Our servers are not affected by the OpenSSL security issue (the Heartbleed bug)

Many of you may have heard about the recent OpenSSL security issue dubbed “The Heartbleed Bug.” Our websites including Emurasoft Customer Center (https://support.emeditor.com/) are not affected by this vulnerability because this bug only affects a specific set of OpenSSL versions that we do not use on our servers. If you have any questions, please contact us anytime.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor v14.4.0 beta released

Today, we are releasing v14.4.0 beta.

Updates from v14.3.1 include that the Outline plug-in features are now included in the EmEditor core for stability.

Please see: EmEditor Professional v14.4.0 beta 1 released! for details and downloads.

We are adding outlining features now. Please send us any feature requests especially regarding outlining.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

Vertical Indicator and Scroll Bar Markers

EmEditor v14.3.1 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.3.1.
Updates from v14.3.0 include:

New General Features

  • Reduced the number of clicks during the installer when updating. If “Customize” is selected on the first install, the same condition applies to upgrade installs.
  • When the “Show Markers on Vertical Scroll Bar” is not checked on the Scroll tab of configuration properties, the Windows standard scroll bars are used now.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug where the scroll bars were invisible when the Windows XP Classic mode is selected.
  • Fixed the bug where selected text was not replaced when the Replace button was clicked repeatedly.
  • Fixed the bug where EmEditor could crash when searching a string in a very large file under a certain condition.
  • Fixed a certain scroll bar marker issue.

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

You can download EmEditor v14 at

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

Vertical Indicator and Scroll Bar Markers

EmEditor v14.3.0 released!

EmEditor v14.3.0 released!
Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.3.0.

Updates from v14.2.2 include:

New General Features

  • The new ability to highlight changed/saved lines on the left edge of EmEditor windows. “Yellow” means changed lines, and “dark green” means changed but saved lines.
  • The new markers on the vertical scroll bar allows you to view changed lines, saved lines, bookmarks, lines matched with searched strings, comparision results and the cursor position. The left half side changed (“yellow”) and saved (“dark green”) lines. The center zone indicates searched strings (“light green”). The right side indicates bookmarks (“brown”) and comparison results (“green”, “pink”, and “blue”). The cursor position is indicated by a blue horizontal line. All the colors can be customized.
  • Middle-click on a scroll bar now scrolls the document to the specified position.
  • Optimized for large files when Encode/Decode Selection commands are selected.

New Options

  • The Show Marks on Vertical Scroll Bar, Changes, Marks, Found Strings, and Cursor Position check boxes on the Scroll tab of configuration properties.
  • The Highlight Changed/Saved Lines check box on the Marks tab of configuration properties.
  • The context menu displayed when right-clicked on a scroll bar includes the Scroll Properties.
  • The message box displayed at the end of document while searching now includes both OK and cancel button and allows you to cancel the search.

New Commands

  • Scroll Top
  • Scroll Bottom
  • Scroll Page Up
  • Scroll Page Down
  • Scroll Page Left
  • Scroll Page Right
  • Scroll Left Edge
  • Scroll Right Edge

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug related to highlighting a searched string.
  • Fixed the bug where the Move Line Up and Move Line Down commands could work.
  • Fixed the bug where searching in CSV files might have caused a crash.
  • Fixed a certain file comparison issue.

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

You can download EmEditor v14 at

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor v14.3.0 beta released

Today, we are releasing v14.3.0 beta.

Updates from v14.2.2 include the new ability to highlight changed/saved lines on the left edge of EmEditor windows. “Yellow” means changed lines, and “dark green” means changed but saved lines.

Please see: EmEditor Professional v14.3.0 beta 1 released! for details and downloads.

Thank you for using EmEditor!


EmEditor icon

EmEditor v14.2.2 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.2.2.

Updates from v14.2.1 include:

Bug Fixes

  • Adjusted the IME composition window.
  • In the CSV mode, the rightmost text will not be hidden anymore.
  • Fixed the bug where EmEditor might have crashed on the Exit All command after a file comparison.
  • Fixed the bug where updating markers using regular expressions under a certain condition.
  • The Rename theme on the Display tab of configuration properties is now enabled even when no theme is selected.
  • In the Projects plug-in and the Word Complete plug-in, fixed the bug where certain combinations of keyboards were difficult to assign.
  • In the Projects plug-in, fixed the bug where the Refresh command on the Context menu in the Symbol list didn’t work.

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

You can download EmEditor v14 at

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor icon

EmEditor Free Easy Installer

Today, we are releasing the EmEditor Free Easy Installer for a limited time.

This installer installs EmEditor as the FREE version, and does NOT require you to downgrade once you install. The installer asks fewer options during the install. The installer contains exactly the same binary files as the Professional/Free normal installer. The EmEditor Free Easy Installer is available only for personal use.

EmEditor Free

EmEditor Free Easy Installer is not available anymore. Please download EmEditor Professional and downgrade to EmEditor Free.

Download EmEditor Now!

EmEditor icon

EmEditor v14.2.1 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.2.1.

Updates from v14.2.0 include:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed certain issues where the pressing the Replace button in the Find in Files dialog box changed the contents in the File Types and the In Folder drop-down list boxes.
  • Fixed the cursor position after the Undo when the auto-indent is on.
  • Fixed some user interface language issues, especially for Traditional Chinese.
  • Worked around the issue where the installer couldn’t register emedshl64.dll on Windows XP x64 Edition.

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

You can downlaod EmEditor v14 at

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor icon

EmEditor v14.2.0 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.2.0.

Updates from v14.1.0 include:

New General Features

  • User-defined guides can be set now. User-defined guides are vertical lines at specified columns on the editor for each configuration. User-defined guides allow you to easily view
    vertically arranged source
    code or text files.
  • The context menu when right-clicking on the Ruler now includes the Add/Remove User-Defined Guide command, which conveniently add a new guide, or remove an existing guide at
    the mouse-pointed position.
  • CTRL + SHIFT + I was assigned to the default keyboard shortcut for the Insert Special Character command.
  • If the Code Value text box was last used in the Insert Special Character dialog box, the new version now initially sets the keyboard focus to the Code Value
    text box when you open the dialog box again.
  • New HTML 5 elements and CSS 3 properties were added as highlight words to the default HTML and CSS configurations.
  • The new Insert Macron command allows you to insert characters with a macron. Moreover, the existing insert accent character commands were extended to type
    the following additional characters (please see Insert Special Characters for the complete list):
Accent TypeTo type thisPress (default keyboard shortcuts)
GraveǸ, ǹ, Ỳ, ỳCTRL + ` (ACCENT GRAVE), the letter
AcuteĆ, ć, Ĺ, ĺ, Ń, ń, Ŕ, ŕ, Ǵ, ǵ, Ḱ, ḱ, Ḿ, ḿ, Ṕ, ṕ, Ẃ, ẃCTRL + ‘ (APOSTROPHE), the letter
CircumflexĈ, ĉ, Ĝ, ĝ, Ĥ, ĥ, Ĵ, ĵ, Ŝ, ŝ, Ŵ, ŵ, Ŷ, ŷCTRL + SHIFT + ^ (CARET), the letter
TildeĨ, ĩ, Ṽ, ṽ, Ỹ, ỹCTRL + SHIFT + ~ (TILDE), the letter
DiaeresisẄ, ẅ, Ẍ, ẍ, ẗ, ¨CTRL + SHIFT + : (COLON), the letter or SPACE
RingŮ, ůCTRL + SHIFT + @, the letter
StrokeŁ, ł, Ⱥ, Ȼ, Ɇ, ɇCTRL + /, the letter
CaronČ, č, Ď, ď, Ě, ě, Ľ, ľ, Ň, ň, Ř, ř, Š, š, Ť, ť, Ž, ž, Ǧ, ǧ, Ǩ, ǩ, ǰ, Ȟ, ȟ, ˇALT + SHIFT + ^ (CARET), the letter or SPACE
MacronĀ, ā, Ē, ē, Ō, ō, Ū, ū, Ȳ, ȳ, Ḡ, ḡ, Ī, ī, ¯ALT + – (HYPHEN), the letter or SPACE
Diaeresis + GraveǛ, ǜCTRL + SHIFT + : (COLON), CTRL + ‘ (APOSTROPHE), the letter
Diaeresis + AcuteǗ, ǘ, Ḯ, ḯCTRL + SHIFT + : (COLON), CTRL + ‘ (APOSTROPHE), the letter
Diaeresis + CaronǙ, ǚCTRL + SHIFT + : (COLON), ALT + SHIFT + ^ (CARET), the letter
Diaeresis + MacronǕ, ǖ, Ǟ, ǟ, Ȫ, ȫCTRL + SHIFT + : (COLON), ALT + – (HYPHEN), the letter
The Add/Remove User-Defined Guide command

The Add/Remove User-Defined Guide command

The Show User-Defined Guides check box and the User-Defined Guide Positions text box

New Options

  • The Disable markers automatically when the Markers toolbar is hidden check box was added to the Options tab of the Customize Markers dialog
  • The << Find button was added to the Replace dialog box.
  • The Show User-Defined Guides check box and the User-Defined Guide Positions text box were added to the Marks tab of configuration
  • The User-Defined Guides item was added to the Specified Part list box in the Display tab of
    Configuration Properties.
The << Find button was added to the Replace dialog box.

The << Find button was added to the Replace dialog box.

The Disable markers automatically when the Markers toolbar is hidden check box

The Disable markers automatically when the Markers toolbar is hidden check box

New Commands

  • Insert Macron
  • Add/Remove User-Defined Guide
  • User-Defined Guides

Macro New Features

  • The ShowUserDefinedGuides property was added to the MarkProp object.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug where the Percent-encoding to Unicode command may freeze.
  • Deletes duplicate entries in the HTML configuration.

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

You can downlaod EmEditor v14 at

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.