EmEditor v24.1.2 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v24.1.2.

v24.1.2 includes the following bug fixes.

  • Fixed customer reported issues and crashes (1, 2).

If you use the Desktop Installer version, you can select Check for Updates on the Help to download the newest version. If this method fails, please download the newest version, and run the downloaded installer. If you use the Desktop portable version, you can go to the Download page to download the newest version. The Store App versions can be updated through Microsoft Store (64-bit or 32-bit) after a few days.

EmEditor v24.1.1 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v24.1.1.

v24.1.1 includes the following bug fixes.

  • Adjusted the AI assisted writing feature to prevent suggestions after a period or newline.
  • Adjusted the AI assisted writing feature to allow Ctrl+Space to show a suggestion before the end of line.
  • Adjusted the Explorer context menu feature to allow toggling of both the modern and classic context menus separately.
  • The new version allows the Cut command to delete lines if multiple selections are all empty.
  • Fixed a potential freeze while saving a very large file.
  • Fixed a potential crash while filtering a number range.
  • Fixed an issue where Replace in Files without the Keep Modified Files Open option might fail with the “Exceeded the maximum size of 2 GB allowed for Replace in Files” error message.
  • Fixed an issue where sort commands may not work correctly on a CSV file with invalid syntax.
  • Fixed customer-reported issues (1).

If you use the Desktop Installer version, you can select Check for Updates on the Help to download the newest version. If this method fails, please download the newest version, and run the downloaded installer. If you use the Desktop portable version, you can go to the Download page to download the newest version. The Store App versions can be updated through Microsoft Store (64-bit or 32-bit) after a few days.

Avoid Illegitimate License Sellers

Dear EmEditor Users,

As the developer of EmEditor, I urgently need to address a growing concern in our community: the sale of pirated or invalid licenses. It has been noted that such licenses are being offered at significantly discounted prices on various online platforms, including auction sites. Please be aware that if you encounter an EmEditor license at a price that seems too good to be true, it is almost certainly from an illegal source. These offers are not only illegal but also pose significant risks to users. I strongly urge you to refrain from purchasing these licenses.

Why Avoid Illegitimate Licenses:

  1. Short-term Functionality, Long-term Failure: Initially, these unauthorized licenses might seem to work. However, they are programmed to eventually display a message stating, “You might be a victim of software piracy. Please purchase a legitimate software license from EmEditor home page.” This indicates that the software will cease to function properly.
  2. Registration and Activation Issues: Legitimate EmEditor licenses require successful registration in the Emurasoft Customer Center. Pirated licenses fail this process, leading to continuous warning messages and an inability to update the software.
  3. Security Concerns: Purchasing and using these illegitimate licenses exposes you to significant security risks. Often, pirated software sellers try to steal your personal and payment information.
  4. Auction Site Purchases: Please be particularly cautious with licenses sold on auction sites. Many of these are not legitimate, and we do not authorize ownership changes of licenses. Buying from these sources puts you at risk of acquiring a non-transferable, invalid license. EmEditor licenses are non-transferable, with the exception of legal name changes.

The Benefits of Genuine Licenses:

  • Full functionality and reliability of the software.
  • Access to regular updates and customer support.
  • Compliance with legal software usage and enhanced data security.

How to Ensure Your License is Genuine:

Purchase your EmEditor license directly from our official website or through authorized resellers. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of a license, please contact us for verification before completing your purchase.

Your Action Matters:

By choosing genuine licenses, you’re not only ensuring a seamless and secure experience but also supporting the ongoing development and improvement of EmEditor.

We take this issue very seriously and are actively working to combat the sale of these illegal licenses. Your awareness and cooperation are vital in this effort.

Thank you for being a vital part of the EmEditor community.


Yutaka Emura
Developer of EmEditor

See also: Warning Against Unauthorized Usage – Crack, Keygen, Serial, etc.

EmEditor v24.1.0 Released (Including Technical Review)

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v24.1.0.

In version 24.1, we have added support for the new context menu in Windows 11 Explorer. With Windows 11, the design of the context menu has been revamped compared to Windows 10 and earlier versions, necessitating special handling for apps to support this change. EmEditor is now compatible with the Windows 11 context menu, enabling you to directly select the Edit in EmEditor command. Additionally, when right-clicking on a folder or the background, the Find in Files with EmEditor command becomes available. To use this feature, the EmEditor tray icon must be displayed in the notification area of the taskbar, and it is supported only when running the desktop installer version on Windows 11. This feature is accessible in both the EmEditor Professional and EmEditor Free versions.

Added a shortcut to Windows 11 context menu in Explorer.

Another significant feature added in the new Professional version is the enhancement of AI capabilities. Version 24.0 introduced AI macros using the OpenAI API (hereafter abbreviated as “API”). Version 24.1 introduces an AI assisted writing feature that predicts and autocompletes what you are typing next while composing text. AI autocomplete can reduce typing effort and improve writing speed. I am writing this text using EmEditor and am personally experiencing the convenience of the AI assisted writing feature.

By default, the AI functionality is disabled. To enable this feature, you need to check the Enable AI option on the AI page of the Customize dialog box in EmEditor, and agree to allow OpenAI to process the text data within documents opened in EmEditor. Please read OpenAI’s Privacy Policy, and if you agree, click the Continue button. According to this privacy policy, data sent to the API will not be used for training OpenAI’s models.

Added the “AI” page to the “Customize” dialog box.

Next, enter your API key in the OpenAI API Key text box. If you are logged into OpenAI, you can obtain your API key here. It is recommended to store the API key in the ‘OPENAI_API_KEY‘ environment variable, but if you use the portable version of EmEditor or do not wish to share the key with other apps because you are sharing the computer, you can disable the Use “OPENAI_API_KEY” environment variable option and save the API key exclusively for EmEditor. By default, gpt-4-turbo-preview is the preferred model. It offers more accurate suggestions than gpt-3.5-turbo. For writing in foreign languages, selecting gpt-4-turbo-preview is advisable. Also, to enable this feature, you must activate the AI assisted writing option on the General page of each configuration properties. It is enabled by default for Text, Markdown, and HTML configurations.

Added the “AI assisted writing” checkbox to the “General” page of the configuration properties.

When this feature is enabled, as you type, AI will automatically predict and suggest the next text. The suggested text appears in gray by default, and you can accept the suggestion by pressing the Tab or End key. If you want to accept only part of the suggested text, press the Right arrow key for the number of characters to accept, or Ctrl+Right to accept one word. Pressing the Delete key will remove the first character of the suggested text. Pressing the Esc key or another key cancels the suggestion. Moreover, if you want to force a prediction by AI when no suggested text is displayed, or request a different suggestion, press Ctrl+Space.

Added the ability to complete a word or phrase by using the OpenAI API.

Simply opening a file in EmEditor does not call the API. It only starts calling the API when you begin typing characters. Moreover, the following conditions must all be met to utilize this functionality:

  • Running EmEditor Professional edition
  • The Enable AI option is set
  • The AI assisted writing option is set
  • Not recording or running a macro
  • The Read-only option is turned off
  • No text is selected
  • Not editing a very large file
  • Not in CSV mode
  • Not comparing files
  • The document being edited is active
  • The cursor is at the end of line
  • Have started typing characters
  • After pausing typing (about 100ms)
  • Have not pressed the Esc key to cancel a suggestion
  • Not just clicked elsewhere with the mouse or executed another command

As described above, we aim to minimize the frequency of API usage. However, using the API still incurs a fee payable to OpenAI, calculated in tokens. Each suggestion consumes about 100 tokens for input and about 10 tokens for output. According to current pricing, using the default gpt-4-turbo-preview model consumes approx. US$0.0013 per instance. Opting for gpt-3.5-turbo significantly reduces the cost to approx. US$0.000065 per instance. For reference, using ChatGPT Plus provided by the same company incurs a monthly fee of US$20 or more, but if you only use the API with EmEditor, you don’t need to pay for ChatGPT Plus. Using AI with EmEditor is unlikely to amount to US$20 a month, making it an economically viable option. Using the AI macro introduced in v24.0, you can ask EmEditor any free-form questions just like with ChatGPT Plus, making it possible to completely replace ChatGPT Plus with EmEditor.

Furthermore, this version responds to customer requests.

1. The hexadecimal characters used for IPv6 addresses in highlight and sorting commands were only recognized in lowercase in previous versions. This was because RFC 5952 recommends writing IPv6 addresses in lowercase. However, based on feedback from a customer indicating that both uppercase and lowercase letters may be mixed, we now support uppercase letters as well.

2. The CommitList plugin has been improved with the addition of the Delete Remote Branch command.

I hope you like EmEditor, whether you use the Professional or Free version. Please contact us or write in forums if you have any questions, feature requests, or any ideas in the future.

Thank you for using EmEditor!
Yutaka Emura

Please see EmEditor v24.1 New Features for details and screenshots.

If you use the Desktop Installer version, you can select Check for Updates on the Help menu to download the newest version. If this method fails, please download the newest version, and run the downloaded installer. If you use the Desktop portable version, you can go to the Download page to download the newest version. The Store App versions can be updated through Microsoft Store (64-bit or 32-bit) after a few days.

EmEditor was reviewed in Mado-no-mori

A Revolutionary Text Editor Assisted by Generative AI is Here! Achieved with EmEditor Macros
– An In-depth Explanation of Macro Processing! Achieve a Kansai Dialect Conversion Feature with Extreme Modification!

EmEditor v24.0.1 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v24.0.1.

v24.0.1 includes the following bug fixes.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the import and export settings to inadvertently copy a device ID to another computer.
  • Fixed a bug where selecting a single column without “Cell Selection Mode” enabled would not copy the right-side delimiter.
  • Fixed a bug where selecting and converting (for example, to Uppercase) a column in a CSV with invalid syntax would convert the entire line.
  • Fixed customer-reported issues (1, 2).

If you use the Desktop Installer version, you can select Check for Updates on the Help to download the newest version. If this method fails, please download the newest version, and run the downloaded installer. If you use the Desktop portable version, you can go to the Download page to download the newest version. The Store App versions can be updated through Microsoft Store (64-bit or 32-bit) after a few days.

EmEditor v24.0.0 released (including technical review)

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v24.0.0.

In the previous version, v23.1, we introduced how to use generative AI by calling OpenAI‘s API from macros. Typically, text is used as an argument for invoking generative AI, which suggests a high affinity between text editors and generative AI. When writing documents in a text editor, one of the purposes of using generative AI is to proofread the document. In this use case, you would want to easily compare the document before and after proofreading to easily decide which parts of the changed text to keep or discard. In this version, we added a “Copy to Other” command to the context menu that appears when right-clicking on the changed text while comparing documents in a split window. Selecting this will copy the changed part to the other document being compared. If you want to copy all changes in the document at once, click the “Copy All to Other” button newly added at the title part of the split window.

After the comparison is done, you may want to close unnecessary documents and keep only the needed ones. In such cases, you can now close only the document in the currently active pane by clicking the newly added [X (Close)] button or pressing Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4.

We further developed the library’s ChatOpenAI.jsee macro example and added it to EmEditor by default under the name AI.jsee. By using the AI macro, you can perform proofreading, summarization, translation, generate images, or ask questions to AI for selected text or the entire document. When you run this macro for the first time, you will be prompted to enter your OpenAI API key. If you are logged into OpenAI, you can get your secrect OpenAI API key by visiting here. To skip entering this key in the future, please set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY.

In this version, we have also responded to many requests from our customers.

1. Onigmo regular expressions now support the \Q...\E syntax. This syntax allows you to disable regular expression metacharacters without needing to escape them. For example, to search for the string [a.c], the conventional regular expression would require you to escape the metacharacters "[", ".", "]" with backslashes, \[a\.c\]. In the new version, you can simply write \Q[a.c]\E, eliminating the need to escape metacharacters. Note that Boost‘s Regex has supported the \Q...\E syntax for some time.

2. We added an option to the Find Next and Find Previous commands that only matches non-overlapping strings. For example, if you search for “AA” in the string “AAAAA”, initially only the first four characters, “AAAA”, are highlighted. When you execute the Find Next (F3) command, the search position shifts one character at a time, allowing you to search through all the “AA” pairs. With this version, setting the Find only non-overlapping strings in Find Next/Previous checkbox in the Advanced dialog box makes the command operate in a way that only non-overlapping strings match, ending the search leaving the last “A” unsearched, thus aligning the highlight with the search position.

3. In EmEditor, URI and email addresses are highlighted, and we frequently receive requests to extract just those parts. In previous versions, this could be done by specifying an appropriate regular expression in the Find dialog and selecting Extract, but many of our customers are not familiar with regular expressions. In this version, you can easily extract just the URIs or email addresses by specifying options in the Extract Frequent Strings command.

4. When opening a CSV in EmEditor, the delimiter positions are automatically adjusted by default. However, very long cells can cause the column width to become very wide, making the entire CSV hard to view. In this version, we added a Maximum column width textbox to the CSV Options page of the Customize dialog, allowing you to specify the maximum column width.

5. In the previous version, EmEditor started displaying a warning message when a file opened in it was deleted by another application. In this version, you can choose whether or not to display the warning message. It can be specified on the File page of the Configuration Properties via the Prompt if file deleted checkbox.

6. Some customers have reported slow startup times for EmEditor on recent versions of Windows 11. This is primarily due to the retrieval of the Windows Clipboard History during startup. The new version has this option disabled by default, but it can be enabled on the Clipboard page of the Customize dialog.

7. The new version disables the Switch to no wrap option in the Compare Files wizard by default.

Furthermore, in this version, we have significantly optimized commands like Split a File, Combine Files, Increase Line Indent, Decrease Line Indent, achieving a speed increase of 27 to 124 times compared to v23.1, according to our tests.

As announced by Makoto Emura on his blog, starting from this version, a warning message may appear if you use EmEditor Professional on more devices than allowed by the EULA (end-user license agreement). To maintain our lower license fees and ensure fairness among customers who have purchased multiple licenses, please purchase enough licenses to follow the terms of the license.

Uninstalling EmEditor unregisters the device, allowing you to install it on a different device. You can view your registered devices here. We have unregistered all devices when v24.0.0 was released so that old devices will be unregistered. When you use EmEditor, the device will automatically be registered.

I hope you like EmEditor, whether you use the Professional or Free version. Please contact us or write in forums if you have any questions, feature requests, or any ideas in the future.

Thank you for using EmEditor!
Yutaka Emura

Please see EmEditor v24.0 New Features for details and screenshots.

If you use the Desktop Installer version, you can select Check for Updates on the Help menu to download the newest version. If this method fails, please download the newest version, and run the downloaded installer. If you use the Desktop portable version, you can go to the Download page to download the newest version. The Store App versions can be updated through Microsoft Store (64-bit or 32-bit) after a few days.

EmEditor v23.1.3 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v23.1.3.

v23.1.3 includes the following bug fixes.

  • Fixed a potential issue of v23.1.2 where a portion of a very large file might not be saved.

Please see EmEditor v23.1 New Features for details and screenshots.

If you use the Desktop Installer version, you can select Check for Updates on the Help to download the newest version. If this method fails, please download the newest version, and run the downloaded installer. If you use the Desktop portable version, you can go to the Download page to download the newest version. The Store App versions can be updated through Microsoft Store (64-bit or 32-bit) after a few days.

New Validation System Explained

On version 24.0.0, we introduced a registration validation system to improve the already existing registration system. This validation system is able to track the number of devices a customer has registered EmEditor on.

This blog aims to be transparent about our motivations and to document how the validation system works. If we update the validation system in the future, we will also update this page.


In the past, there was no way for us to detect users who were sharing their licenses with multiple people or using their licenses on more devices than allowed by the EULA (End-User License Agreement). We would like customers to purchase enough licenses to follow the terms of the license. This would ensure fairness among customers who have purchased multiple licenses.


This section lists the requirements we had for the validation system.


  • The validation system should loosely enforce the device limit clause of the license. It should not sacrifice customer satisfaction, so we should not make this limit a surprise.
  • Registration is run once upon submission of the Register Product dialog box or any of the other registration flows. Validation is run once every time the EmEditor is opened.
  • Registration requires EmEditor to be able to connect to support.emeditor.com via HTTP, while validation does not require an internet connection.
  • Users should be able to use an offline license that allows the app to register and validate without connecting to our server. In case a user experiences errors with normal registration, an offline license would allow an alternative way to register.
  • Privacy rights of users should be maintained. The collection of personal information will be opt-in.
  • It should fit into the existing registration system and not make it a new way to register. Current users should be able to register without having to learn new steps.
    • Uninstalling the app should unregister the device.
  • Users can log in to the Emurasoft Customer Center to view devices so that devices can be unregistered outside of the app.
  • Customers who have purchased from non-2Checkout resellers will have to register the product and create a customer center account. This is because there will be no way for them to see their devices online without an account.
  • The system should be tested in the background in version 23. It should be fully in effect from version 24.
  • We will start selling subscriptions on Stripe, so we must be able to integrate Stripe in the system.
  • We will offer registration keys for Stripe subscriptions.


  • The system should be simple so that it is easier to maintain.
  • A machine can be identified with its machine ID.
    • We determined that the registry value
      is a suitable ID.
    • EmEditor Portable can be installed on a USB, with its settings stored in the USB. The USB can be used on many machines, and the validation system would detect different machine IDs. Therefore if the app detects that it is a portable version running on a USB, registration does not occur.
  • EmEditor can be installed per-user on a multi-user machine. We must combine all EmEditor installations on the same machine as one unit to the device count.
  • There should be a way to override the limit for a given registration key if necessary.
  • A signed token containing the device info should be stored on the user’s device. This associates the current device with the device record stored in the database.
  • The system should be able to integrate a floating license system if we decide to in the future.


  • You can view a list of all devices on the Registered Devices page of customer center.
  • If the device limit is reached, a notification will appear. The user can still use the app even if the device limit is exceeded.

  • If the user bought the app from a non-2Checkout reseller and has not registered the product, a notification will ask the user to register the product.

Device table

The device table is stored in our database and records all devices that were registered. Note that a History record is associated with a purchase and it is where a legacy registration key is stored. A Device record is defined in Go as follows.

type Device struct {
	DeviceID             string
	UserID               int
	HistoryID            sql.NullInt64
	StripeSubscriptionID sql.NullString
	MachineID            uuid.UUID
	RegistrationDate     time.Time
	ValidationDate       time.Time
	InstallationType     InstallationType
	Label                string
	Unregistered         bool

The fields are explained in the documentation for Registered Devices.

Privacy measures for label

The Label field may contain personal information. The Label device field in the Register Product dialog box defaults to {computer name} {user name}. The personal information inside the label field is not necessary for the basic functionality of the app. Therefore, we made the label field opt-in to stick to our policy of privacy by default.

Local Device token

A LocalDevice token is stored locally on the user’s device in the form of a JWT (JSON Web Token). It associates the current device with the database Device record. It also allows EmEditor to do some validation even if it is offline. The token payload is defined as follows.

type LocalDevice struct {
	DeviceID  string
	MachineID uuid.UUID

	// StripeSubscriptionID is empty if this device is not associated with a subscription.
	StripeSubscriptionID string

The expiration date of the token is set to the expiration date of the registration key.

For per-user installations, the token is stored in the registry as LocalDeviceToken in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EmSoft\EmEditor v3\Common.

Device count

This section describes how we determine how many devices you can register. This is subject to change if we change the terms of the EULA.

To calculate the number of units towards the device limit for a specific registration key, we use the following MySQL query.

SELECT count(DISTINCT MachineID) as deviceCount
FROM devices
WHERE HistoryID=? AND Unregistered=FALSE

For Stripe subscriptions, the following query is used.

SELECT count(DISTINCT MachineID) as deviceCount
FROM devices
WHERE StripeSubscriptionID=? AND Unregistered=FALSE

For a given history ID, we first get all devices that are still registered. Then we count the number of unique machines. If there are multiple devices with the same MachineID, they are likely multiple per-user installations on the same machine.

The EULA allows the licensee to install EmEditor to up to two devices per license. If EmEditor is for personal use and not installed on corporate computers, the licensee can install EmEditor to five devices per license.

Offline registration

An offline license allows a user to register without an internet connection. Registration only requires a license file.

A customer can request an offline license file. The customer must include their legacy registration key or Stripe order ID in the request. We will reply to the customer’s email address within a few business days with the license file. The license file is a text file that contains a JWT token with the following payload.

type LicenseFile struct {
	LicenseID string
	UserID    int
	FullName  string
	Email     string

	// Is nil if not a Stripe subscription
	StripeSubscriptionID *string

	// Is nil if not a registration key
	HistoryID *int

The offline license token is saved to the registry entry OfflineLicense.

There are three ways that the device limit is enforced and illegal sharing of the license file is prevented. 1) When EmEditor can access the internet, validation is performed. 2) We will only send the license file via email instead of downloading from our website. 3) The Registration Information dialog will display the license owner’s full name and email.

OfflineLicense table

Usage of offline licenses is tracked using the OfflineLicense table. It includes the machine ID to track how many machines used the license and the Revoked flag to allow us to revoke a license.

type OfflineLicense struct {
	LicenseID            string
	UserID               int
	MachineID            uuid.UUID
	StripeSubscriptionID sql.NullString
	HistoryID            sql.NullInt64

	// Revoked indicates that this license cannot be used
	Revoked bool

Registration Information dialog box

Registration Information displays information about the user’s registration. This is useful for knowing what your registration status is, and to diagnose any issues with validation. It also allows the user to edit the device information and to unregister.

The dialog runs validation and shows whether or not it was successful.

Stripe registration keys

We have introduced a new registration key format specifically for Stripe subscriptions, referred to as the “Stripe registration key” in this article. The older format is called the “legacy registration key,” while the term “registration key” is used to encompass both formats.

The Stripe registration key format is as follows:


where x is a base58 character. Each character is generated randomly, which means that one Stripe registration key has 117 bits of entropy.

Registration process

There are four scenarios where registration may happen.

  • Most users will register through the Register Product dialog box.
  • Register using the MSI installer.
  • Offline registration using the command line.
  • If you unregistered a device, then opened EmEditor on that device, the device will be registered automatically.

There are three online registration flows, depending on if a legacy registration key is used (RegisterDeviceLegacyRegkey()), a Stripe registration key is used (RegisterDeviceStripeRegkey) or a Stripe subscription is used (RegisterDeviceSubscription()). There is an additional registration flow for offline registration (StoreOfflineLicenseAndValidate()).

In this section, “Client” refers to the local EmEditor app on the user’s machine. “Server” is our backend server and database.

Finding a subscription to use

  1. If the user signed in, the server tries to find a valid Stripe subscription that has 0 associated devices.
  2. If no subscription has 0 associated devices, then it tries to find a subscription that has not exceeded the device limit.
    1. If there is a usable Stripe subscription, RegisterDeviceSubscription() is called.
    2. If such Stripe subscription does not exist, it will find a valid legacy registration key that has not exceeded the device limit. RegisterDeviceLegacyRegkey() is used for legacy registration keys.

Registration with legacy registration key (RegisterDeviceLegacyRegkey())

  1. If a device token already exists, the client sends an unregister request to the server. The token and registration key is deleted from the registry.
  2. The client sends a registration request to the server, which includes the legacy registration key, email, machine ID, label, and installation type.
  3. The server compares the input email with the actual email of the user to make sure they are similar.
  4. The server queries deviceCount (defined in previous section) to determine if the legacy registration key can be used to register the device
  5. A Device record is created.
  6. The client receives the device ID. Using the device ID, the client requests a local device token.
  7. The server creates and responds with the local device token. The expiration date of the token is set to the legacy registration key expiration date. The client writes the token to local storage.

Registration with Stripe registration key (RegisterDeviceStripeRegkey())

  1. If a device token already exists, the client sends an unregister request to the server. The token and registration key is deleted from the registry.
  2. The client sends a registration request to the server, which includes the Stripe registration key, email, machine ID, label, and installation type.
  3. The server compares the input email with the actual email of the user to make sure they are similar.
  4. The server verifies that the Stripe subscription is valid.
  5. The server queries deviceCount (defined in previous section) to determine if the Stripe registration key can be used to register the device
  6. A Device record is created.
  7. The client receives the device ID. Using the device ID, the client requests a local device token.
  8. The server creates and responds with the local device token. The expiration is set to one month in the future if the subscription status is active. If the subscription status is canceled, the expiration date is set to the end date of the current billing period. The client writes the token to local storage.

Registration with Stripe subscription (RegisterDeviceSubscription())

  1. If a device token already exists, the client sends an unregister request to the server. The token and registration key is deleted from the registry.
  2. The client sends a registration request to the server, which includes the Stripe subscription, machine ID, label, and installation type.
  3. The server verifies that the Stripe subscription is valid.
  4. The server queries deviceCount (defined in previous section) to determine if the Stripe subscription can be used to register the device.
  5. A Device record is created.
  6. The client receives the device ID. Using the device ID, the client requests a local device token.
  7. The server creates and responds with the local device token. The expiration is set to one month in the future if the subscription status is active. If the subscription status is canceled, the expiration date is set to the end date of the current billing period. The client writes the token to local storage.

Registration with offline license (StoreOfflineLicenseAndValidate())

The user registers an offline license by saving the license file to the filesystem, then running the command line option

/ol "licenseFilePath"

This list outlines the offline registration process.

  1. Delete the registration key, local device token, and offline license token from the registry.
  2. Read the license file and save it to the registry.
  3. Run ValidateDevice().

Validation process (ValidateDevice())

Validation occurs every time the app is opened.

  1. If local device token does not exist in the registry, call ValidateOfflineLicense().
  2. The token’s signature is validated. The actual machine ID is compared with the machine ID in the token. The result is ignored if the app is running on a removable drive.
    • If validation fails due to expected reasons such as a mismatched machine ID, the reason is outputted as status text, and the device token is deleted.
    • For other unexpected errors such as network error, validation succeeds.
  3. A random number generator determines if validation should stop here. This is to reduce the load of requests to our server.
  4. The validation function sleeps the thread for a certain duration. This is again to reduce the request load, as we assume that macros and other automated use cases that rapidly start and close the app would only run it for a short duration.
  5. The client requests the Device data for the stored device ID.
  6. If the device is associated with a Stripe subscription, the server verifies that the Stripe subscription is valid.
  7. If device.Unregistered == true, the client attempts to register the device.
  8. The device.ValidationDate is updated.
  9. If the token was issued before current time - 7 days, a new token is created to replace the old token. The new token has a new expiration date.

Offline license validation process (ValidateOfflineLicense())

Offline license validation occurs if the registry does not contain the local device token. If an unexpected error occurs, validation succeeds. This means that if the user is offline, validation will still succeed.

  1. If the offline license token does not exist, validation succeeds. One case where this may happen is if registration previously failed due to a network error but the registration key was valid. This allows EmEditor to be used in such case.
  2. Read and validate the token.
  3. Request the server to validate the offline license with the token and machine ID.
  4. The server validates the token.
  5. For Stripe subscriptions, the server checks that the subscription has the status “active”.
  6. If an OfflineLicense entry for the license ID does not exist, it is created with the token data.
  7. If the entry exists and license.Revoked == true, it returns StatusLicenseRevoked. Otherwise validation succeeds.


When you uninstall the desktop version of EmEditor, your device will automatically be unregistered. This makes it easy to install to another machine without having to unregister the previous device manually. Because the portable and Store App versions do not have an uninstallation process, they will not unregister automatically when you remove those apps. Therefore if you have a portable or Store App and you are no longer using it on your device, you must manually unregister it from the Registered Devices page in Customer Center.


If you have any questions or feedback about the validation system, feel free to send us a message.

EmEditor v23.1.2 released

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v23.1.2.

v23.1.2 includes the following bug fixes.

  • Fixed various issues and improved the stability.

Please see EmEditor v23.1 New Features for details and screenshots.

If you use the Desktop Installer version, you can select Check for Updates on the Help to download the newest version. If this method fails, please download the newest version, and run the downloaded installer. If you use the Desktop portable version, you can go to the Download page to download the newest version. The Store App versions can be updated through Microsoft Store (64-bit or 32-bit) after a few days.