EmEditor v14.4.3 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.4.3. v14.4.x will be the last version that supports Windows XP.
Updates from v14.4.2 include:

Bug Fixes

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

Download EmEditor v14 Now.

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor v14.4.2 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.4.2. v14.4.x will be the last version that supports Windows XP.
Updates from v14.4.1 include:

Bug Fixes

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

Download EmEditor v14 Now.

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor v14.4.1 released!

EmEditor v14.4.1 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.4.1. This will be the last version that supports Windows XP.
Updates from v14.4.0 include:

Bug Fixes

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

Download EmEditor v14 Now.

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor was reviewed in German Computer magazine “C’t”.

EmEditor was reviewed in German Computer magazine “C’t”. “C’t” is the second most popular German language computer magazine with a sold circulation of about 315,000 (as of March 2011).

Abstract: “EmEditor ist auf Tempo getrimmt – sowohl beim Start als auch bei der Verarbeitung enorm großer Dateien. Makrofunktionen und eine ausgefeilte Vergleichsfunktion machen dem Platzhirsch UltraEdit Konkurrenz.”

Translation: “EmEditor is trimmed for speed – both at startup and in the processing enormous files. Macro functions, and a sophisticated comparison function make the top dog UltraEdit competition.”

6/2014, page 62
Title: Editor für alles
Author: Gerald Himmelein

Download Contents: https://shop.heise.de/katalog/inhalt-265
Buy Article: https://shop.heise.de/katalog/editor-fur-alles

EmEditor was reviewed in Japanese website “Mado-no-mori”.

EmEditor has been introduced several times in Japanese website “Mado-no-mori”. “Mado-no-mori” is a Japanese well-known website that introduces online software for Windows.

v14.4.0 (April 15, 2014)

v14.3.0 (February 18, 2014)

v14 special review (February 17, 2014)

v14.3.0 beta (February 5, 2014)

v14.0.0 (December 10, 2013)

EmEditor v14.4.0 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.4.0.
Updates from v14.3.1 include:

New General Features

  • The Outline plug-in features are now included in the EmEditor core. The Outline plug-in has been deprecated. A new Outline button was added to the toolbar. Clicking on the right side of the button (Down arrow) will display a menu including many commands related to Outlining. Clicking on the Outline button toggles both the
    Outline Bar and the Outline Guide.
  • The Copy and Copy All commands were
    added to the right-click menu of the Outline Bar.
  • The new version can adjust the window size automatically when a custom bar is opened.
  • With the new version, the wrapping mode can be set independently per document, not only per configuration.
  • The Comment and Uncomment commands now work at the current line if there is no selection.
  • If the main menu has been already customized, the new Outline Bar and Outline Guide commands will be added to the View sub menu automatically.
  • If the main toolbar has been already customized, the new Outline button will be added to the toolbar automatically.
  • When collapsed text is copied and pasted into another location, the new version maintains the collapse/expand state in the copied text.

New Options

  • The Outline tab of configuration properties.
  • The Outline tab of the Customize dialog box.
  • The Adjust Window size when Custom Bar is Opened check box and the Limit Window to Monitor Size when Custom Bar is Opened check box were added to the Window tab of the Customize dialog box.
  • The Synchronize Wrap Mode check box was added to the View tab of the Customize dialog box.

New Commands

  • Toggle Outline Bar and Guide
  • Toggle Outline Bar
  • Toggle Outline Guide
  • Outlining (Popup Menu)
  • Outline Properties
  • Customize Outline
  • Reset Font Size
  • Set Current Font Size as Default
  • Insert Tab

Macro New Features

  • DiscardUndo property was added to the Window object.

Plug-in API New Features

  • EE_GET_COLOR message.
  • Editor_GetColor inline function.
  • GET_COLOR_INFO structure.
  • EI_GET_DISCARD_UNDO and EI_SET_DISCARD_UNDO commands were added to the EE_INFO message.

Bug Fixes

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

Download EmEditor v14 Now.

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

Our servers are not affected by the OpenSSL security issue (the Heartbleed bug)

Many of you may have heard about the recent OpenSSL security issue dubbed “The Heartbleed Bug.” Our websites including Emurasoft Customer Center (https://support.emeditor.com/) are not affected by this vulnerability because this bug only affects a specific set of OpenSSL versions that we do not use on our servers. If you have any questions, please contact us anytime.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

EmEditor v14.4.0 beta released

Today, we are releasing v14.4.0 beta.

Updates from v14.3.1 include that the Outline plug-in features are now included in the EmEditor core for stability.

Please see: EmEditor Professional v14.4.0 beta 1 released! for details and downloads.

We are adding outlining features now. Please send us any feature requests especially regarding outlining.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

Vertical Indicator and Scroll Bar Markers

EmEditor v14.3.1 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.3.1.
Updates from v14.3.0 include:

New General Features

  • Reduced the number of clicks during the installer when updating. If “Customize” is selected on the first install, the same condition applies to upgrade installs.
  • When the “Show Markers on Vertical Scroll Bar” is not checked on the Scroll tab of configuration properties, the Windows standard scroll bars are used now.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug where the scroll bars were invisible when the Windows XP Classic mode is selected.
  • Fixed the bug where selected text was not replaced when the Replace button was clicked repeatedly.
  • Fixed the bug where EmEditor could crash when searching a string in a very large file under a certain condition.
  • Fixed a certain scroll bar marker issue.

Please see EmEditor v14 New Features for details.

You can download EmEditor v14 at

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.