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  • #5727


    Is there is any option in the editor to have Extend Selection
    When we do ctrl+F (Find) is the tool capable of doing the extendable selection,
    Also in Ctrl+G (Go to the line)

    Before emeditor i used to use Textpad having these functions in the textpad is of great help as it comes very useful to find something from one point to the another,
    This comes very useful when recording the macro also.

    Is it possible with the Emeditor then please let me know.


    Yutaka Emura

    prashob12 wrote:

    Is there is any option in the editor to have Extend Selection
    When we do ctrl+F (Find) is the tool capable of doing the extendable selection,
    Also in Ctrl+G (Go to the line)

    Before emeditor i used to use Textpad having these functions in the textpad is of great help as it comes very useful to find something from one point to the another,
    This comes very useful when recording the macro also.

    Is it possible with the Emeditor then please let me know.


    You can press F8 before searching or jumping, so the selection becomes the keyboard selection mode. I hope this helps.


    Thanks a lot it works
    It would be great if there is new option in the find and GO to line window.
    we should be able to select and unselect the option as we need.

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