor, Find and Replace features are available with Regular Expressions supporting Unicode. Regular Expressions find text patterns within an open document or in multiple files. When using Regular Expressions, select the Find (to find text patterns in the current file), Replace (to find text patterns and replace them), Find in Files (to find text patterns in multiple files) or Replace in Files option (to find text patterns in multiple files and replace them) under the Search menu. Then check the Use Regular Expressions check box, and any other desired search parameters. Enter the Regular Expression to search for, and click Find. If using Find in Files or Replace in Files, also enter the file type(s) (separated with a semicolon if more than one) and the folder(s) to search. If using Replace or Replace in Files, also enter the text to replace the found text pattern with.

7. Tabbed Window Design (SDI or MDI)

EmEditor uses tabbed windows similar to SlimBrowser, Internet Explorer, Firefox and other tabbed browser applications. Opening multiple documents in one window and jumping between them is fast and easy. For instance, drag and drop the tab icon to switch the document position, or use the mouse middle button to close a tab. Moreover, it is convenient to switch between the tabbed window interface and the single window interface by selecting the Enable Tabs command on the Window menu.

8. Vertical Selection Editing

The vertical selection editing feature of EmEditor enables the replacement of similar lines swiftly without using Regular Expressions. Vertical Selection Editing allows you to select and replace, or insert, text in column format. Vertical Selection editing is easily accessed by either holding down the ALT key as you click and drag the mouse over the text, or by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + F8 and using the arrow keys to select the text. Insert text at the end of the lines, by selecting point zero at the end of the lines, and typing the text you wish to insert.

9. Binary Editing

Binary (ASCII View) and Binary (Hexadecimal View) are available encodings in EmEditor, which enable you to edit binary files. Up to 248 GB (or 2.1 billion lines) may be opened in binary files. Double click on the current encoding status bar at the bottom right of the screen to change the view. In Binary (ASCII View), null characters are shown as reversed @ marks.

10. Crash Recovery

EmEditor contains safeguards to protect your files from computer crashes and unexpected PC restarts or shutdowns. EmEditor automatically saves modified files as a file name prefixed with “AutoSave-“, without displaying a dialog box, when EmEditor crashes or when Windows is forced to restart because of automatic updates. When restarted after a crash, EmEditor prompts a message box displaying a list of automatically recovered files.

11. Portability Options (Ready for a USB Drive Install)

EmEditor includes the option to set up a removable drive, such as a USB drive, through the Import and Export Wizard. This option is possible by saving the settings to INI files instead of to the Registry. From the Import and Export Wizard (on the Tools menu), set the option to Export all settings to INI files. Once EmEditor detects INI files in its directory, it does not save the settings to the Registry. The plug-in interface supports Registry and INI file manipulation.

12. Certified for Windows Vista, Native 64-bit Edition Available

EmEditor Professional is certified for Windows Vista. EmEditor’s goal is to provide high quality software that offers exceptional productivity and delivers outstanding customer experience through the most up-to-date features. By working with Microsoft, and obtaining certification, EmEditor Professional provides users of Windows Vista with enhanced reliability, security, compatibility, and quality, and has been tested and proven to deliver a superior experience with a PC running Windows Vista. Available editions of EmEditor include the 32-bit edition and the 64-bit edition.


The list above only provides an introduction to the versatility of EmEditor. EmEditor includes many other high-quality features that you can explore by taking a look at the Features/Screenshots section of the EmEditor website and the Help file.

You should have the best text editor. If you are looking for a customizable, extendable, but lightweight text editor with great features, like the ones above, then EmEditor is the perfect solution for you.

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EmEditor Professional 8.01 has been released!

EmEditor Professional 8.01 has been released!

Updates from v8.00 include:
– When Find in Files results are redirected to the Output Bar, the Output Bar is now cleared before the results are displayed.
– “Do you want to terminate the current job” prompt can now be supressed by adding “PromptTerminateJob” value as REG_DWORD in KEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEmSoftEmEditor v3Common key using the Registry Editor (regedit.exe), and set to 0.
– Fixed crash in replacing multiple lines in the Replace dialog box multi-line mode.
– Large File Controller issue fixed.
– Fixed keyboard configuration in the Projects plug-in.
– Fixed the bug that Grab Text did not work when using INI files.

EmEditor Professional 8 is available free for all EmEditor Professional registered users.

EmEditor icon

EmEditor Professional 8.00 has been released!

EmEditor Professional 8.00 has been released!

New features include:
– A Large File Controller–open files larger than 248GB
– Vertical Selection Editing–replace similar lines easily
– Binary Editing–edit binary files with this encoding
– Optimized Replace All–replace all even faster
– Improved Projects Plug-in–explore projects more extensively

EmEditor Professional 8 is available free for all EmEditor Professional registered users.

EmEditor Professional Informational Tutorial Videos Available!

Here at Emurasoft, we are pleased to announce the release of our new tutorials page for EmEditor.com!

We have uploaded 8 tutorial videos, available for your viewing pleasure. These are the first of many tutorial videos that will be released for EmEditor. Please give us your feedback on these videos as we strive to make them the most useful they can be for you!

The videos available include: Version 8 New Features, Grab Text, Drag and Drop, Large Files, Unicode, Explorer Plug-in, Snippets Plug-in, and Word Count Plug-in.