EmEditor v14.8.0 beta 2 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.8.0 beta 2.

Updates from v14.8.0 beta 1 include:

New Options

  • The First lines to detect text box and the Adjust Separator Positions in Visual Lines Only check box were added to the CSV tab of Customize dialog box.

Macro New Features

  • The Join method was added to the Editor object.

Plug-in API New Features

  • The EE_JOIN message, Editor_Join inline function, and JOIN_INFO structure were added.

Please see EmEditor v14.8 New Features for details.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.8.0 beta 2 released!.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

Restored the old updater configuration files

We notice that many customers still use EmEditor v14.5.3 (or older). In order to remind users who have not noticed new updates, we have restored the updater configuration files in the old locations (for versions v10.0 through v14.5.3). Although our server is safe since we have switched our server hosting company and placed new security measures, we still recommend every user to update to the newest version as soon as possible if you are still using older versions.

Thank you for using EmEditor!


EmEditor v14.8.0 beta 1 released, the new feature page in v14.8 available now!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.8.0 beta 1.
Updates from v14.7.1 include:

New General Features

  • The new Join CSV feature allows you to merge two CSV documents specifying key columns, using a method similar to JOIN operations (INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, RIGHT JOIN and LEFT JOIN) in SQL.
  • The new Delete Duplicate Lines (Advanced) feature allows you to specify which columns to inspect for duplication, and optionally ignore empty lines.
  • The ruler can now display the column index while in a CSV mode.
  • The new macro flag to remove the last used filter level.
  • The Non-standard implementation of percent encoding (%uxxxx format) is now highlighted and can be decoded by right-cicking the tooltip and select Convert, or by using the Universal Character Names to Unicode command.

New Options

  • The Join CSV dialog box was added.
  • The Delete Duplicate Lines dialog box was added.

New Commands

  • Delete Duplicate Lines (Advanced)
  • Join CSV

Macro New Features

  • The eeFindRemoveLast flag was added to the Filter method.

Plug-in API New Features

  • The FLAG_FIND_REMOVE_LAST flag was added to the Editor_Filter inline function and the FILTER_INFO structure.

Please see EmEditor v14.8 New Features for details.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.8.0 beta 1 released!.

Thank you for using EmEditor!

Server Maintenance is Completed

Yesterday, we started switching our server host to a more secure and fast platform. We are pleased to announce that the transition has been completed. Thanks for your patience.

Thank you for your support of EmEditor.

Server Maintenance

Thank you for using EmEditor.

Today, we will begin switching our server host to a more secure and fast platform, and the transition might take several days.  For this reason, connections to our server and the SSL encryption might be temporarily disrupted.  Please refrain from posting new messages to our forums until our transfer is completed.  There is no effect on the access to Emurasoft Customer Center https://www.emurasoft.com/support/ https://support.emeditor.com/ and EmEditor updates using the Update Checker.

Thanks for your patience.

EmEditor v14.7.1 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.7.1.
Updates from v14.7.0 include:

New General Features

  • In EmEditor marcos, the new version added the eeFindKeepPrevious flag to the Filter method flags.
  • In EmEditor plug-in APIs, the new version added the FLAG_FIND_KEEP_PREVIOUS flag to the FILTER_INFO structure flags.
  • The highlight keywords for the Java configuration were updated.

Bug Fixes

Please see EmEditor v14.7 New Features for details.

If you have already installed EmEditor v14.6.0 or later, you can select Check for Updates on the Help menu to update. If you are still using an older version, please go to the download page.

This version is available free if you have a lifetime license or if your maintenance plan is valid as of January 5, 2015. Your registration keys might be found in the Resend Keys page of Emurasoft Customer Center.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

EmEditor v14.7.0 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.7.0.
This new version adds important features with big data analysis and database file editing in mind.

Updates from v14.6.1 include:

New General Features

  • The new Negative button in the Filter toolbar allows you to exclude the matched lines.
  • The new Sort Shortest to Longest and Sort Longest to Shortest buttons in the CSV/Sort toolbar allows you to sort the document by length of columns.
  • The new version allows you to specify a column to the filter in CSV documents. Also multiple levels of the filter can be specified (Advanced Filter).
  • The Treat digits as numbers check box and Treat full-width characters as 2 characters when sorting by length check box were added to the Sort tab of the Customize dialog box.
  • New Commands were added: Negative (Filter toolbar), Sort Shortest to Longest, Sort Longest to Shortest, and Advanced Filter (Filter toolbar) commands.
  • Macro new features: Filter, GetCell, and GetColumns methods were added to the Document object.
  • Plug-in API new features: EE_GET_CELL message and Editor_GetCell inline function, EE_FILTER message and Editor_Filter inline function, GET_CELL_INFO, and FILTER_INFO structures.
  • The filter features are now available in very large files.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug where EmEditor reloads a file while filtered.
  • Fixed the symbol list refreshing issue for the Projects plug-in under a certain condition.
  • Fixed the bug where window positions were not restored after comparison under a certain condition.
  • Fixed the bug of the EmEditor_SetScrollPos inline function of the plug-in API during the virtual space mode.
  • Fixed the bugs of the vertical scroll bar refreshing under a certain condition.

Please see EmEditor v14.7 New Features for details.

If you have already installed EmEditor v14.6.0 or later, you can select Check for Updates on the Help menu to update. If you are still using an older version, please go to the download page.

This version is available free if you have a lifetime license or if your maintenance plan is valid as of December 15, 2014. Your registration keys might be found in the Resend Keys page of Emurasoft Customer Center.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.

Please update to a newest version

This is an important security message.

We notice that many customers still use EmEditor v14.5.3 (or older). The updater in the old versions of EmEditor contained security vulnerability. For the safety of our customers, the updater in the older versions had been disabled since we removed the update configuration files in our server in response to the security incident. Although this incident was resolved, it is still potentially unsafe to continue using the old versions of EmEditor (from v10.0 through v14.5.3). The new versions of EmEditor (v14.5.4 or newer) is safe because it uses the improved updater which will not run an installer if the digital signature of the installer mismatches our signature.

If you are still using an old version of EmEditor (from v10.0 through v14.5.3), please download the newest version from our download page and install.

If you have not installed v14 before, you might need a v14 registration key. Your v14 key can be found in the Resend Keys page of Emurasoft Customer Center. Many customers already have lifetime licenses without their noticing, and so please check this page. If you don’t have a lifetime license nor a v14 key, you might need to purchase a new license.

Including this reason, if for some reasons, you can’t install the newer version, please disable the updater by selecting the Customize Update Checker on the Help menu of EmEditor.

If you have once installed a new version and want to revert to an old version, you can uninstall the new version, and then install the old version. You can find an old version in the sub folder of C:\ProgramData\Emurasoft\EmEditor\updates\update.

If you have issues with installing or uninstalling, please refer to our FAQ.

We apologize for any inconveniences. If you have any questions, please contact us using this form.

EmEditor v14.7.0 beta 1 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.7.0 beta 1.

Updates from v14.6.1 include:

  • The new Negative button in the Filter toolbar allows you to exclude the matched lines.
  • The new Sort Shortest to Longest and Sort Longest to Shortest buttons in the CSV/Sort toolbar allows you to sort the document by length of columns.
  • The new version allows you to specify a column to the filter in CSV documents. Also multiple levels of the filter can be specified (Advanced Filter).
  • The Treat digits as numbers check box and Treat full-width characters as 2 characters when sorting by length check box were added to the Sort tab of the Customize dialog box.
  • New Commands were added: Negative (Filter toolbar), Sort Shortest to Longest, Sort Longest to Shortest, and Advanced Filter (Filter toolbar) commands.
  • Macro new features: Filter, GetCell, and GetColumns methods were added to the Document object.
  • Plug-in API new features: EE_GET_CELL message and Editor_GetCell inline function, EE_FILTER message and Editor_Filter inline function, GET_CELL_INFO, and FILTER_INFO structures.
  • Fixed other bugs.

Please see:

for more screenshots and details.

We would like to find as many bugs as possible before we release the new version. Please try it out now and let us know if you find any bugs.

To download or see changes, please go to the beta forum – EmEditor Professional v14.7.0 beta 1 released!.

Thank you for continue using EmEditor!

EmEditor v14.6.1 released!

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.6.1.
Updates from v14.6.0 include:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug on v14.6.0 where the Undo might not have worked under a certain condition.
  • Fixed the bug on the 32 bit edition of v14.6.0 where the Replace in Files using regular expressions did not work under a certain condition.
  • Fixed the bug where some text was not visible in the CSV mode depending on the separator positions.
  • The new version will not allow the Filter and Outline mode coexist.
  • Fixed the bug where vertical selections during the Filter mode revealed cursors in the hidden lines.
  • The new version tries to scroll to the cursor position after the Filter mode is cancelled.
  • The new version will not exit from the filter mode after the file reload.
  • Fixed the bug where the message box appears twice after select all, copy and paste in the filter mode.

Please see EmEditor v14.6 New Features for details.

The Update Checker on older versions of EmEditor will not be available anymore. If you try to check updates from older versions, you will see the prompt message: “Invalid or missing updates configuration file. …”. This is not a bug. Please download and update to the newest version of EmEditor by clicking here.

Download EmEditor v14.6 Now.

V14 is free upgrade from v13. To use v14, you will need a v14 registration key. If you have valid v13 licenses, you can view your free v14 registration keys at Emurasoft Customer Center.
80% of our customers (including old customers who have registered their products) already have lifetime licenses. Even if you haven’t installed v13, please click the above link to check if you can upgrade to v14.

Please also read: Announcing our policy change to rapid development, and introducing a maintenance plan.

Thank you for using EmEditor.