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EmEditor Professional v13.0.1 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v13.0.1.

Updates from v13.0.0 include:

– Fixed the bug where EmEditor might have crashed when double-clicking a line containing a Tab character.
– Fixed the bug where EmEditor might have crashed when finding text under a certain condition.
– Fixed the bug where deleting large text might not have worked.
– Fixed other bugs.

Please see EmEditor Professional v13 New Features for details.


Registration keys for v13 are different from the keys for v12. Some customers might need to purchase an upgrade.

Your can confirm your specific upgradability at


Please check this above link, and get v13 registration keys beforehand. After checking the above link, you can also purchase upgrades online.

For more details about upgrading, please see our announcement “Upgrading to EmEditor Professional v13″

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

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EmEditor Professional v13.0.0 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v13.0.0.

Updates from v12 include:

– Multiple Selection Editing
– More Support for Very Large Files
– Multiple File Encoding Conversions
– Quick Launch
– And much more!

Please see EmEditor Professional v13 New Features for details.


Registration keys for v13 are different from the keys for v12. Some customers might need to purchase an upgrade.

Your can confirm your specific upgradability at


Please check this above link, and get v13 registration keys beforehand. After checking the above link, you can also purchase upgrades online.

For more details about upgrading, please see our announcement “Upgrading to EmEditor Professional v13″

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

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Upgrading to EmEditor Professional v13

Thank you for using EmEditor.

Soon we will release EmEditor Professional v13.

Before releasing, we would like to announce how to get v13 registration keys.

Customers who can get free upgrades are below: (You can view v13 registration keys by logging in to Emurasoft Customer Center, select Purchase History.)

– Customers who purchased Lifetime Lincenses.

– Customers who purchased and registered (*1) EmEditor Professional before November 1st, 2011. These customers have lifetime licenses as we have promised before.

– Customers who purchased Premium Support which has not expired by this date.

– Customers who purchased and registered EmEditor Professional v12 after March 13rd, 2013 (90 days before v13 expected release date).

Except for the above, customers who purchased and registered EmEditor Professional v12 can upgrade for US$14.99 (per license) for a limited time until July 15th, 2013. After this time, customers can upgrade for US$19.99 (per license).

Except for the above, customers who purchased any version of EmEditor v2 or later can upgrade for 20% off from full-licenses for a limited time until July 15th, 2013. You can upgrade from any version of EmEditor Professional, EmEditor Standard, or EmEditor, but not from EmEditor Free. You can upgrade from Academic Licenses or Technical Licenses.

Your can confirm your specific upgradability at


Please check the above link, and get v13 registration keys beforehand. After checking the above link, you can also purchase upgrades online. (*2)

For detailed information about the v13 new features, please go to New in Version 13.

If there are any questions, please contact us at Contact us or email us at [email protected]

Thank you for continuing to use EmEditor!

*1 To “register” means to register a product at the Emurasoft Customer Center (https://support.emeditor.com/). Products purchased on Share-it are automatically registered on purchase. Products purchased from resellers must be registered separately. Registrations from EmEditor Professional v11 or earlier are no longer accepted.

*2 Customers who purchased Premium Support which has not expired by today but who are unable to view v13 registration keys are kindly advised to contact us by email [email protected].

EmEditor icon

EmEditor Professional v12.0.11 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v12.0.11.

This version doesn’t support Windows 2000. Updates from v12.0.10 include:

– Fixed the bug where EmEditor might have displayed a message box “An application error has occurred in the plug-in: WordComplete.dll …” or crashed on a certain version of Windows XP.

– Fixed the bug where EmEditor might have crashed after plug-in EE_LOAD_FILEA or EE_LOAD_FILEW message while a window was being split.

Please see EmEditor Professional v12 New Features for details.

=== To Download ===

If you are already using EmEditor Professional v12, you can Check for Updates on the Help menu to download the update.


Registration keys for v12 are different from the keys for v11. Some customer need to purchase an upgrade.

Your can confirm your specific upgradability at


Please check this above link, and get v12 registration keys beforehand if you have not received a v12 key. After checking the above link, you can also purchase upgrades online.

For more details about upgrading, please see our announcement “Upgrading to EmEditor Professional v12″

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

EmEditor icon

EmEditor Professional v12.0.10 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v12.0.10.

This version doesn’t support Windows 2000. Updates from v12.0.9 include:

– Fixed the bug where eeadmin.exe didn’t run on Windows XP.

Please see EmEditor Professional v12 New Features for details.

=== To Download ===

If you are already using EmEditor Professional v12, you can Check for Updates on the Help menu to download the update.


Registration keys for v12 are different from the keys for v11. Some customer need to purchase an upgrade.

Your can confirm your specific upgradability at


Please check this above link, and get v12 registration keys beforehand if you have not received a v12 key. After checking the above link, you can also purchase upgrades online.

For more details about upgrading, please see our announcement “Upgrading to EmEditor Professional v12″

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

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EmEditor Professional v12.0.9 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v12.0.9.

This version doesn’t support Windows 2000 anymore. Updates from v12.0.8 include:

– Fixed the bug where when “Auto Save” and “Save to Auto Save Folder” check boxes on the Auto Save tab of configuration properties are checked, a very large file might be corrupted after the specified time is passed and also saving the file manually. The bug existed all versions from v7 through v12.0.8.

– Changed the specification — the Auto Save feature is disabled while opening a very large file.

– Changed the default number of digits for the line numbers back from 2 to 4.

– The specification of the clipboardData.getData method changed to — when the second parameter of the clipboardData.getData method is -1, the method retrieves the actual content of the Clipboard, and when it is 0, the method retrieves the most recent string in the Clipboard history. When the second parameter is abbreviated, -1 is specified by default.

– Fixed CR only and LF only code values when displayed by the “Character Code Value” command.

– Fixed the bug when the “Wrap Indent” is checked on the Tab/Indent dialog box, undoing after pasting large text might have crashed EmEditor.

Please see EmEditor Professional v12 New Features for details.

=== To Download ===

If you are already using EmEditor Professional v12, you can Check for Updates on the Help menu to download the update.


Registration keys for v12 are different from the keys for v11. Some customer need to purchase an upgrade.

Your can confirm your specific upgradability at


Please check this above link, and get v12 registration keys beforehand if you have not received a v12 key. After checking the above link, you can also purchase upgrades online.

For more details about upgrading, please see our announcement “Upgrading to EmEditor Professional v12″

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

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EmEditor Professional v12.0.8 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v12.0.8.

Updates from v12.0.7 include:

– Improved “Find in Files” in very large files.
– Fixed the bug where sort commands didn’t work correctly when text was not selected on the 32-bit version of EmEditor.
– Fixed a certain tab column issue.
– Fixed the bug where eeFindSaveHistory didn’t work on the FindInFiles and ReplaceInFiles method in macros.
– Fixed a certain UI issue in the Replace Batch dialog box.
– Removed duplicate highlight strings in JavaScript for EmEditor and VBScript for EmEditor configuration.
– Adjusted and Fixed the page margin issues.
– Fixed a certain issue related to regular expression multi-line search.
– Fixed a certain issue related to the Projects plug-in.
– Adjusted the default Ruby auto indent regular expressions.
– Fixed the bug where FindRepeat might have been recorded twice for each Find Next command.

Please see EmEditor Professional v12 New Features for details.

=== To Download ===

If you are already using EmEditor Professional v12, you can Check for Updates on the Help menu to download the update.


Registration keys for v12 are different from the keys for v11. Some customer need to purchase an upgrade.

Your can confirm your specific upgradability at


Please check this above link, and get v12 registration keys beforehand if you have not received a v12 key. After checking the above link, you can also purchase upgrades online.

For more details about upgrading, please see our announcement “Upgrading to EmEditor Professional v12″

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

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EmEditor Professional v12.0.7 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v12.0.7.

Updates from v12.0.6 include:

– Fixed a certain bug where EmEditor might crash when opening a very large file and needs to reload as a different encoding.

Please see EmEditor Professional v12 New Features for details.

=== To Download ===

If you are already using EmEditor Professional v12, you can Check for Updates on the Help menu to download the update.


Registration keys for v12 are different from the keys for v11. Some customer need to purchase an upgrade.

Your can confirm your specific upgradability at


Please check this above link, and get v12 registration keys beforehand if you have not received a v12 key. After checking the above link, you can also purchase upgrades online.

For more details about upgrading, please see our announcement “Upgrading to EmEditor Professional v12″

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

EmEditor icon

EmEditor Professional v12.0.6 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v12.0.6.

Updates from v12.0.4 include:

– Fixed a certain macro issue with the eeFindSaveHistory flag.
– Fixed a certain macro issue with document.selection.Text=””.
– Fixed a certain issue with the Marker list on the Customize Marker dialog box:
– Fixed a certain issue with the Find Bar drag-and-drop:
– Fixed a certain issue related to the menu bar and the Japanese IME.
– Fixed a certain issue related to the Projects plug-in template properties UI:
– Fixed a certain issue with the Customize Toolbars dialog box.
– Fixed a certain bug related to the the search macro recording:
– Fixed a certain issue related to the “Synchronize selection to cursor position” check box for the Outline plug-in.
– Fixed other bugs.

Please see EmEditor Professional v12 New Features for details.

=== To Download ===

If you are already using EmEditor Professional v12, you can Check for Updates on the Help menu to download the update.


Registration keys for v12 are different from the keys for v11. Some customer need to purchase an upgrade.

Your can confirm your specific upgradability at


Please check this above link, and get v12 registration keys beforehand if you have not received a v12 key. After checking the above link, you can also purchase upgrades online.

For more details about upgrading, please see our announcement “Upgrading to EmEditor Professional v12″

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

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EmEditor Professional v12.0.4 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor Professional v12.0.4.

Updates from v12.0.3 include:

– Windows Server 2012 supported. (However, a certain limit exsits for Windows Server 2012 Sever Core install.)
– Fixed the bug where the Projects plug-in might have crashed when opening a solution.
– Fixed the bug where the Snippets plug-in might have crashed when importing snippets.
– Fixed a certain bug related to the HTML Bar plug-in.
– Fixed a certain bug related to the Word Complete plug-in.

Please see EmEditor Professional v12 New Features for details.

=== To Download ===

If you are already using EmEditor Professional v12, you can Check for Updates on the Help menu to download the update.


Registration keys for v12 are different from the keys for v11. Some customer need to purchase an upgrade.

Your can confirm your specific upgradability at


Please check this above link, and get v12 registration keys beforehand if you have not received a v12 key. After checking the above link, you can also purchase upgrades online.

For more details about upgrading, please see our announcement “Upgrading to EmEditor Professional v12″

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!